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Word bearer terminator


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yo guys, I got some free time and, after some sage advice from Badaboom, a whole bunch o' Adrian smith reference (the 40k artist not the guitarist of Iron Maiden, though I was listening to a lot of Maiden at the time) and had at it, hope you guys dig it



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Excellent work, my friend, as usual but I guess I'll be that one guy who offers some criticism.



To be honest, he looks nothing like a terminator besides the tiny outcropping about his head. His armor structure and body to armor proportions just reminds of of power armor and the only thing that makes him feel even remotely terminator is the bulk on his back.



Tactical Dreadnought Armour is said to be a cumbersome behemoth of armour that expands a space marine to the size of a primarch, head and shoulders above an average space marine. That being said, even a space marine would look small inside that suit of massive armor. This marine, however is proportioned almost exactly to the size of his armour as any standard power armour suit would be. It just doesnt give off that sense of crude monstrous bulk that makes you feel like its terminator armour. The helmet also doesn't really help as it looks exactly the same as a power armour helmet. If you really want my opinion, and you don't have to take it, I would suggest you just remove the back bulk and replace it with a back pack and make him into power armoured word bearer.


Other then that though, it looks great.


Just my two Copper Skulls.

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Brother if you are not a professional Illustrator, you really need to reconsider your carrer path. You have a true gift. That drawing and others of that quality would likely inspire other players to create an army based only from how nasty the character looks.


We bow down because we are not worthy.

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Brother if you are not a professional Illustrator, you really need to reconsider your carrer path. You have a true gift. That drawing and others of that quality would likely inspire other players to create an army based only from how nasty the character looks.


We bow down because we are not worthy.


Wow..... Brown nosing much? :P

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Amazing attention to detail and a truly fascinating expression on his face. Brooding, capable, sinister, filled with hate. A proper Chaos Marine in other words.


I do agree though that the armour doesn't strike me as being of the Terminator variety, it looks too much like Power Armour and apart from the cowling, it has no distinct Terminator features (e.g. massive/blocky sections) outside of the shoulderpads. But the cut piece of his left shoulderpad makes the pad look non-termie in nature.



Will you be colouring it?



My 2 Kraks

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I definitely like it a lot. I can see how you've been influenced by Adrian Smith (who is my top favorite GW artist). Well done and keep it up!


Cheers dude,

aw man that guy can kick an ass when it comes to 40k, the only qualm I have about his pics is that he always draws weapons side on, but it's cool cuz his weapons are amazing anyway.


Holy grovel at the feet of the chaos gods batman. That's .... wow just wow.


haha cheers dude


That's is absolutely insane....Keep up the great work...would love to see more of the Word Bearers done this way (but then again I am partial) ;)




cheers dude, yep thats understandable seeing as word bearers are totally the best


It's a really sweet drawing dude, but I do have one quibble.


His helmet doesn't look very terminatory.


I can definitely see the Adrian Smith influence, but since he's my favorite 40k Artist, that means nothing but praises!


thanks man much obliged,

yeah I wen't old school with the helmet, this guy is actually a sorcerer ( as per the tzeench symbol on his pouldron and the tzeench head on his poleyne) so I gave him a chaosy jacked up version of this guys helmet.



Excellent work, my friend, as usual but I guess I'll be that one guy who offers some criticism.



To be honest, he looks nothing like a terminator besides the tiny outcropping about his head. His armor structure and body to armor proportions just reminds of of power armor and the only thing that makes him feel even remotely terminator is the bulk on his back.



Tactical Dreadnought Armour is said to be a cumbersome behemoth of armour that expands a space marine to the size of a primarch, head and shoulders above an average space marine. That being said, even a space marine would look small inside that suit of massive armor. This marine, however is proportioned almost exactly to the size of his armour as any standard power armour suit would be. It just doesnt give off that sense of crude monstrous bulk that makes you feel like its terminator armour. The helmet also doesn't really help as it looks exactly the same as a power armour helmet. If you really want my opinion, and you don't have to take it, I would suggest you just remove the back bulk and replace it with a back pack and make him into power armoured word bearer.


Other then that though, it looks great.


Just my two Copper Skulls.


hey dude cheers for the feedback, though I'm happy with this size for this guys armour, I mean I've drawn big ass terminator armour before like Calgar in http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/345/7/8/battle_for_macragge_by_slaine69-d34nchm.jpg

I was just taking a page from A Smiths book here like in


and I've already explained the helmet,

seriously though I appreciate you guys keeping me on my toes when it comes to getting things right, it forces me to justify everything when it comes to creative decisions


it look like an artificer power armor


but it's still an impressive piece!


haha cheers dude


Brother if you are not a professional Illustrator, you really need to reconsider your carrer path. You have a true gift. That drawing and others of that quality would likely inspire other players to create an army based only from how nasty the character looks.


We bow down because we are not worthy.


thanks man, I am kinda, semi professional and a freelance illustrator, but I'm also a student (for the second time, the first time around was a drunken train wreck) about to go into my third year, but yeah going pro is the goal


Brother if you are not a professional Illustrator, you really need to reconsider your carrer path. You have a true gift. That drawing and others of that quality would likely inspire other players to create an army based only from how nasty the character looks.


We bow down because we are not worthy.


Wow..... Brown nosing much? :D


not cool dude


The only thing I've ever wondered about Terminator armor is how they get their helmets on and off.


Very impressive work though. I just wish we could see the head of that crozius.


POINT! I was wondering if they're like Darth Vaders helmet that comes in different parts......then they glue them together and paint them

AAAAaaaah those things are a nightmare to draw, I thought about putting it in but I totally wussed out


A truly amazing piece of art B)


thanks man, I appreciate it


*Stamps with approval of the Chaos Gods*


I want one of those stamps, like, for serious



Amazing attention to detail and a truly fascinating expression on his face. Brooding, capable, sinister, filled with hate. A proper Chaos Marine in other words.


I do agree though that the armour doesn't strike me as being of the Terminator variety, it looks too much like Power Armour and apart from the cowling, it has no distinct Terminator features (e.g. massive/blocky sections) outside of the shoulderpads. But the cut piece of his left shoulderpad also the pad look non-termie in nature.



Will you be colouring it?



My 2 Kraks


cheers dude,


the terminator features I put in are the heavy tuille, cabling extending from the vambrace (partially covered by the script) reinforced cabling along the cuisse, reinforced pouldron plating, barrell shaped breast plate with sharp angle at the neck, mechanical gauntlets rather than gloves

that'll do me.


nah dude, the strange thing is that I probable wouldn't be able to do this with colour, retarded eh? but I simplified everything like colours, background, layers, textures and effects so it would be like drawing with a pencil except different sized pencils that could work from dark to light.


Nope not Brown nosing at all, just in awe of the art and the ability. Also I would hate to see talent like that stuck in a job that didnt utilize it. If I could draw/paint like that you can be sure I wouldnt have spent the last 19 years in the Army.


if I was allowed to shoot gun you can bet you're ass I wouldn't be wasting time drawing

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POINT! I was wondering if they're like Darth Vaders helmet that comes in different parts......then they glue them together and paint them

AAAAaaaah those things are a nightmare to draw, I thought about putting it in but I totally wussed out

You mentioned he was a Tzeentch sorcerer. I could imagine impossible dimensions being tricky.

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