Chengar Qordath Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 At the battle of Thraxis Secundus, the Fourth Company of the Errant Falcons succumbed to madness, turning their weapons first upon a nearby Imperial Guard regiment, and ultimately upon their own battle brothers. The Fourth Company's rampage only ended after the entire company had been exterminated. It was some years later that Ganelon first appeared fighting alongside the traitors of the World Eaters legion, wearing a battered, blood-soaked suit of Errant Falcons armour with Fourth Company markings, and claiming to be the sole survivor of the massacre. While chapter records do indicate that there was a Marine named Ganelon in the 4th Company, the Chapter's records also indicate that he was confirmed as killed in action along with all other Marines of that fallen company, and his body was recovered by the chapter's Apothecaries. In all likelihood, this Ganelon is simply a traitor wearing the armour and name of one of the fallen in order to taunt the Falcons, though some have noted that he does possess an unusual insight into the chapter and it's methods. In an encounter with Captain Ogier of the Falcon's sixth company in M38.342, Ganelon claimed that the fourth company had not gone mad from bloodlust, but had actually turned to Chaos, and that Ganelon himself was the principle architect of the company's corruption. Ganelon also made a number of similarly outlandish claims about the history of the Falcons, the event surrounding the destruction of the Fourth Company, and the ultimate gene-seed progenitors of the Errant Falcons. Captain Ogier dismissed these obvious lies as the babbling of a delusional heretic, and after a vicious battle slew Ganelon. Within a few years, another traitor marine adopted the mantle of Ganelon, claiming to have been restored to life through the blasphemous arts of the Dark Gods. Over the centuries of his service to the Blood God, Ganelon has become warped and twisted by the Dark God's influence, and his body has been heavily mutated by exposure to the Empyrean. While appearing to be capable of rational thought and conversation outside of battle, in combat Ganelon is little more than a wild beast, ripping apart opponents with his bare hands and dedicating their deaths to his dark master. He often works alongside the Traitor Astartes of the World Eaters legion, and has also been known to align himself with the Daemon Ka'Bandha. Ganelon Ganelon 6 5 5 4 3 5 3(4) 10 3+/4+ Ganelon {HQ}.......... 185 points Jump Infantry (Unique) 1 Ganelon Power Armour Wings Mark of Khorne Savage Talons Frag and Krak Grenades Fearless Furious Charge Bloodlust Blessing of the Blood God Touched by Khorne Independent Character Savage Talons: Ganelon's hands have been twisted and mutated into a pair of viciously clawed hands. The Savage Talons count as a pair of lightning claws. Instead of the usual +1 attack for having a pair of close combat weapons, they grant +d3 attacks. Bloodlust: At the end of any assault phase in which Ganelon has killed one or more models in close combat, He gains a single wound (to a maximum of five wounds). Blessing of the Blood god: See Codex: Chaos Daemons Touched by Khorne: Ganelon has served Khorne well, and Khorne has granted him many gifts. In addition to the improved strength in his statline, Ganelon has a 4+ invulnerable save. He also counts as a Daemon for the purposes of any attacks or special abilities which effect daemons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
- 7eAL - Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 As a character, he's little more than a horde slaughterer. While the presence of such figures in service to Khorne is obviously accepted, does it really elevate Khorne and his service? Everything Khorne is so straightforward that one might wish for new characters as a good opportunity to introduce greater strategic utility. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 - 7eAL - said: As a character, he's little more than a horde slaughterer. While the presence of such figures in service to Khorne is obviously accepted, does it really elevate Khorne and his service? Everything Khorne is so straightforward that one might wish for new characters as a good opportunity to introduce greater strategic utility. Well, I had been toying with giving him a retinue of jump-pack berserkers or winged bloodletters, or something along those lines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 In an upcoming black library book (something about Legion of the Damned), there were things that looked an awful lot like winged bloodletters (but lacked a hellblade). Edit: Here we go! It looks like some of them do have hellblades after all. Still, having something choppy and khornate but with a twist would be neat. I recall a discussion with 7eal about death cult assassins I had a while back, when I had a fairly random idea of the player noting down which unit the DCA was hiding in, and at the beginning of any movement phase could then reveal them, placing 'em just outside of unit coherency (the "hidden" character would be effectively invincible until it deploys, unless the [arent unit was destroyed). Since part of Ganelon's fluff is his tendency to show up as something of a surprise in battle, since others think he's dead etc, maybe the "hidden" rule could work for him? The owning player would secretly note whom he hides among, and he could choose to reveal himself at the beginning of any movement phase. He'd be something of a psychological weapon - the opponent might act more cautiously around units that wouldn't normally merit it etc, adding something to the army beyond beatstick. This would probably necessitate dropping him down to 2 wounds, though, and maybe the d3 extra attacks. Maybe add Rage, as though he suppresses his fury while he conceals himself from the foe, losing complete control once he reveals himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 I'm not quite sure how we got from "blood-crazed insane mutant freak" to "sneaky master of the surprise attack." I can't really see him hiding in a crowd; the wings, talons, uniquely colored armor, and such would kind of give him away. I mean, the guy is probably not that far from spawn-ification. I can toy around with his rules a bit (maybe a bit more focus on the flying/Deep Striking aspect), but at heart, he's just a giant ball of crazy bloodlust. Kinda the entire point of his character; he's what happens when an Errant Falcon tosses self-control out the window. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: I'm not quite sure how we got from "blood-crazed insane mutant freak" to "sneaky master of the surprise attack." I can't really see him hiding in a crowd; the wings, talons, uniquely colored armor, and such would kind of give him away. I mean, the guy is probably not that far from spawn-ification. I can toy around with his rules a bit (maybe a bit more focus on the flying/Deep Striking aspect), but at heart, he's just a giant ball of crazy bloodlust. Kinda the entire point of his character; he's what happens when an Errant Falcon tosses self-control out the window. He's your character and all, but I agree with the above - some kind of depth to the character would be cool, instead of just random/invincible killer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voi shet magir Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 He made an entire company lose its mind, and he can apparently clone his personality into new bodies or something. He should cause Rage in other units, friend or foe. It can be a passive radius, or an ability he can target. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 Right-o; here's the new version: Ganelon Ganelon 6 5 5 4 3 5 3(4) 10 3+/4+ Ganelon {HQ}.......... 185 points Jump Infantry (Unique) 1 Ganelon Power Armour Wings Mark of Khorne Savage Talons Frag and Krak Grenades Fearless Furious Charge Blessing of the Blood God Touched by Khorne Independent Character Lust for Battle Savage Talons: Ganelon's hands have been twisted and mutated into a pair of viciously clawed hands. The Savage Talons count as a pair of lightning claws with the Rending USR. Lust for Battle: Such is Ganelon mad desire to close with the enemy that he will seek to charge straight into battle within moments of his arrival on the battlefield. Ganelon and any unit he is attached to have the Rage USR, and if one or more units are within assault range at the start of the assault phase they must initiate an assault. However, their eagerness to close with the enemy also means that Ganelon and any squad he is attached to may initiate an assault on the turn they arrive via deep strike so long as they do not fire during the shooting phase. Blessing of the Blood God: See Codex: Chaos Daemons Touched by Khorne: Ganelon has served Khorne well, and Khorne has granted him many gifts. In addition to the improved strength in his statline, Ganelon has a 4+ invulnerable save. He also counts as a Daemon for the purposes of any attacks or special abilities which effect daemons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Seems to me that Coming Back From The Dead is kind of his thing, more than the special bloodlust... he's Khornate, and a Fallen Falcon, so bloodlust is a given. How about a special rule similar to Celestine's? Stay Down, Dammit!: If Ganelon loses his last wound he may make a Leadership check at the start of the player's next turn. If the check is successful, the player may replace any of his one-wound models with Ganelon. When Ganelon returns in this way, he returns with only one wound. If Ganelon is not on the board at the end of the game, he cedes an additional Victory Point to the opponent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elric the Silvercoat Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Furyou Miko said: Seems to me that Coming Back From The Dead is kind of his thing, more than the special bloodlust... he's Khornate, and a Fallen Falcon, so bloodlust is a given. How about a special rule similar to Celestine's? Stay Down, Dammit!: If Ganelon loses his last wound he may make a Leadership check at the start of the player's next turn. If the check is successful, the player may replace any of his one-wound models with Ganelon. When Ganelon returns in this way, he returns with only one wound. If Ganelon is not on the board at the end of the game, he cedes an additional Victory Point to the opponent. I like this one. And maybe make it where he gives his Furious Charge to the unit he is with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: I'm not quite sure how we got from "blood-crazed insane mutant freak" to "sneaky master of the surprise attack." I can't really see him hiding in a crowd; the wings, talons, uniquely colored armor, and such would kind of give him away. I wasn't quite going for sneaky so much as "Aughwhyareyoustillalive", as though he's got his wings folded down, running in the middle of a crowd of like-minded crazies and suddenly he unexpectedly flares his wings and pops out at the enemy army who was sure he was dead. The giving other people Rage mechanic would work very well for him too, having him play as something besides a super choppy guy. Think about it - he could Deepstrike into the opponent's backfield, and start dragging Fire Support units towards him. Pretty dangerous if the opponent left 2 or more rifleman dreads kinda close to each other. Resurrection capabilities could also work, although I'm a bit more fond of Ragebringer thing. The current distinction from other characters, the Deep Strike charge, kinda works, although personally I'd lean towards something a bit more quirky than simply being able to charge in situations he wouldn't normally be able to. However, maybe add a line stating that he and the unit he Deep Strikes with cannot shoot on the turn they deepstrike? Vanguard Vet.s have a similar restriction, and it might be important since the Jump-packers he's with may be packin' melta. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
- 7eAL - Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 I prefer the Rage mechanic because it interacts with the army and messes with enemy strategy. Put Ganelon behind the enemy gunline and watch the opponent cringe as the enemy Devastators suddenly turn around to attack him. Crush squad, rinse and repeat with any vulnerable stationary enemy of strategic importance. Definitely the sort of thing that the Khorne lineup can use. Good thing he's a daemon - that invulnerable save will protect him from any power weapons and fists that might be hidden at the back of the line. Rending, as opposed to +d3 attacks is an interesting change. He can't massacre most squads to the man, but it does give him a chance to handle any Walkers that might Rage into him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 If you use the Rage option, definitely worth adding a line that it "only affects units with a Weapon Skill", otherwise any nearby vehicles will be forced to drive up to him and then just sit there, 1" away. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elric the Silvercoat Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer said: If you use the Rage option, definitely worth adding a line that it "only affects units with a Weapon Skill", otherwise any nearby vehicles will be forced to drive up to him and then just sit there, 1" away. :( No they will tank shock him. He would be the biggest thing to mess up a parking lot army. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 I like the Ragebringer thing too, actually, thinking about it. Although Rage itself doesn't include a Charge requirement I believe? Just a Move requirement? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 Yeah; no charge requirement on Rage. So, how would we make the ragebringer thing work? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 You wouldn't really need to write in a Charge requirement - if the enemy takes advantage of it and doesn't charge, they're still sitting within charge distance of Ganelon's unit the next turn. That would actually be beneficial for the Chaos player, since it increases the likelihood Ganelon will remain in combat - and therefore immune to shooting - throughout the opponent's next shooting phase. I don't think Rage would cause a mandatory tank shock? I don't know if it'd even allow it, it's kind of a grey area. Rage specifies that "In the Movement phase, units subject to rage must always move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy." (Additionally, if it chooses to Run, it must Run towards the closest visible enemy. If it consolidates in the Assault Phase, it must consolidate to the closest visible enemy.) Definitely worth having it only affect units with a WS - it being able to enrage Transport vehicles would result in him tying up a crazy amount of units. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elric the Silvercoat Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer said: You wouldn't really need to write in a Charge requirement - if the enemy takes advantage of it and doesn't charge, they're still sitting within charge distance of Ganelon's unit the next turn. That would actually be beneficial for the Chaos player, since it increases the likelihood Ganelon will remain in combat - and therefore immune to shooting - throughout the opponent's next shooting phase. I don't think Rage would cause a mandatory tank shock? I don't know if it'd even allow it, it's kind of a grey area. Rage specifies that "In the Movement phase, units subject to rage must always move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy." (Additionally, if it chooses to Run, it must Run towards the closest visible enemy. If it consolidates in the Assault Phase, it must consolidate to the closest visible enemy.) Definitely worth having it only affect units with a WS - it being able to enrage Transport vehicles would result in him tying up a crazy amount of units. I know it doesn't affect transport vehicles I was just being funny about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Oh, sorry! It's an understandable stance (Tank Shocking would allow it to move closer to Ganelon than regular movement), so I was a wee bit confused. It all boils down to if Rage can force a model to perform an abnormal type of movement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 If Rage could force Assaults, it would force Tank Shock. That's the point I was trying to make, rather than saying it should force Assaults. Tank Shock is the vehicle equivalent of an Assault, so no Assaults means no Tank Shocks... ne? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Sort've, but the tricky part of the distinction is that Tank Shocks are a special form of movement for Tanks, happening in the movement phase. The Assault Phase is nice and clear cut since Rage says "In the Assault phase they must always consolidate towards the closest visible enemy", so charging definitely doesn't need to happen. Movement phase Rage is a bit more ambiguous with "must always move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy.", and there are several situations when Tank Shocking would let the vehicle get closer than regular movement. Personally, I interpret it as only necessitating 'normal' movement, since that's a nice/simple/clean way of playing it. Kinda pedantic, but worth discussing with an opponent if there's a chance for Ragin' Vehicles/Bikes. A teeny bit of why I recommend having the Ragebringer not touch non-walker vehicles, besides the aforementioned balance issues with transports/how weird it'd play on the table. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Ow, oh, my head. >< Does a Raging bike or jetbike have to Turbo-boost? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 If I were to play with/against one, I'd say it doesn't have to, but could. That's totally in the valley of RAI, though. No idea if Rage forces them to use the Turbo-boosters USR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chengar Qordath Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 So, current thoughts on the Ragebringer rule: 1) All units that have a WS value (friend and foe alike) which have a model within 24" of Ganelon gain the Rage USR. 2) All units that have a WS value (friend and foe alike) which have a model within 24" of Ganelon gain the Rage and Furious Charge USRs. 3) During the shooting phase, Ganelon may nominate a single enemy unit with his Line of Sight; that unit gains the Rage USR until it is destroyed or Ganelon targets a new unit. Also, the Rage vs. Turbo boosting issue, I'd be inclined to say they don't have to turbo-boost just like Infantry don't have to Run. That's pure RAI though; turbo-boosting disallows shooting and assault, and I think Rage forcing a unit to not attack is a bit wonky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elric the Silvercoat Posted September 22, 2011 Share Posted September 22, 2011 Chengar Qordath said: So, current thoughts on the Ragebringer rule: 1) All units that have a WS value (friend and foe alike) which have a model within 24" of Ganelon gain the Rage USR. 2) All units that have a WS value (friend and foe alike) which have a model within 24" of Ganelon gain the Rage and Furious Charge USRs. 3) During the shooting phase, Ganelon may nominate a single enemy unit with his Line of Sight; that unit gains the Rage USR until it is destroyed or Ganelon targets a new unit. Also, the Rage vs. Turbo boosting issue, I'd be inclined to say they don't have to turbo-boost just like Infantry don't have to Run. That's pure RAI though; turbo-boosting disallows shooting and assault, and I think Rage forcing a unit to not attack is a bit wonky. 2) No, it should be gives the Furious Charge USR to the unit Ganelon has joined. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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