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My comments were based 100% off experience. The entire time I've heard how great wyches were, how they dominated everything in close combat. Our worst close combat unit is better than wyches (regular ASM). In fact I had 5 naked ASM beat 8 wyches with an agonizer in combat two consecutive rounds before the agonizer finally got them. They just managed to pass leadership tests until they got whittled down. Wyches are a very unimpressive combat unit, they aren't even concerning on the charge. Dark Eldar do not much up to Blood Angels in close combat. They advantage they have is an anti-tank firepower advantage. Hell with FnP from the priests even venoms are terrible against Blood Angels. The only real way I feel like DE can win is unit spamming at high point values and getting lucky with cover saves. Of course if that happens you'll end up losing.



I suppose everyone has different experiences, I've beaten blood angels numerous times with my standard wyche heavy army, and my wyches have taken out everything that BA can dish out. And my BA have lost numerous times to DE as well as beating them.


But as I said...everyone has different experiences, all I suggest is to not underestimate them.


Hello first post lol.


Anyway was wondering (not sure if you can)but won't two dread librarians with wings help? I mean a a dread with a jump pack could be a nasty suprise.


I wouldn't bother with a librarian dread against a DE army, the amount of darklight weapons even a 1500 pt DE army can pump out will probably make short work of the dread.

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Mathhammer aside, my experience playing a wyche heavy DE army is that they have killed everything I've sent them up against. BA ASM with furious charge and fnp, DC, daemon princes, greater daemons, zerkers, MCs, everything has died. I do not fear sending the wyches into combat against anything.


No ASM cannot easily take out a squad of wyches. I'm sorry but that is the comment of a person who has no experience against wyches. Unless, of course, your DE player cannot roll a 4+ on a die to save his life. Your basing your comments solely off of math hammer, which tells you what should happen...not what will.




Well, then, clearly your superior understanding of something something something trumps the numerical averages of the universe. I would've thought you could come up with a better use for your superpowers than that, but I guess it is your decision to make.


Seriously, mathhammer is not the end-all-be-all of the game, but declaring it to "not count" because you like a unit is meaningless. If you wanna talk the tactics of how DE and BA counter each other that's fine, or if you want to discuss the implications of various lists against each other, but blanket-declaring that "Wyches beat ASM even though the numbers say they don't" is just silly.

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@puppy: For DE it is as just as easy to get FNP as for the BAs. When there IC gets killed in combat they keep it.

And you haven't count the special cc weapons a 15 (wo)men strong unit of whyches get. It's either 3x plus d6 attacks, -1 attack for the marines or reroll to hit AND wound. I have no time to do the math right now, but it should change the statistics ;)


Oh, and you can equip them with offensive and defensive grenades and take the enemy the advantage of the first attack!


My five cents

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Mathhammer aside, my experience playing a wyche heavy DE army is that they have killed everything I've sent them up against. BA ASM with furious charge and fnp, DC, daemon princes, greater daemons, zerkers, MCs, everything has died. I do not fear sending the wyches into combat against anything.


No ASM cannot easily take out a squad of wyches. I'm sorry but that is the comment of a person who has no experience against wyches. Unless, of course, your DE player cannot roll a 4+ on a die to save his life. Your basing your comments solely off of math hammer, which tells you what should happen...not what will.




Well, then, clearly your superior understanding of something something something trumps the numerical averages of the universe. I would've thought you could come up with a better use for your superpowers than that, but I guess it is your decision to make.


Seriously, mathhammer is not the end-all-be-all of the game, but declaring it to "not count" because you like a unit is meaningless. If you wanna talk the tactics of how DE and BA counter each other that's fine, or if you want to discuss the implications of various lists against each other, but blanket-declaring that "Wyches beat ASM even though the numbers say they don't" is just silly.



LOL...I didn't say that math hammer doesn't count...just said math hammer aside...and shall we keep the personal attacks out of the strategic discussion? I've fully stated that in my experience more often then not my wyches have beaten BA assault marines. Its not my fault that my experience against BA contradicts your mathmatical estimations.


All I have said is that when playing against DE, not to underestimate DE wyches. They are not weak, and they can and will defeat even space marines in melee combat. And sometimes they won't, its all up to the chance of dice. Both units have their advantages that will allow them to win if circumstances are correct.


Now, to the OP...as a DE player, one of the things that completely wreaks my units...flamers. DE armor is so low that frankly melta weapons aren't quite so needed as other armies. I've never personally tried to deep strike my assault squads in, so I am not certain how well that would fare...but you get your ASM close enough to a DE unit to make use of them, thats a lot of DE casualties right there.

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