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How you guys finding your Storm Ravens


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Whats in mine? a lone furioso dreadnought, this is great for adding the extra punch needed to break your assaults marines free from that never ending close combat.... or winning the ones you'd normally loose.


I use mine as tank hunters, las and melta... I've also tried once with plasma cannons... they are nice... but with todays veichle spam games you need all the anti tank you can get


And since it's a fast veichle you should be able to shoot all your missiles if you moved less than 6 inches

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My ravens carry libby/priest/assault terminators or Reclusiarch/death company/dread.


They are used as fast delivery to the soft underbelly of my opponents army.


Their secondary role is as gunships.


Most games the ravens will zoom forward, delivering their cargo on turn 2. Some games though, they spend the first turn raking high priority targets with the bloodstrike missiles, to minimize the long range damage my opponent can throw at them subsequently.


Always fire all the missiles at once. It will take around six bloodstrike missiles to reliably take down a rhino from the front.

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i have 3 and love running all of them in a single match. i have one with hurricanes melta and ass cannon and that normally has dc and dc dred and turbo boosts first turn then unloads cargo. the other two are typhoon lascannons and normally have assault marines with furioso's. they tank hunt for a turn or two then go wherever needed(assaults/objectives) works fantastic.
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Mine are kitted out w/ AC, MM, & hurricane bolters. One carries My Reclusiarch, DC, and Furioso. The other carries Sang Guard w/ a Priest and a DC Dread. I use mine to get DC in combat first or second turn and Have Sang Guard go HQ hunting. I tend to split fire w/ my Blood strikes as I'm most often shooting at side or rear armor.
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I run mine with Multimelta and Plasma Cannon, but the Lascannon is probably a much better choice for the second gun. (I only use the PC because of fluff.) I can rarely spare the points for Hurricane Bolters, but they're an excellent option. Each Bloodstrike Missile is a separate weapon, so to fire all of them you would have to have moved 6" or less. I will generally aim 2-3 of them plus the Las/Plas at one target and the Multimelta at a second, to try and get best use of my AT shooting.


My payload is pretty consistent: 8-10 Death Company with Lemartes, a Power Fist, and one or two Power Weapons (depending on how greedy I am) and a Furioso Dreadnought (generally with Manga-Grapple) in one and a Death Company Dreadnought (sometimes with Talons, sometimes not) and five Assault Terminators (two Hammer/Shield), a naked Priest, and a Librarian with Unleash and Shield in the other. This gives me two good "fighty" Dreadnoughts, two strong hammer units with reliable attacks and some degree of tank-killing and horde-killing in each of the chassis. The combination of DC and Assault Termies is especially handy because they each are excellent against certain types of targets and both are highly resilient; more importantly, the DC let me bring a second Dread to the party, so I'm not wasting any space in my 'Ravens.


Two Stormravens is only really a "good" tactic at 2000pts; at 1850 it is marginal, below that it is possible but a poor idea because you are pretty much gambling your whole army on not getting shot down. In a 2K list, you can bring fire support (Missile Devs, LasPlas ASM, etc) without completely crippling yourself. Having the backup units is critical- you WILL need to have other firepower on the table or the Stormravens simple won't be reliable enough in getting there.

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At 2k, I run a list with two ravens. In one, I have Lemartes, 10 DC (straight, no chaser), and a Blood Talon DC dread. In the other, I carry Mephiston and a Blood Talon Furioso Dread. They basically run around the board slaughtering stuff while my assault squads deep strike onto objectives, or to support the rest of the army by popping tanks, etc. It might not be the world's most competitive list, but it's a hoot to play, and gives most of my opponents, specifically those lacking in equal close combat ability, absolute fits. Also, who can argue with two beautifully painted Stormravens, one filled with lunatics, and the other with the best swordsman in the galaxy?
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I like to run 2 of course usually either 1 of 2 ways. First: 10 man D/Co with D/Co Dread in the rear in one and the other with 5 man Assault termi w/Sang priest and another D/Co Dread in the rear. Second: 1 10 man Assault Termi squad and I combat squad them out and put 5 of them in each of the Ravens and throw a regular Dread with Twin linked Heavy Flamer in one and Furioso in the other, as well as Sang Priest and Libby in termi armour.


If I use them I always make sure to have a dread to come along for the ride.

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I run mine with Multimelta and Plasma Cannon, but the Lascannon is probably a much better choice for the second gun. (I only use the PC because of fluff.) I can rarely spare the points for Hurricane Bolters, but they're an excellent option. Each Bloodstrike Missile is a separate weapon, so to fire all of them you would have to have moved 6" or less. I will generally aim 2-3 of them plus the Las/Plas at one target and the Multimelta at a second, to try and get best use of my AT shooting.


My payload is pretty consistent: 8-10 Death Company with Lemartes, a Power Fist, and one or two Power Weapons (depending on how greedy I am) and a Furioso Dreadnought (generally with Manga-Grapple) in one and a Death Company Dreadnought (sometimes with Talons, sometimes not) and five Assault Terminators (two Hammer/Shield), a naked Priest, and a Librarian with Unleash and Shield in the other. This gives me two good "fighty" Dreadnoughts, two strong hammer units with reliable attacks and some degree of tank-killing and horde-killing in each of the chassis. The combination of DC and Assault Termies is especially handy because they each are excellent against certain types of targets and both are highly resilient; more importantly, the DC let me bring a second Dread to the party, so I'm not wasting any space in my 'Ravens.


Two Stormravens is only really a "good" tactic at 2000pts; at 1850 it is marginal, below that it is possible but a poor idea because you are pretty much gambling your whole army on not getting shot down. In a 2K list, you can bring fire support (Missile Devs, LasPlas ASM, etc) without completely crippling yourself. Having the backup units is critical- you WILL need to have other firepower on the table or the Stormravens simple won't be reliable enough in getting there.



How are you finding the plasma cannons work out on the Storm Raven? I'm still debating on how to kit mine out. I love plasma cannons, but I'm still wondering if the other options wouldn't be better myself.

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How are you finding the plasma cannons work out on the Storm Raven? I'm still debating on how to kit mine out. I love plasma cannons, but I'm still wondering if the other options wouldn't be better myself.


Honestly? It's pretty mediocre. Plasma Cannons simply aren't that impressive in 5E unless you see a lot of Terminator-heavy armies. Whatever you have in the SR will generally be able to give infantry a really bad time, but anti-tank firepower is almost always at a premium, so taking the Lascannon/Assault Cannon is virtually always a better choice. However, I really wanted to get some plasma weaponry into my army, so I went with that, and since I magnetized it (it's really not that hard), it's not really an issue. Personally I think TLMultimelta and TLLascannon is the best setup, as that gives you two strong tank-killing guns to go with your Bloodstrike Missiles and your TLLas has superior range compared to the TLAC, giving you some stand-off capacity.

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I was sold on the TLACs at first. But it is great to have an incredibly manoeuvrable platform which can turbo boost and still fire a TL/Lascannon in a 360' arc.


It means you can reach out and touch something that needs shifting or popping and not worry about range. And as was mentioned, anti-infantry isn't really a problem

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It's annoyingly fiddly to magnetize the weapon covers though.



it is not so bad, place one magnet in the gun to attach it to the turret normally, then glue a strip of iron to the inside of the weapon cover. the magnet is strong enough to hold it in place, i cut up a metal peppermint candy box (altoids i think) for that and it works like a charm.

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I'm specifically talking about games where you run 2x of them.


How do you run them? Who's inside? What weapons are you carrying?


(and when you shoot missiles, can you shoot all 4?)



Mine carry DC+Furioso and Terminators w/DC Dread. I run with with the Assault Cannons because they're just more flexible, and the melta is usually enough by itself to take care of a tank. I haven't been running two lately, though, as I just don't end up with enough on the table or even really enough points to put things into them that I really would like to.

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I've taken to running an empty one in 1000pt games, very fast and on it's arrival has enormous firepower (with the bloodstrike missiles). I run a fairly odd list, but it's been very effective, have to annihilate the opposition though!




2 x 5 man assualt squads



One assualt squad arrives with Dante (not scattering), Raven comes from reserve.


Only 12 figures plus a Raven, but what a killing force!

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I've taken to running an empty one in 1000pt games, very fast and on it's arrival has enormous firepower (with the bloodstrike missiles). I run a fairly odd list, but it's been very effective, have to annihilate the opposition though!




2 x 5 man assualt squads



One assualt squad arrives with Dante (not scattering), Raven comes from reserve.


Only 12 figures plus a Raven, but what a killing force!


Kids, don't try this at home. You're a few small missile volleys away from trying to play for the draw.

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I've taken to running an empty one in 1000pt games, very fast and on it's arrival has enormous firepower (with the bloodstrike missiles). I run a fairly odd list, but it's been very effective, have to annihilate the opposition though!




2 x 5 man assualt squads



One assualt squad arrives with Dante (not scattering), Raven comes from reserve.


Only 12 figures plus a Raven, but what a killing force!

So, who is in the raven, Mephiston or the other assault squad?

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I run 2 Ravens to to great success in 1750 pts games in the Irish tournament scene. So far out of four tournaments I have 12 wins, 4 losses and 2 draws. I run Meph + Talon furioso in one and 5 hammernators and a talon dread in the other. Works very well. In those 4 tournament I have finished 3rd out of 12, 2nd out of 12, 9th out of 40 and 10th out of 34. Very happy with those results. All 4 losses were to Grey Knights btw.
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I've been playing around with the idea of 2-3 Ravens carrying JP ASM and Furiosos. The idea being that the SR would rush the enemy on T1 and drop the melta-totting ASM for some tank-busting action. If my opponent has the first turn, reserve the Ravens and have the ASM arive by DoA on T2 instead. That way you minimise the impact of bad reserve rolls somewhat.


My SR are mostly toting TLMM and TLAC, with extra armour and locator beacons.

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