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5000 Pts Apoc Blood Angels vs Orks/Chaos

Blood Spartan

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I think Gary Oldman said it best in The Professional...

Norman Stansfield: Bring me everyone.

Benny: What do you mean "everyone"?

Norman Stansfield: EVERYONE!.


at 5000 pts, there is no need to do a lot of list building.

Hopefully they wont have that many Warwagons...

expect a TON of boyz mobz, so a lot of shooting.

a coupl 20+ DC would be good..

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@Claws. As far as what I have for BA: 2 Assault Squads with melta gun, Infurnus pistol, sgt with Cs Infurnus Pistol and PW. I have 10 reg temies with asslt can, 10 LC termies 5 SS/TH termies, 2 storm ravens, 3 furioso, 2 reg dred (one can be a furioso lib or frag cannon) a redeemer/crudasder, a reg land raider, 2 baal pred a normal pred, 1 drop pod, 3 tac sq, 13 jp death company 2 sanguinary guard 1 with PF 1 with Chapt Banner, tech marine 4 servitors (2 with hvy bolters) a devi squad, 5 LC vanguard vets. 4 scouts w/ sniper 1 with missile, a chaplain 2 sang priest a third one in termi armour, 1 of each of the named characters (only one tyco... DC) a lybriarian in termy with SS. and enough extras to mix and match some non jump asslt marines, or a couple stern guard squads. I thinks thats it. this is from off the top of my head. I do have a buddy thats willing to let me borrow som models.
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