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Painting Gold


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also keep mixing the paint on the palette regulary, metalic and water tend to seperate themselves.


Try 1:1 scorched brown, shining gold, then scorched brown, shining gold (1:2), then pure shining gold. if it still doesn't work, make pics of your steps so we can see what goes wrong.


good luck

Generally speaking, GW makes relatively high quality metallics though they tend to come with a "sparkle" effect that some don't like (meaning individual flecks of pigment catch the light)


I've heard that vallejo air color has really good metallic b/c they have a finer pigment but b/c it's designed for an airbrush its really thin. (from personal experience air color non metallics are great for touch ups and detailing even though it required a number of coats)


I'll leave a more indepth analysis to our more esteemed painters

Those speckles are normally easy to get rid of, mix it with water. make sure it gets a nice smooth colour without getting to thin on your palette. What i noticed with an old pot of Boltgun Metal, was that i had to add quite a lot of water, before it turned right, and still it wasn't too thin. Recently i bought a new one, and there i needed A LOT less to it smooth. The same goes for gold i think, altough this colour is a lot harder then metal, and keeps the speckles longer.

What i noticed if i did 5:1 shining gold : scorched brown as final layer, the speckles went away and the gold didnt shine that much, i actually quite like it.


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