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Placement of Models

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So a weird situation occured in a game recently, and I wondered if you could help clarify this.

A Vindicator was moved through a wall in a piece of area terrain. It could not end it's move without the rear of it ending up on the other side so had a situation where it was half way through. Due to the nature of the terrain, being ruin's, i argued that it could not go there as it didnt fit through and couldnt end up with a part on either side.

We ended up with it performing the move though, meaning it got to shoot also.

Just wondered what the take on this is?

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I would generally use the "Wobbly model syndrome" rule on pg.13 for what I think you are describing. The vehicle can be there, even though the model can't - so you just make clear with your opponent where the model "should" be and then place it as close as possible treating it for all purposes as if it were in the "should" be position.
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I would generally use the "Wobbly model syndrome" rule on pg.13 for what I think you are describing. The vehicle can be there, even though the model can't - so you just make clear with your opponent where the model "should" be and then place it as close as possible treating it for all purposes as if it were in the "should" be position.


I've done that in similar sense too, I allow my opponent to put models on a different point if they are sliding on the board, or falling over, etc. We know where the models are actually, not from the "free" position given. We've done this for transports and (in your case) vindicators as well, where the model doesnt legitly fit in the structure model, but would be fluff wise. Of course this comes down to meta and how you play house rules. Besides my rammbling, you're in good shape with said above.

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I would generally use the "Wobbly model syndrome" rule on pg.13 for what I think you are describing. The vehicle can be there, even though the model can't - so you just make clear with your opponent where the model "should" be and then place it as close as possible treating it for all purposes as if it were in the "should" be position.


I favor using 2 dice at the front of where the tank "should" be and if I have them at the time filling the tank's spot with smoke markers for TLOS.


The key is consistency and ensuring your opponent knows exactly how its "meant" to be.

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I ran into this a while ago as well. My opponent attempted to drive his Vindicator straight through a solid building wall. he parked it inside the building on Turn One to completely block LOS to the tank, and then used his first turn of Movement to drive straight through the building. I cried foul because building walls are impassable terrain, not difficult terrain (which a Vindi with a Siege Shield would have ignored).


it ended up being a clash of house rules at a neutral location. His shop always assumed you could walk through walls with a Difficult Terrain test (yes, even intact buildings), ours treats them as impassable (unless both players agree to use the Embarking in Buildings rules).


How do others play this?

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Depends if it was a building or a ruin. IIRC you can walk through walls in ruins but not in buildings.


That was the rub. It ended up being both our faults because we didn't fully define all of the terrain features on the board. It was an "intact" building with large open spaces inside and large doorways, and solid walls. I took the non-rubble/non-broken nature of the structure to mean "building". He took the ;arge open areas and doorways as "ruin."

We diced for it in the end.

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I ran into this a while ago as well. My opponent attempted to drive his Vindicator straight through a solid building wall. he parked it inside the building on Turn One to completely block LOS to the tank, and then used his first turn of Movement to drive straight through the building. I cried foul because building walls are impassable terrain, not difficult terrain (which a Vindi with a Siege Shield would have ignored).


it ended up being a clash of house rules at a neutral location. His shop always assumed you could walk through walls with a Difficult Terrain test (yes, even intact buildings), ours treats them as impassable (unless both players agree to use the Embarking in Buildings rules).


How do others play this?

This is what I use to define a building BRB p77


"This category includes all those intact buildings in which players cannot physically place their models, because they are solid peaces of terrain."


while it does not give a exact line of definition if its impractical to place models "inside" the terrain then a building it is (not a bastion with a battlement on top still cant have models inside it even tho it can have them on top of it)


from the sounds of it the terrain in question was more like a enclosed parade ground then a solid building so I would treat it like a ruin.

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