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Daemon Prince Size Q


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Ok, back at the head of 4th Ed when the fancy boxed army came out I built a daemon prince out of an obliterator body by chopping the legs & making him stand up straighter w/ one leg up stomping on a dead Imperial Fist. Anyway, my question is:


If I put him on 60mm base would it be ok to use this body as the start of my daemon prince again or is it too short? I remember the conversion was bad ass & I'd love to redo him again.

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That same pose would still rule faces if used with the new plastic Prince. Just really depends on what theme you are going for. One of the Managers at a GW I used to frequent built a Prince for his Iron Warriors by using the larger scale Space Marine (sorta like a small statue) and converting him extensively. Scratch building a jump pack for wings and a giant hammer too. This model was truely EPIC. A little bigger I think than standard, but the pure awesome of the model more than made up for it.
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Thing is (as much as I love conversions) a straight standing Obliterator is nowhere near the same size as a Daemon Prince model. And being a monstrous creature which can only get cover from 50% obstruction...that is a real issue.

So the perfect jerk move would be to model a really skinny daemon prince lying flat on it's stomach. :devil:

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Ok, back at the head of 4th Ed when the fancy boxed army came out I built a daemon prince out of an obliterator body by chopping the legs & making him stand up straighter w/ one leg up stomping on a dead Imperial Fist. Anyway, my question is:


If I put him on 60mm base would it be ok to use this body as the start of my daemon prince again or is it too short? I remember the conversion was bad ass & I'd love to redo him again.

It depends on your gaming environment! If you play with a group of friends... ask them. If you play at the same shop/club you could ask whoever runs/owns the place... Some places take things like this very seriously, while others do not. If you play at a lot of venues and go to tournaments then I would suggest making sure the model is at least as big as a normal DP.



So the perfect jerk move would be to model a really skinny daemon prince lying flat on it's stomach.


Almost but if I remember correctly wings are not used for drawing LOS to a model but can block LOS under true line of sight... so make the tiny DP and then stick huge wings on him...

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Thing is (as much as I love conversions) a straight standing Obliterator is nowhere near the same size as a Daemon Prince model. And being a monstrous creature which can only get cover from 50% obstruction...that is a real issue.

So the perfect jerk move would be to model a really skinny daemon prince lying flat on it's stomach. :(


Wait a sec ... so if I model all my marines lying on their bellies crawling through mud or firing from the prone position it makes me a jerk?

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Thing is (as much as I love conversions) a straight standing Obliterator is nowhere near the same size as a Daemon Prince model. And being a monstrous creature which can only get cover from 50% obstruction...that is a real issue.

So the perfect jerk move would be to model a really skinny daemon prince lying flat on it's stomach. ;)


Wait a sec ... so if I model all my marines lying on their bellies crawling through mud or firing from the prone position it makes me a jerk?



The amount of reposing and converting for a SM army crawling on it's belly would give me more nightmares than it would be worth. Even the priceless expression on the opponent's face wouldn't make me endure it. :P


Granted, now that I think about it, there could of course be quadruped daemon princes etc. . Hmm...

EDIT: In fact I just had an interesting idea for a daemon prince, inspired by the "licker" at the end of the first

Resident evil movie (would be bigger). Wouldn't be lying on it's stomach though, just choosing to run on all fours

occasionally for speed. I'm not a jerk, I swear! :P

(I think everyone's safe though, it's not like I ever seem to finish an idea or project)

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Thing is (as much as I love conversions) a straight standing Obliterator is nowhere near the same size as a Daemon Prince model. And being a monstrous creature which can only get cover from 50% obstruction...that is a real issue.

So the perfect jerk move would be to model a really skinny daemon prince lying flat on it's stomach. :P


Wait a sec ... so if I model all my marines lying on their bellies crawling through mud or firing from the prone position it makes me a jerk?


I've heard a tale of a guard army from a previous edition of the game when it didn't matter... and they say this army has lots of crouching and prone models.

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Jeske, for the record I wasn't trying to do a counts-as model but rather more curious whether the bodies were similar in size, I've never SEEN a DP model in person so I wasn't sure how much taller than a, pretty tall, upright Oblit they are is all.


BTW, what's up w/ you & things hiding behind rhinos? I'm just curious why that's such a massive point for you? I just ask cuz that's at LEAST twice now that I know of you've brought that VERY point in two unrelated threads that were actually on a different question, one was a counts-as, the other a size comparison.

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BTW, what's up w/ you & things hiding behind rhinos? I'm just curious why that's such a massive point for you? I just ask cuz that's at LEAST twice now that I know of you've brought that VERY point in two unrelated threads that were actually on a different question, one was a counts-as, the other a size comparison.


Maybe he's just shy. ;)

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I'm just curious why that's such a massive point for you?

being able to be shot at vs not being able to he shot at ... no dmg vs dead against aome armies . That is kind of a big difference to me.


the game is true LoS back in the 4th when it wasnt and stuff had size and blocked LoS on their size cathegory it didnt matter as much . So If you model your DP at 2/3 the size then it gives you an advantage , which isnt bad per se , but GW tells us its against the rules in the 5th.



The amount of reposing and converting for a SM army crawling on it's belly would give me more nightmares than it would be worth.

why? flip a model glue it as it is . nothing in the rules tells us how the model is suppose to be glued to a base , just that the size has to be the same [if a GW model exists for said unit/choice] . A fliped over demon prince has the same size [hey your using the legal GW model] and is perfectly legal to do . It looks horrible but looks dont win games.

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why? flip a model glue it as it is . nothing in the rules tells us how the model is suppose to be glued to a base , just that the size has to be the same [if a GW model exists for said unit/choice] . A fliped over demon prince has the same size [hey your using the legal GW model] and is perfectly legal to do . It looks horrible but looks dont win games.


Yeah, but some of us actually care what our armies look like. Of course I know you can just glue a spacemarine's belly to a

base. Certainly a jerk move though, if you were going for that. :)

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