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Bitz buying


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I'm planning a conversion for my Marshall and was wondering if any one could recommend any UK Bitz sites. I've tried a few but none of them seem to have the bits I require. Heres a list of the parts I require, if any one can help me out it would be greatly appreciated:


SM Command Squad Company Champion Shoulder Pads

SM Command Squad Company Champion Torso Bit

SM Commander Iron Halo Bit Warhammer Bit

SM Commander Eagle Backpack Bit

SM Commander Heraldry Shoulder Pad Bit

SM Commander Purity Seal Legs x1 Bit

Grey Knights Helmet Heads x5 Bits

Black Templar BP & CCW Set x6 Bits

SM Tactical Squad Torso Back x1 Bit



Thanks again.

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I'm planning a conversion for my Marshall and was wondering if any one could recommend any UK Bitz sites. I've tried a few but none of them seem to have the bits I require. Heres a list of the parts I require, if any one can help me out it would be greatly appreciated:


SM Command Squad Company Champion Shoulder Pads

SM Command Squad Company Champion Torso Bit

SM Commander Iron Halo Bit Warhammer Bit

SM Commander Eagle Backpack Bit

SM Commander Heraldry Shoulder Pad Bit

SM Commander Purity Seal Legs x1 Bit

Grey Knights Helmet Heads x5 Bits

Black Templar BP & CCW Set x6 Bits

SM Tactical Squad Torso Back x1 Bit



Thanks again.


I have to second and third, both black dagger and bitzbox.. those are the two that i use the most: black dagger has better prices, but it seems bitzbox has more of the pieces that i look for: good new for you is that bitzbox does re stock the commader and command squad boxes fairly often: you can sign up and have them email you when they are in stock.

and on the other foot: i would say that if you are willing to PAY the COST, then take a look at theWarStore (they cut bits to order) but they, IMHO, want to much for both the bits themselves and shipping+handling. As an example: i was looking at some black orc (WFB) helms and for like 5 bits, they wanted like $6+s/h

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