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Death to all who serve the Emperor!


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Greetings, servant of the Imperium!

I am most pleased you decided to have a look at my new Chaos Marines. Well, they're not THAT new, built and painted them about a month ago.

I'll base them as soon as I've completed the squad (10 men), GW basic basing stuff.


Tried to do some OSL and weathering/combat damage. Hope you like 'em.


So far, the warband does not have a name. I want them to be an Iron Warriors successor, excelling in trench combat and war of attrition, so perhaps I'll incorporate some of these characteristics. Tau are supposed to be their sworn enemies - or perhaps their secret intention is to kill the Emperor and then witness his rebirth as the Starchild, even if that means their destruction and eternal damnation (which is still better than facing a phony bureaucratic pseudo-dictatorship)

I will neither field daemons nor daemon weapons, instead, my men will use archaic weaponry and put trust and faith in their bolters.



That's a nice 6 pack you'v got here ! :( With nice light effects on eyes and blades.

The only reproach I could do is that chosen color scheme is a little dull but I can't really find how to correct this.

May be using saturated color on shoulder linings should enhance readability of these figs...


(I hope I'm clear as English is not my mother language)

Very very nice...the OSL effects (especially the power bayonet on the heavy bolter) look great with this darker paint scheme. Fluff-wise, it'd be kinda cool if they were maybe an Iron Warrior version of a Black Ops or Sapper team, the guys called on to low crawl out to a fortification or bunker and mine the walls during the night, which would help explain the darker colors.


Whatever the decision, these guys kick ass; can't wait to see some more, man!

@ Targol:

Thanks a lot, both for the praise and the advice. I've already considered adding a few hazard stripes/chevrons, which would somewhat fit the IW warband thingy, but I think I'd rather stay with the cold tones. Hatred and bitterness, y'know? ^^


@ A17roolz:

... Why, thanks. But I'm not really a heretic. You see, I prefer the term "anti-bureaucratic autocratic military renaissance organization". ^^


@ Leonidus:

If a mutant can be the greatest example for an imperial hero, then a heretic's allowed to produce some art, too :-D

Death to Sanguinius! All hail Horus!


@ Megapope:

I'll post a little tutorial in a while - Have to do some more marines. I'll also post a tutorial on how to create that bald/shaved effect. Thanks for the interest :-)


@ DarkVen:

Thank you :-)

In terms of paint scheme - does that mean the composition and the paintjob itself suck? :-D


@ 1000heathens:

That's a great idea, I'll have to consider that. ^^

Destruction, Infiltration and Endurance are awesome!


I'll ost some more as soon as possible.

Wow, I do indeed like these. I'm glad you never went with the hazard stripes, that would have made them a little too much like the Iron Warriors. The painting is crisp, clean, your weathering's pretty decent, and the OSL looks good. I also really like that freehand on the heavy bolter's parchment. As for bases, I think something similar to THESE would look very nice indeed, and if you stuck a wee bit of barbed wire down that'd be awesome. As for names, maybe something like the Iron Sentinels or similar would work. Again, great job, and I certainly look forward to seeing more from you.
You see, I prefer the term "anti-bureaucratic autocratic military renaissance organization". ^^
So, may be you've got your name for the band : military renaissance organization.

That could be <enter boss name here>'s mirror.

Such a name can stand with your color scheme.

Love em, for the same reason I enjoy my Death Guard, simple color scheme, (but way better than I can do on mine) and the bare headed ones look freaking sweet!!! How the heck do you make them look like they got stubble growing. Anyway great work ill watch this one as you add to your fiendish band.
  • 3 months later...

Thanks guys!

Here's another piece of the army, perhaps he'll serve as my Chaos Lord - don't know yet.

Hope you like'em!




(on a side note: he's also in the Hall of Honour section, but I want to keep my armies together, that's why I also post him here. So: no, I'm not asking for extra feedback - feel free though. :lol: )

By the Emperor! That is frikking epic!(and heretical) I love how the gore from the decapitated guardsman is all stringy :lol: Its like predetor kind of, But the spinal chord would be present of cours, but yeah.... Great work dude :D hope to see more soon.


Dave , sorry about rambling off topic a bit :D


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