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Iron Warriors


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I have been playing Iron Warriors for about three years now. I have slightly over 5000pts (but this includes a Chaos Warhound and a Chaos Shadowsword) divided into two warbands. My Warsmith's Warband has a lot of standard Chaos Space Marines and it is heavy in Heavy Support (it includes 2 Medusa Siege Guns). My Terminator Lord's Warband is heavy on terminators and also includes one 20 man Iron Warriors Berzerker squad. I have two 5-man terminators squads each with their own Land Raider and have a plan for a third 5-man or 10-man squad. The dilemma is this, I don't have any fast attack choices in the Lord's Warband so I was thinking of buying a ForgeWorld Caestus Assault Ram and chaos-ifying it to transport a 10-man squad, but I also like the Land Raider Achilles (especially the twin-linked multi-melta sponsons). Does anyone have any experience playing with either or both (even if it is for Loyal Space Marines)? Thanks for the input.
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I've used the Caestus in a few test games. It draws as much fire as a land raider but doesn't take it near as well due to having lighter armor. It IS less vulnerable to things like infiltrating wolf scouts w/ meltas & enemy speeders but it can't fight back as well as a land raider of any pattern either. It's too big for the weapon it has to allow it to be super effective & the missile launcher upgrade it sports suffers from being a one shot wonder.


It can be a fluffy option & it can carry a TON of termies but unless you're going to take either of the Chaos fighter options for apoc to escort it & provide cover that can keep up w/ it it's basically asking to get shot down since CSM can't escort it w/ landspeeders or storm ravens.


But, again, YMMV since you have a titan & a super heavy to threaten if you hold it in reserve, maximize cover & haul ass, you may find it worth it.

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red_starrise, I appreciate the info. I am having a hard time deciding. I have thought about also attaching a flight of Hell Blades to the Iron Warriors. I have a one unit of Mark V Heresy Armor marine for Chosen to purchase before I work on the last squad of terminators.
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I have thought about also attaching a flight of Hell Blades to the Iron Warriors.


I haven't played with any FW models or rules in my army, so I didn't answer the initial question. BUT. I like the idea of a flight of Hell Blades better because it's not just another way to move marines around the board. It would be something pretty different in the army, and the models are pretty cool. It's what I would do, and why I would do it, but see the preceding caveat about my experience with the expansion.

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