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You know you've been modeling too much when...

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-When you're converting an epic model: You slip with your scalpel, take the top few mm of your middle finger and your actions are, in order:

1. Find the bit you wanted to take off

2. Find the sliced off tip

3. Wonder if superglue would fix it

4. Imagine the sting that would cause (knowing from experience how it is for regular cuts)

5. Decide medical attention would be sensible

6. only then go "Oh, sh!t!"


-When getting the bandage replaced the next day, having to explain to the nurse all the little tears in the bandage, where you ripped loose the bits you accidentally glued on while modelling.


-While typing this, prodding the scar, contentedly thinking the feeling in your fingertip has "grown back" a few years ago now. Suddenly realising that you're relating an event over a decade old.


-But you still remember (and have) the exact conversion you were working on at the time.

...when the Texas Brushfires get worryingly close to your home, and your first thought in the event of evacuation is saving the models before things like family members, the computer, etc

~ When you can remember all fifty names you've bestowed on your hand-crafted children of an army, but you can't remember the name of that thing you spawned with your wife/husband.


~ If you start singing "The Storm Shield is connected to the, gauntlet. The gauntlet is connected to the shoulder pad, the shoulder pad..."


~ You've run out of plasticard and in desperation turn to old credit cards.


~ You've decided that cats have it right, and a conveniently located litterbox is the way to go.


~ The producers of Beauty & the Geek have denied your application to the show for being too anti-social, but the unopened reply has been waiting in your mailbox for three weeks while you paint.


~ You've created an exploded diagram of a working chainsword.


~ Losing a custom blend of paint sends you to the emergency room for a panic attack.


~ Your dog has given up on you.

... you look at the clock and it says 17:00 hours (5 PM) and after finishing squad conversion it says 05:00 (5 AM) (true)


... you get cuts through the band-aid you put on top of your older cuts (also true)


... you bought a (can't tell you guys yet) just for basing on your (still can't tell you guys) (but heres a hint, Carcharodons VS Astral Claws in bloody, one sided combat)


thats right i'm bits shopping as i'm typing this. does this mean i win? :woot:

~ When you can remember all fifty names you've bestowed on your hand-crafted children of an army, but you can't remember the name of that thing you spawned with your wife/husband.


~ If you start singing "The Storm Shield is connected to the, gauntlet. The gauntlet is connected to the shoulder pad, the shoulder pad..."


~ You've run out of plasticard and in desperation turn to old credit cards.


~ You've decided that cats have it right, and a conveniently located litterbox is the way to go.


~ The producers of Beauty & the Geek have denied your application to the show for being too anti-social, but the unopened reply has been waiting in your mailbox for three weeks while you paint.


~ You've created an exploded diagram of a working chainsword.


~ Losing a custom blend of paint sends you to the emergency room for a panic attack.


~ Your dog has given up on you.


You're such a dork. ;) Over half of these don't even apply to you, dear.

something is wrong with your car and for just a second you think it may be a problem with the machine spirit


Roll a D6; on a roll of a 6 your car will re-mobilize and no longer concede half Victory Points...


You know you've been modelling too much when, after a painting bout of 36 hours and downing two cans of Full Throttle, the first cogent thought to enter your mind is: "When they say don't consume more than 2 in a day, does that timer reset at 12 midnight, allowing for the consumption of a third/first can?"





something is wrong with your car and for just a second you think it may be a problem with the machine spirit


Roll a D6; on a roll of a 6 your car will re-mobilize and no longer concede half Victory Points...


You know you've been modelling too much when, after a painting bout of 36 hours and downing two cans of Full Throttle, the first cogent thought to enter your mind is: "When they say don't consume more than 2 in a day, does that timer reset at 12 midnight, allowing for the consumption of a third/first can?"






i have no idea but knowing your painting skills i have one two part question.

what were you painting and how many did you get done


i guessing that whatever it was went unfinished (we've all seen your wolf priest, so i imagine your tacticals take an hour each or more)

~ When you've stayed up all night at a friend's house playing games/modelling/painting and would be late for work if you dropped your army off at home so you stick it in your bosses office so the sun's cursed rays won't melt your precious little men. True.


~ When cute girls at said work ask you if the "toys" in the boss's office are yours and what they are exactly and you have to refrain from bursting out into an explanation of the hobby from real life explanation to the whole history of 40k that would take over an hour. True.


~ When you have at least 5 or 6 models on your desk for your little ones to come paint with daddy. True


~ When you find out your co-worker plays High Elves and you can't help yourself from reminding him that Dragon Armor doesn't do a whole lot against meltaguns. True


~ When your roomie/parents/significant other go to find all the kebob sticks and when they are found missing they immediately hunt you down as the most likely culprit. True


~ When your hair is worn down in front of your face and you go to brush it out of your eyes and you forget about the exacto knife in your hand and drag it across your forehead resulting in a 3 inch long gash while at the local gaming store. True, but it was my friend not me.


~ When you look at the disposable containers for parts for your almost million dollar digital press you run at work and think "Those would make awesome barrels for an Emperor class Titan's weapons" and proceed to now have around 30 of them at home. True


~ When the guys in the department that runs the CNC router and the ICut run and hide when they see you walking towards them cuz they know you're going to bug them about the insane amount of templates for bases, extra armor, miscellaneous stuff you asked them about. True, they still haven't gotten it done for me yet ;)


~ When you're low on cash and ask your female relatives if they have any old jewelry chain they don't care about anymore so you can add more chains to Chaos Marines. True

You mention your hobby in a dating profile, and explicitly state that being forced to leave the hobby by any new prospective mate is a "deal-breaker".



That's a brilliant one. me on the otherhand put "Must be a gamer" as a must be for prospective mates.

For now i just oogle over the new GW store manager where i live.

The only equally disturbing/weird thing I can provide is my dream of visiting a store where you can buy single bits. They're all organized in these giant boxes and there's shelves of the stuff as far as you can see. And even larger buckets of mixed bits you can just buy by the kilo.

I was almost salivating when reading this post.


You know you've been modeling too much when...


... You perch your HQ choice in a position where it can view your work, to oversee the creation of its army.


... You actually want to open your Tamiya clear red (not thinned) to clear out some of the glue fumes... and you think this might work.


... Friends and relatives no longer complain about the odd smells of the products you use, they've simply gotten used to it.


... You've managed to rope in a friend to the hobby so that you have someone to practice on when nobody shows up to the normal club.


... You find a bit that you had given up for lost and proceed to immediately drop everything, clear a space, paint it, and attach it to a model.


... The above, when what you were doing before was much more interesting/fun/involved delicious food.


... When you go back to the fridge for something else and find that you've left a model whose head was drying in there because you required two hands to lift something earlier.


... You would rather be in a room without climate control when it is extremely cold/hot and the rest of the house is fantastically warm/cool because you've been asked to keep the fumes out of the main house.


And all of these have happened to me, sadly or not depending on your opinion.

You know you've been modeling too much when...


... You perch your HQ choice in a position where it can view your work, to oversee the creation of its army.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does stuff like this. It's comforting to know that being absolutely mental is par for the course in the 40k community. :devil:

I was sure I'd be the only one!


Nice chaos army BTW.


And one more so this post isn't completely pointless:


You know you've been modeling painting too much when you set your drink next to your water pot and then end up having to get a new drink :P

You know you've been modeling too much when...


... You perch your HQ choice in a position where it can view your work, to oversee the creation of its army.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who does stuff like this. It's comforting to know that being absolutely mental is par for the course in the 40k community. :D


i too have done that. Dante and Tyberos need to know who is going to back them up.

You know you've been modeling painting too much when you set your drink next to your water pot and then end up having to get a new drink :P

.. You know you've been modeling/painting too much when you have paint pots in your brush jar, and brushes stored in your water pot...

... When your flock is stored in a wide, plastic, open-topped pot. Your newly-flocked model has some excess flock on it. You do the logical thing by angling the model over the pot, and blowing the flock off, so as to not get brown grass over your carpet.


... When, imminently after this, you discover that whilst the excess flock has been blown off your model, the rest in the pot itself has flown up onto the model and into your face by the miniature gale your breath produced.


... When you have done this several times, not recalling the past affects until you've gained yet another face full of flock.

- When you remove mouldlines with a fine file, and the sword/axe ends up so sharp that you cut yourself.

(True Story, didn't notice till the blood started dripping)

- When you begin adding up the spares in you bitzbox and think what the heck, i'll use these and start another army.

(True Story, 50 Marines, a Land-Speeder, a Dreadnought and a Land Raider)


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