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You know you've been modeling too much when...

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..when you start off drilling out a couple of bolter barrels and then realise you've spent the last two weeks carving out every single vent on the exhausts of all your bikes. meltaguns, flamers and tanks.



I can beat that. I used to do model railroad modeling. Way back in the day, when they first came out with the double-stack container cars, I spent two weeks drilling an estimated FOUR THOUSAND holes in the catwalks, with a pin vise and #78 bit (actually, FIVE of them) and sanding them down to a decent thickness.


The SAME DAY I got it all done, the owner of the local RR hobby shop told me he had just got in photo-etched catwalks for those very cars. He even ordered ME a set, figuring I wanted them.


He later added he'd never seen me cry before. ;) ;) :)

..when you start off drilling out a couple of bolter barrels and then realise you've spent the last two weeks carving out every single vent on the exhausts of all your bikes. meltaguns, flamers and tanks.

Guess what I was doing on Christmas evening when I got my hobby drill...

When you spill a mug of tea all over your desk whilst changing the duvet cover, and after the initial grab of the laptop from the sea of tea, you actually wonder if the tea that has swamped the models you were painting on will act as a wash. :( And you then wonder if you could actually use it as a wash properly before thinking that would be a waste of good tea ^_^.

Haven't read them all but I've got a few to add from my personal experiences.


... After helping someone setup their new tv or sound system you loot the boxes for anything that would make good terrain.


... After a family member buys you a nice high quality magnifying glass with a white light you use it as intended for two days before just using it for better lighting because you normal eyesight is better then the magnifying glass.


... You can show off your work to people who don't play 40k and still impress them with your work.


... After buying a land raider from a friend which is missing several key bits you can pull out all the missing bits plus more and finish it. Despite not actually owning that particular variant.


... You have enough plastic in the form of empty sprues to melt down and make a 5ft tall statue of yourself. And you are seriously tempted to do so.


... When using a sharp object at work you can successfully dodge it when it slips and tries to cut your fingers.


... You have bits for armies you've never played and will never play.


... When making terrain you get your supplies in bulk from the hardware store, and use it all up over the next week.


... Every object on your desk can be cleared away in about 12 seconds to make room for your latest project.


... When your bits start to multiply.

these definately

... After buying a land raider from a friend which is missing several key bits you can pull out all the missing bits plus more and finish it. Despite not actually owning that particular variant.


... When using a sharp object at work you can successfully dodge it when it slips and tries to cut your fingers.


... You have bits for armies you've never played and will never play.




when you start to use you hobby tools/brushes etc for DIY because they are better suited than supposedly the right tools

- touching up the ceiling after taking off masking tape and its pulled a layer off, removing a damaged bolt that was holding a cupboard shut with my hobby razor saw then fixing hte botl with pin vice and green stuff :S to name the most recent

You know you've been modeling too much when...


- You paint your room in Chapter colors as to not offend the Interrogator Chaplains sitting on your desk. (Guilty, one wall DA Green, 3 walls Bleached bone)

-Your female relations bring thier jewlery to you to repair since you have all the same tools and spare parts to fix it.

-You walk around all day with a custom made Chapter icon glued to your forearm because youd rather wait for the glue on your skin to wear off rather than have to remake the icon from scratch.

- when gifts you receive come with bandages and peroxide to deal with the overtiredness and the cuts it brings.

I read them all so i decided I would add my own no matter how this sounds.


...When your Battalion is moving buildings on your base and you see corkboards, foamcore and styrofoam laying around, and you have lower enlisted soldiers that work for you go grab it and secure it in your car.


...When you compare army field manuals to your terrain to see how realistic your newly build terrain table is coming along.

- you order a new cnc machine for your business and to test it out you make a chainsword

- you nearly cry a few days later when you have to use the metal from the chainsword to make something else

- you have used a spray gun with automotive primer to paint a landraider

- you have spent 15 minutes looking for a hobby knife which is found sticking in your thigh when you stand up

- you buy a used Yamaha Rhino and your friens have to talk you out of rebuilding the body so it looks like a landspeeder

- you spend a month making the ultimate gaming table only to end up using it as a workbench because it's to heavy to move from the shop to the house

  • 2 weeks later...

Here I go:


You know you've been modeling too much when...


You have enough semi- empty sprues to create a whole new army out of random bits.


You save random broken things from people because they can still be used in a conversion.


It's been a week, the floor is covered with bits, glue and random other things, you desperately need to vacuum and you still aren't finished.


You've had to go to the sink to clean out and refill your cleaning glass at least 30 times


You smell like someone dumped paint and plastic glue in a dumpster filled with rotten eggs


There's a pile of cans of primer sitting by the trash waiting to be put in it.


When you run out of daylight, you absent mindedly turn on the 2 extra lamps next to your work station


You wake up with a nice indent on your face where it's been pressing against the model you fell asleep on for the past 6 hours.


You wake up instinctively in the middle of the night to finish a model and work on it till the sun comes up



I have the ultimate one for you've been modeling too long, or rather you know you war game too much when:


When you catch the 3 year old daughter of your best friend chasing the dog around the living room shouting "Blood for the blood god"

... you've accidentilly tattood your own finger, when while trying to clean out the lid of an old pot of snotgreen paint with a toothpick, you apply a bit too much pressure and said tootpick pierces the skin of your finger depositing a nice depot of Snotgreen paint under skin that stays visible as a small green dot after the wound has healed.


It's been about ten years and it has faded a bit but if you know it's there, it's still visible



Wow that had to hurt.


Anyway lately I've been slowly turning my mountains of sprues into a large bits box. During this process I realized something.


You know you've been modeling too long when you have enough firepower to arm an entire company and their vehicles.


You probably have enough vehicle bits to make an ork trukk out of.


the only thing your missing to make another 40 some marines is their legs.

  • 2 weeks later...

- People at your work think that you are a closeted goth because you sometimes come in with black primer in the corners of your fingernails giving the impression of hastily removed fingernail polish.


That one happened a lot in my active time...and it did last week, and will happen again for sure!

"My 3 year old daughter picked up one of her colouring pens today and described the colour as "Blood Red"..........."


"- People at your work think that you are a closeted goth because you sometimes come in with black primer in the corners of your fingernails giving the impression of hastily removed fingernail polish."


"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another 'what? You too? I thought I was the only one'." - C.S. Lewis

Cheers boys.


.....When, after several years of dropped hints, stern warnings, and occational diciplinary action, your gaffers have made peace with you 'doing soldiers' at work.


......When you your bitz box is actually nine or ten tubs of various sizes, including a baby milk tin marked "Misc. bits", from which you could probably build a combat patrol for most armies. But can no longer remember the rules.


I've become a painting and modeling exarch. They tell me I used get involved with dice and tape measures. I have only the faintest memories of this life.*sucks brush nib*

When you read the new power weapon rules and for kicks convert a weapon to fit each category you don't already have, and in the span of about 3 minutes.


When you can convert a 10 man squad to have an entirely different loadout without even touching any of your sprues.

when your floor have become grey from resin dust and you dont want to clean it becouse you have developed a phobia of vacum-cleaners (or "the great devourer of bits")




also when theres no light in the living room becouse you needed those last lightbulbs for the lamps at your desk

  • 2 months later...

... When you cut your finger on the carbord cutter of a tinfoil packet and not your knife which your hand has been teasing all day.

... When you no longer smell the stink of glue and as soon as your parents approch the stairs they start complaining about the smell.

  • 2 weeks later...
- you have spent 15 minutes looking for a hobby knife which is found sticking in your thigh when you stand up


* quote has been edited.


I knew I had been modeling too much when I dropped a hooby knife (naturally with a new blade) and in the process of trying to catch it, I managed to cut both hands and have it stick to the handle in my thigh. Surprisingly enough I was working on my khorne army at the time..blood blood blood....


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