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Gamesday 2011 news


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FW seminar over. Lots to post. Big things:


IA12 is not DE. Its a prison asteroid, penal guard, minotaur marines and Tzeentch chaos

Chaos contemptor inbound.


...the chaos will be an even mix of demons, traitor guard and marines... the story WILL NOT be 1K Sons, but a different, new Tzeentch Warband, but conversion kits for 1K Sons are being done.
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conversion kits for 1K Sons are being done.
Provided the quality is better than the WE kits (only ones I've had issues with, DG kits were fine) this is very good news!



Care to eleorate? I was thinkiing of picking a pack of those WE bits up!

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conversion kits for 1K Sons are being done.
Provided the quality is better than the WE kits (only ones I've had issues with, DG kits were fine) this is very good news!



Care to eleorate? I was thinkiing of picking a pack of those WE bits up!

The masks/mouthpieces on mine were so thin that they flaked off, tons of flash (removable though), and a few air bubbles that ruined detail.
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I like the idea of a Chaos Contemptor - would be a nice go to model for a Cataphract. I generally pass up the IA books because I can't really justify the expense but I may get this one.
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