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My feeble attempts at discussing the next Chaos Codex at GD


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What I don't get is why you even play CSM jeske, since you seem like a WAAC player you should be playing a top tier codex or at the least counts-as...


...and if you aren't playing CSM, why are you even in here?



And deathstar units? Just pop the LR and avoid them...play to your strengths and not your weaknesses...it's not like they can claim objectives or anything...


Your definition of WAAC is utterly wrong. Wanting to have a somewhat competative codex and playing by the rules is NOT WAAC.

Chaos is weak because even the book's strongest options are generaly inferior or at best equal to what other books have.

People claim that chaos works well on a non competative level. I disagree. A non competative chaos army is generaly inferior to a non competative Spacewolves or IG army

simply because the tools to achieve victory are generaly inferior.

That you can sometimes win with the chaos dex, perhaps if you truly are the better generaly or your oponent realy screwed up, does not mean that the book itself is in any way fine.

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^^^^^^^ I concur, well stated. ^^^^^^^^



I don't understand why there is such hate for wanting to make a competative army. It seems that doing so makes you a WAAC player. I see it as making a challenging game for both players.


If the desire is not to be a WAAC defined as making a challenging army list then we don't deserve a new codex.


Why is it we want a new codex? Because we want to be a competitive force and not a laughable army as we have been in recent years and we want more options which will add variety to the army so we are not as predictable. We want to be recognized as the ultimate villain and not this 2d Abaddon failure.

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I was under the impression that WAAC stood for "Win At All Cost"? Which, when playing with CSM, you really aren't trying to. If you are that into winning, why not play something better? I'm not talking about what we want, I'm talking about what's going on currently. We all want a decent codex, of course. It's daft NOT wanting one...


...but since you are going to loose by default against a newer codex anyway, why even bother with "competitive choices"? Take the darn tools you like playing with and be happy if you can scrape off a win here and there...if winning is what it's all about for you, you really are playing the wrong army...

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None of us are WAAC players (by your definition). We bother with competitive choices so that we don't get annihalated by some of these newer codexes. I would love to be able to take my HQs and their bad :( squad they run with but currently there's nothing to represent that squad on the tabletop and the two HQs would get owned so fast and badly it wouldn't be worth the drive out to the store. You can sometimes win with a chaos dex, that's true, but it's almost always either the opponent played badly, really bad lists or you were just rolling insane. Even playing fluffy lists it's not fun to struggle each game.
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Hmm, you bring up good points I must admit. Yes, I play because it is a fun game, but winning is the goal. I just don't go to extremes to get there. I just can't see the fun in running around with an army of nothing but deathstar units. BA with their ICs and those accursed Blood talon dreads, SW with an army of long fangs, SM with 3 thunderfires and sternguard in a redeemer.


There is a guy that I know, granted he plays IG, but he has a complete story for them. A nurgle army that I am pretty sure has seen defeat more time than any other army I know of. But he loves it, especially when he can bring his baneblade and it goes apoc, and it wipes out half of his army. I can't help it, I love playing him, he is the greatest sport I know, and is just a blast to play against. I understnad the tourney scene and don't knock it if that is your thing. After all, this is your game too, play it how it makes you happiest.

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The most disturbing thing I find from your entire conversation is the use of the tense 'going to be involved...'


Call me an idiot, but I had strongly believed they were actually developing it -now-. This would seem to indicate it hasn't even been started.

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Wow yeah that's a good point Prot, I completely missed that....


Yea, I had to reread his post just to be sure of how I was interpreting the info. It was like a warp cursed dagger right through the heart.









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Call me an idiot, but I had strongly believed they were actually developing it -now-. This would seem to indicate it hasn't even been started.

Why did you think so? Isn't it logical that GW is now working at another codexes that deserve more attention than ours. Necrons, for example. Than, maybe ours, but there're also BT and DA. And rumours say about another date.

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Call me an idiot, but I had strongly believed they were actually developing it -now-. This would seem to indicate it hasn't even been started.

Why did you think so? Isn't it logical that GW is now working at another codexes that deserve more attention than ours. Necrons, for example. Than, maybe ours, but there're also BT and DA. And rumours say about another date.



Someone just reported from Gamesday (I think it was just a few days ago) about how long they take to do a codex. White boarding ideas, design thoughts, testing games in house, testing outside. The 'scrap' these guys go through to -get- the codex is another part of the process.


It would seem by what I just read of how they develop a codex that Chaos is a ways off.


I am not going to argue about who needs it more. Frankly I don't care if Tau get 17 codexes in the next hour.... I was just hoping Chaos would get one for February as has been suggested.


I guess what I'm saying is, since that other report on the 'process' GW uses now in making a codex, it would seem to me at least, that something would have been in motion by now. That's really all I'm referring to. It's going to be a very, very long time.


But hey, great for Templars. It looks like if I want to, I can restart them for.... a 3rd time! And have plenty of time to wait for Chaos afterwards.

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I wonder if Black Crusade will set some precedents- maybe for psychic power names, wargear (there's a Marine-ish multimelta) and options (Noise Marines and Berserkers are described as marked Chosen).


Might be a possible starting point for the new codex?

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So this kind of confirms that Matt wont be writing any new dexes for 6th edition.


How so? He could be writing Tau, whose mauling at the hands of the Ultramarines during the Zeist Campaign and Battle of Pavonis so impressed them that...you know where this is going.

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So this kind of confirms that Matt wont be writing any new dexes for 6th edition.


How so? He could be writing Tau, whose mauling at the hands of the Ultramarines during the Zeist Campaign and Battle of Pavonis so impressed them that...you know where this is going.


I get the feeling Cruddace will get Tau and Eldar. Ward will prolly get DA and BT ( may god help both their fluff stay intact.)


Kelly's prolly got Daemons along with C:CSM.

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Kelly could still do that, especially if he has both projects.
True, he could do that or do what they did with the old Daemonhunters codex and have rules for Daemons taking allied CSMs and CSMs taking allied Daemons. Which would also be cool.


Its just the fact that the two codices exist right now with exactly zero interconnectability that really burns.

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Isn't it logical that GW is now working at another codexes that deserve more attention than ours. Necrons, for example. Than, maybe ours, but there're also BT and DA. And rumours say about another date.


No it isn't.


















Nuff said...

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I'm more than likely going to be lynched for this but I don't want the Chaos Codex to be the first in Sixth edition, that would mean we would be the first 'test' codex for the new edition as the Dark Angels were many moons ago.


I don't really care how long it takes to get a chaos codex, as long as it's done well then that is good enough for me

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I'm more than likely going to be lynched for this but I don't want the Chaos Codex to be the first in Sixth edition, that would mean we would be the first 'test' codex for the new edition as the Dark Angels were many moons ago.


I don't really care how long it takes to get a chaos codex, as long as it's done well then that is good enough for me


Considering we were THIRD in that phase, I don't see how that helped us much more. Being first in 6th is only an issue if they change their design paradigm during 6th to being more powerful and obnoxious (I'm not sure how, but maybe WarMachine pricing of units, maybe?) or if they reverse their paradigm to tone things back (I REALLY doubt this, the current paradigm is getting them way too much money).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was randomly clicking around 40K blogs and I came across a rumour that the new Chaos Legions codex is going to have a theme of an "Elite Army" ala Grey Knights.


Thought that this was pretty interesting, I think it could fit the fluff nicely based on 10,000 year old veterans fighting the long war.


Also quite smart marketing idea from GW, as it's easier for people to collect small elite armies due to the reduced cost.


Take with your usual grain of salt, and sorry can't remember the blog name :angry:

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