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Reclusiarch on Bike


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James pretty much nailed it. Reclusiarchs are almost exclusively used for Death Company, and we don't get Command Squads riding bikes like Codex Marines, so we can't get a biker unit with good assault potential. Kind of a shame as I really like bike armies, but bikers are viewed kinda strangely by their fellow blood angels.
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I hope, that in next BA codex, far in future, there will be option to make terminators DC...

However. As james and sokhar mentioned, reclusiarch is mostly chosen when you take DC. As such, you either run him on foot - when in vehicle, or with jump pack when with jp DC. It's ok to run second option with biked reclusiarch, your DC won't be using run though.


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Thanks for all the replies, I wasn't expecting this many :woot:


But before we get derailed on the tangent of Biker DC, I was actually referring to a regular unit of Bikers with a Reclusiarch DC. I think this unit would be quite good with some Flamers or Meltaguns.


Why is this unit so overlooked? Why does it pale so much in comparison to, say, DC (who have Rage) or Assault Squads (who are very squishy)?


Reclusiarch Bike, Priest Bike, 5 Bikers, 2 Flamers, 1 Power Sword..


Or not? Why not?

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You don't see many because we have a lot of FA options, and people who use bikes tend to run codex marines. Seems a pretty good unit to me although I think a fist in there would be required. Would look great on the table with the Chappy & Priest. What about a libby? Can they get them in our codex as I haven't got it infont of me? Unleash Rage + Sanguine Sword or Fear of the Darkness could work well if they can have a bike.
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But before we get derailed on the tangent of Biker DC, I was actually referring to a regular unit of Bikers with a Reclusiarch DC. I think this unit would be quite good with some Flamers or Meltaguns.


Why is this unit so overlooked? Why does it pale so much in comparison to, say, DC (who have Rage) or Assault Squads (who are very squishy)?


You don't see it because besides T 4(5), the unit has no advantage over a simple jump pack Assault Squad with Reclusiarch plus Priest, while being significantly more expensive in points and less effective in Assault. Its like trying to run a Razorspam list with Tactical Marines instead of Assault Marines. The results aren't as good, you pay a premium on points for the lack of efficiency, and there's just really no practical reason to do it.

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I actually have a Chappy/Reclusiarch on a bike (got it on a trade)


Mostly I run him in my "Speed Kills" list (fast vehicles, bikes and Jump Packs...also jokingly called 'Blood Wing').

He goes with a Bike Squad with a Attack Bike and a biker Sang Priest. Bike Squad has 2 meltas and the A. Bike has a multi-melta. The unit can pop tanks well and the Chappy adds some anti-infantry while you charge.

The rest of my list runs Assault squads to take objectives, a Libby with a JP (typically with Sword and Shield powers), Libby Furioso with Wings and Unleash, and very few Heavy choices (I find that all the melta I spread around does the trick)


It works well enough, but I like crazy lists

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