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Brother Nathan

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All I have to say if they are going finecast is ITS ABOUT TIME. Those models are so ridiculous to put together I think they're worse than the metal thirster.


What, I've had no problems at all putting mine together.


My Bloodthirster now on the other hand...



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I can't say as I'm too hopeful about them becoming finecast in that all the finecast I've seen, the details were often rather... obliterated. But, it WOULD make them easier to assemble, I'll agree w/ that. Though I'm not a huge fan of the models anyway, I've always thought they were rather so-so personally, that's why I've always custom built my oblits from various termies & my bitz box.


That & GW seems to be of the opinion that finecast should cost more than they're worth for how often they're :P ed over. Now if it wasn't like shooting craps when I bought finecast as to whether they're going to be full of holes or look like Nurgle's rot got them, I'd agree that they're suited to higher cost than the metal ones.

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Switching from metal to resin isn't going to fix the ugly design. I would hope they'd take the opportunity to re-sculpt one of the most important unit choices in the entire codex into something that would make even people like me want to buy one. A straight switch to Finecast wouldn't do that, but an entirely new kit might.
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Switching from metal to resin isn't going to fix the ugly design. I would hope they'd take the opportunity to re-sculpt one of the most important unit choices in the entire codex into something that would make even people like me want to buy one. A straight switch to Finecast wouldn't do that, but an entirely new kit might.


I agree here, I've never liked the models as they're so similar & un-convertable, not to mention just... fugly. A plastic obliterator/cult terminator kit would be awesome, but I won't hold my breath for fear of suffocation lol.

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All you people saying they are ugly and nonconvertible, I don't understand where you are coming from at all.


While I agree that the original head is but ugly a simply swap with one of the old metal Terminator heads (which is a perfect fit by the way) solved that, and regarding converting and reposing it wasn't really more time consuming or really harder than any other model.


I've got two very nicely converted metal Obliterators to back that claim up. ;)



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Personally I am hoping for a resculpt. I think they should have more of a possessed dark mechanicus look than that blobby look they have now.


Not that it will stop me from picking up a pair to follow a heavily converted tech marine ( representing Dariok-Grendal), to be leading the trio. That or I'll use another companies line of models all-together for my oblits as I have found some pretty cool ones that have that dark mechanicum feel.


Have to make that decision when I am ready to order mine here in the next few months.



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I think the current oblit sculpt is an abomination. It's not that the idea of it is bad, but the models just look bad. They've got that bloated look and constipated stance that only a nurgle model should ever have. I'm hoping for a re-sculpt. But i'm also hoping that they will play a much much smaller role in the next codex.
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