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Disembarking then Embarking


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OK so, I have recently gotten back into 40k , I thought I would remember the rules pretty well after a 1.5 yr break , but apparently not. I am willing to bet these questions have been asked b4 , but figure since the B&C has been around so long that there would be plenty of peeps willing to answer repeat questions. Either way sorry I couldnt find the answer elsewhere.


So the BBB ( i think that the right acronym) says something to the extent of no embarking and disembarking in the same turn. I understand this is a RAW vs RAI issue.



I would think its goes like so,

It would be unfair for ANY unit in the game to embark, move , then disembark, due to the fact that it basically lengthens the range on your weapons (and assaults in future turns). There are plenty of situations where I could see this being abused to the fullest extent. I would think most people would agree with that.


If a unit disembarks from a immobilised vehicle and has the rare opportunity to embark into another vehicle (ie range, facing , transport capacity all lining up) one could argue that if the vehicle then moves in the same turn (assuming the vehicle being embarked into has held still) it would ALSO increase the range of assault and range of weapons, BUT the unit in question would not be able to assalut and if your lucky enough to have fire pts on the vehicle you would have limited use of the units weapons inside.


I look at it like so, maybe RAI is one way (you can disembark then embark, but not embark then disembark)and not the other. The prior really only lets you move a unit(defensive), but the latter drastically improves unit capability(offensive). RAW=confusion, RAI, not so much.


Here is the confusion, the part in the book that most people will refer to is hazy cuz the word "or" could be a "/" and right after that the word "and" could be "then" .I believe quoting the book in this situation is pointless because that is the exact portion that is a gray area so...Can anyone help with this situation?Call me beardy, but I would greatly appreciate it EVEN if I am wrong :)

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Perhaps you should have either quoted the passage to which you are referring or at least offered a page and paragraph reference. I believe this will answer your question:


Models may only voluntarily embark or disembark in the Movement phase, and may not voluntarily both embark and disembark in the same player turn. However, they may embark and then be forced to disembark if their transport is destroyed.

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dswanick is correct. It is not a grey area, or RAW vs. RAI. Models may not embark and disembark in the same turn, regardless of whether they embark and then disembark or disembark and then embark.



[EDIT: ninja'd again because I have shiny object syndrome :o ]

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I once had an opponent try to argue with me that the Land Raider's assault ramp lets you do this. Fortunately he relented, but I was starting to despair after pointing out where it very clearly says what dswanick quoted over and over again. Dude really was convinced that the assault ramp lets you do whatever you want with regards to disembarking. :woot:
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Could I piggyback on a related question here:


Can a rhino disembark a unit, then immediately embark a different unit and drive off?


Really, it's the units disembarking/embarking but I recently had an opponent argue that this wasn't kosher. We couldn't find anything pertaining to the situation in the rules so he relented but he made me question the situation...

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The restriction on embarking and disembarking in the same turn applies to models. If one unit disembarks and another unit embarks, have any of those models done both in the same turn? No. I think it's therefore perfectly legal.
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Yeah, as long as you are only quoting relevant pieces of the text to support or refute a specific point of the rules - you're usually OK. The powers that be do frown on wholesale text copy/pastes and try and avoid posting points costs unless it's absolutely necessary.
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More fuel to the fire: the restrictions on embarking and disembarking apply to infantry models, not the transports themselves. Consider that ICs can choose to embark or disembark independently from any unit he or she may be attached to or even embarked with!
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