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transporting with a stormraven


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so im wanting to field 2 stormravens, a 10 man terminator assault squad(which will be combat squaded in to 2 five man units) and 2 furioso dreads

first question: is that legal?

second: can i start the game with a 5 man term squad and a dread in each raven?

if so, can i start them in reserve to deepstrike?

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I believe you can only accomplish what you outline if you start on the table. As per our FAQ, units in Reserve can't Combat Squad. They do so when they arrive on the table (Deployed).


They only way I can see this working is if you were to deploy and combat squad the Terminators next to the Ravens. Turn one, they embark, and off you go. Although the Ravens won't be able to move Flat Out that turn (BRB Pg. 70).


Frankly, it hardly seems worth it.

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I forgot the combat squad rule. He's probably correct, though its one of the most misused rules in the game (as in unintentionally played wrong). I don't know if this effects pre-squading to get in a raven or not since it doesn't specify though. Technically a 10 man terminator squad cannot fit into a single raven thus cannot start in reserve in the raven because you cannot combat squad before the turn you come in on. That said I'd probably let my opponent do it anyways because that's an awfully stupid rule to begin with that only makes sense for drop pods anyways.


Under the same logic if you were to reserve a tactical squad that has a razorback you'd have to start the game unmounted and the combat squad when you came on and the razorback would have to roll in seperately. I cannot imagine a dumber possible exchange. Why a drop podding rule applies to everything even though it only makes sense in drop podding and debatably jump packing/teleporting in is used over common sense of "combat squad in reserve except when drop podding" is beyond me. But hey it's GW.

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thank you for the replies, i hope this isnt to far off topic, but i have another question

would it be better to run two 5 man termy squads, a furioso dread, a DC dread and two stormravens?

can i start those on the field in the raven? then move flat out on my turn?


im trying to get the dread and termies into CC asap. ill have blood talons on both dreads

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If you are going to run a DC dread anyway... which you'd have to... you should take a 6-8 man DC squad with Lemartes in the 2nd Raven. Possibly mix and match though so you have the DC Dread and Terminators in one, and the DC and Furioso in the other.


^This. You cannot take a DC Dread without taking a DC, so logically you should fill up one SR with DC - I'd go with 10 DC w/boltgunns, PS, PF, TH and IP - plus Lemartes or TDA Reclusiarch. Then use the other SR to deliver 5 Assault TERMIES plus either a TDA SP or LIBRARIAN., plus of course an Ancient Furioso w/DCCWs (not Talons), Frag Cannon and Magna Grapple. Strategies and Tactics vary but I've had better than average results with this tandem.

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