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Contemptor to =][=scale terminator?


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Can this be made into an =][=quisitor scale terminator? I'm also thinking about using the contemptor arms as a powerfist for other marines?


Some ideas would be welcome. Secondly, anyone know the size comparison to the new contemptor (or same type dread) helm/head to this scale?

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Having made an Inquisitor scale terminator from the Artemis mini, and owning the Contemptor, I would say it would be significantly easier to go with Artemis. As for the scale of the heads, the Contemptor's is barely larger than a standard GW Termi head, I'll throw up some pics in a bit for you.




The fist, yes, but would need modification to add the fifth finger. The weapons are comparable to the current dreads in size. Check out my sig link to DA part 1 for some 3rd party razorback turrets that are way more size appropriate.




I so far have the parts list, postin it now..

=][=quisitor Deathwatch team, So far has 1 member (pictures in links)

Battle Brother Eternity


Current project models ordered..


3x Battle Brothers 1 assault (may try a jumppack but dunno how yet.. lol) 1 Tac with Powerfist Devistator either HB or PC I'm leaning towards the plasmacannon tho because of my character on Space Marine for PS3 it would be fitting for my clan as well which is Deathwatch.


Thinking of making an old school terminator


1x Relictor's Marine I will sand down the spikes, make his chaotic face bionic instead and use a Weapon from Grey Knights Sprue to give it more flare, I've done the specs and the weapons are the same size, even same type gauntlet..


Comments please, I'm jonesin to get this done.. hurry up parts!!


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