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Imperial combi-weapon/storm bolter


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I was discussing the rules, and C:CSM includes twin-linked bolters and combi-weapons, of which there are -plasma, -flamer, and -melta. I was not trying to state combi-bolter is not a term that exists in fluff. I apologize for any confusion.
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Tangential to the topic, but doesn't Sammael's jetbike have a twin-linked storm bolter?



Rules-wise, yes. If you look at the picture, however, it's more like four bolters, placed on pairs on either side of the nose. Unlike the traditional 'Terminator' Storm Bolter.


If Models were Rules, it should probably actually be two Twinlinked Bolters.



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Combi-Weapon: A Bolter with a secondary weapon integrated into it.

Combi-Flamer: Bolter with integrated Flamer

Combi-Plasma: Bolter with integrated Plasma gun

Combi-Melta: Bolter with integrated Meltagun

Combi-Grenade Launcher: bolter with integrated Grenade Launcher

Combi-Bolter: Two Bolters integrated into one weapon

Twin Bolter: Same thing as a Combi-Bolter

Twin-Linked Bolter: Same thing as a Combi-Bolter. This is rules terminology for the same weapon.

Bolter-Stake Crossbow: Bolter with integrated crossbow (Witchhunter weapon)

Storm Bolter: An advancement of the Combi-Bolter weapon design. Built from the ground up as a refined and fine tuned weapon, rather than two Bolters literally being assembled together.



Given what has been said in this thread, it seems the current Chaos Codex has switched to the Twin Bolter terminology. Traditionally it has always been called a Combi-Bolter. In fact, Warhammer 40,000:Space Marine threw me off when I noticed it was called "Twin Bolter" rather than "Combi-Bolter" for the Chaos Marines.

I went "Errr... That's not quite right.... They must be using that as a short version of 'Twin-Linked Bolter'" *shrug* "Whatevs." because that was the first time I'd ever encountered the term.

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We're getting pretty far :HQ: here, but I have noticed in fluff that storm bolters fire alternately and twin-linked bolters/combi-bolters fire in tandem. This is a very important distinction for accuracy and wear-and-tear on the weapon.
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Well Dan VK the whole topic is off-topic as there isn't really a rule question to answer per se :rolleyes:.


From a rules perspective, a combi-weapon or a storm bolter, is whatever weapon a Codex says is as being such, no matter how it might be arranged, positioned or configured, on a model.




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Twin-Linked Bolter: Same thing as a Combi-Bolter. This is rules terminology for the same weapon.


If memory serves they were called Twin-Linked Bolters across the board in 2nd edition, since they didn't follow the Wargear books rules regarding combi-weapons.

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Perhaps I phrased my question wrong. Let me try again:


My metal librarian has a weapon that is quite clearly a combi-plasma. However, the design of the gun is such that I thought the bolter retained the storm-bolter rules as the gun is side-by-side rather than over-under like lost combi-weapons. I wanted to know if my Librarian could use it as a storm-bolter and the once-shot plasma or if it is a regular bolter?


I really hope that made more sense

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It's OT, but the DA dex is from before 5th tried to standardize that very rule for TDA in a USR.:lol: It's not a coincidence...it really is the same thing.
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Almost the same, a model in TDA ( chaos or DA) cannot move and fire a rapid fire weapon at more than 12".

No thtat it matters - if you are assaulting the unit you shot at, it's within 6". :P

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They can move and fire heavy weapons.

They are allowed to assault after firing heavy or rapid fire weapons.

Nothing allows them to fire rapid fire on the move (over 12")


you have read the USR relentless that SM termi armour gives. C:DA/C:BT/C:CSM termi's don't have relentless but C:SM/C:BA/C:GK codex's do. this thread is talking about C:SM termi's

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you have read the USR relentless that SM termi armour gives. C:DA/C:BT/C:CSM termi's don't have relentless but C:SM/C:BA/C:GK codex's do. this thread is talking about C:SM termi's

No it isn't

Did I mention I play dark angels? We don't get relentless TDA.

The OP was not asking about Space Marine librarian, the question always was about the DA librarian.

Reread the first post.

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C:DA/C:BT/C:CSM termi's don't have relentless but C:SM/C:BA/C:GK codex's do.

I am being a pedant, but:


"Page 29 – Terminator Armour Change “Space Marines in Terminator armour are capable of moving and firing with heavy weapons.” to “Space Marines in Terminator armour have the Relentless special rule." - C:BT errata



[EDIT: Formatting, ninja'd]

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