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Iron Warriors or Word Bearers?

Lord Kallozar

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Hey everyone!


Im at a complete loss at the moment, i really wanna start a new CSM force but i really cannot decide between the good ol' Warriors of Iron OR the Bearers of the unholy Word!! I have been back and forth deciding on these two options for about a week now, so i have decided that i shall let the people of the B&C decide for me (the legion with the most votes wins, obviously).


So, simply, Iron Warriors or Word Bearers? Which one and why?



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For me, it would be the Word Bearers. I find their colours, symbolism and ethos far more attractive than the more militaristic, industrial theme of the Iron Warriors. Similarly, I find myself sympathising with their efforts to find some sense of poetry and meaning in a reality that seems pretty devoid of it, even though I find their means of realising this abhorrent in the extreme. After reading the recent HH books involving the Word Bearers, I find myself even more sympathetic to the Bearers of the Word, because they are not frothing fanatics or intransigent zealots (at least in that point in their history); they are a legion of philosophers singularly obsessed with notions of meaning and purpose. Though the rigidity of their ideologies and the intellectual structures by which they pursue their ends are flawed from conception, I sympathise with them profoundly, particularly Lorgar, who seems to be neurotically obsessed with infusing his existence with some semblance of mythology, rather than simply being the living weapon he was conceived as. I like the fact that he's one of the few primarchs who seems to think first and swing swords later, who'd rather debate or parley than obliterate everything in his path. Along with the likes of Magnus, Fulgrim and Sanguinius, I find him the most identifiable, the most complex and human of the lot thus far.


That aside, the notion of fanatical dark Templars marching to battle in blood-soaked robes, chanting hymns, wielding fetishes, icons and holy relics is gorgeous imagery. I've always felt that the Word Bearers would be best portrayed as self styled emancipators and bringers of truth into hopeless darkness rather than moustache twirling super villains or rabid mega monsters. They regard themselves as bearers of the only truth, the only means by which mankind might find its true meaning and salvation. I imagine even as they torture and slaughter their enemies, sending their souls screaming into the warp, they are weeping and screaming in beatific joy, having delivered yet another soul into the bosom of chaos.

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Iron Warriors

Siege and fortification masters. Typically depicted as armor heavy with lots of firepower. Have a strong rivalry with the Imperial Fists Space Marines Chapter. Color Scheme is Metal and Gold


Sick of taking time out from battle to pay homage to arrogant warp entities? Would you rather build a Titan than a Cathedral? Then you my friend should play Iron Warriors!

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Iron Warriors, all the way. First, nothing says "Death to the False Emperor!" like a wall of Vindicators, Baslisks, Defilers, Dreadnoughts and Titans tearing down His fortresses. Second, do you want to use the Gods, or the Gods use you? Thought so, lol. Third, this guy kicks ass...



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I'd say BOTH!

An uneasy alliance between two warbands, one IW, the other WB. Add a bit of hate, philosophical argues and tension between those two groups in yours army fluff and that's it. Just keep more or less balance in the size of those two warbands.

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Iron Warriors

Siege and fortification masters. Typically depicted as armor heavy with lots of firepower. Have a strong rivalry with the Imperial Fists Space Marines Chapter. Color Scheme is Metal and Gold


Sick of taking time out from battle to pay homage to arrogant warp entities? Would you rather build a Titan than a Cathedral? Then you my friend should play Iron Warriors!


This and their awsome battle cry.


Iron Within!




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Iron Warriors! Why? Because it allows you to be more creative when modelling IMHO. You want T5 of plague marines? Model your CSMs w/ bionic limbs. You want the insanely psychotic bloodlust of berzerkers? Model them w/ combat drug dispensers. Thousand Sons? Bolters w/ beefed up barrels & siege mantlets. Noise Marines? Heh heh, come on! Combine bolter & plasma weapons to make sonic blasters & a heavy bolter & plasma cannon as your blastmaster! If you really wanna get creative, get some fantasy chaos marauders & hack em up, give em bionic limbs & combat drug dispensers & use them as summoned lesser daemons aka psychotic combat servitors :( . Basically, when playing Iron Warriors it makes you think outside the box rather than just use what the codex lists. It's good fun, plus, they're the most fluffy to run a gunline w/ zerkers & loads of armour! Oh & they knocked down the walls of the Emperor's Palace which were built by Dorn, the master of fortifications.
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I like listening to the Words of Logar.... but the sound of cannons, tanks and titans grinding your enemy to a pulp, tearing down fortresses and butchering its frightful defenders sounds alot better. Plus Iron Warriors are more tech savy. I think in one of the HH novels had Perturabo built some some sort of mobile flying fortress. Futhermore I heard their close combat qualities can match the Blood Angels and World Eaters.
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My vote goes for the Iron Warriors. The Word Bearers are a good choice, but what drew me to the Iron Warriors is their ability to tear down any bastion or build a mighty citadel that can withstand a surge of attacks while manned with only a hand full of marines. For them, everything and anything is a weapon. Some one this board once used the analogy that the Iron Warriors are like that scene in Commando where Arnold pushes a shopping cart around filled with guns, explosives and knives. They're the type that with pummel you with Vindicators, Basilisks and Titans, then calmly stride out of their Land Raider and kick you teeth in. To them, Chaos isn't something to be worshipped, just a means to an end. They don't need charisma or guile to attract followers, they look for the biggest guy in the room, kick the crap out of him, and take over their warband. I recommend you read theIron Within short story found in Age of Darkness, Storm of Ironand Dead Sky, Black Sun by Graham McNeill. The latter especially got me into the IW.


P.S.: Happy to see Iron Warriors still on the board.

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I'd go with Word Bearers, but that's because I like red. All legions are the Black Legion right now, so which legion you pick really doesn't matter for anything beyond what color you prefer. Now, that might change in a few months, but it also might not.
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All legions are the Black Legion right now, so which legion you pick really doesn't matter for anything beyond what color you prefer.




But seriously, there is a level of truth to that. I have to admit that the hazard stripes initially drew me to the Iron Warriors, but their no nonsense attitude is what I stayed for. Fatalistic and practical, and like someone else said you have interesting modeling choices based on that. Plus Storm of Iron is way cooler than the Word Bearers trilogy. Or the First Heretic. I can't wait until they make a Horus Heresy book about Perturabo...


But yeah, they're sort of two extremes in thinking, so I'd say whichever one you fancy most: clockwork sociopaths or fanatical demon worshipers?

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Hear me Word Bearers! Today we Destroy the Forces of the Corpse God! Glory to the Dark Gods!


Word Bearers obviously from me. I have a substantial army of them, however I would say a two Chaos force list may be cool too. Myself? I am currently rebuilding my Word Bearers, starting a small Night Lords force, and doing the same for World Eaters.


In the future I hope to have a huge Word Bearers force (I already have 5,000 points, though much is going to be rebuilt to a new standard), and a small force for every other Legion, except the Fail(Black)Legion of course :D (prepares for flames ;))

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Word Bearers all the way. Its thanks to them Horus turned to chaos in the first place. Fluff wise they're pretty awesome. In order to stop them you must kill every single last one of them or try and sever their HQ which doesn't always work as someone else often takes up the mantle ;)


Also modelling wise perfect oportunities, want some crazed zealots - model some Dark Knight type characters = berzerkers. Marines wearinf daemon enhanced armour and runes of protection = plague marines. the othe two i didn't give much thought to but you could always model various styles of possessed to count as the cult troops etc.


And of course abaddon's rules work so perfectly to represent a Dark Apostle truly gifted out with the powers of chaos undivided... or if you remember codex 3.5 you could just use lord of tzeentch with a daemon weapon and a personal icon, quite close to the old rules for dark apostles if not slightly better thought doesnt have th cool daemogogue ability... but yeah Word Bearers all the way. Either way well done for deciding one of the few chaos legions who still operate as a legion :D

Though i think their might be more infighting with the IW than the WB.


Could always field massive units of 20 chaos marines marching behind 3 vindicators, giving you the best of IW and WB...

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Me? I am partial to the Word Bearers....


But to be honest, it's ultimately going to be up to you. Others before me have given the pros and cons for each choice. All that is left is for you to decide which you think will fit your playstyle best. I kinda like the idea of doing a combined force. It leaves your options open without it killing the fluff, and if you find you prefer the playstyle of one over the other after a few games then you can always add more to the force you prefer. It even allows you the option of eventually having two different chaos legions at some point down the road, so that you can avoid getting burt out on one or the other.


Good luck on your choice and remember we are all here to help, no matter what that choice is. There are so many talented modelers here to take inspiration from or get any suggestions from. Keep us posted :D




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Two very awesome legions! I started out with pure WBs but added some IW to the mix (Defiler and Obliterators). I figure that if we get a new codex that focusses on single legion forces i'll be able to expand on whichever Legion I prefere at the time :lol:


You can see my WBs and IWs in my WIP thread (in my sig.). At the moment i'm leaning towards the IWs but only because they were the last CSMs i painted.

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After seeing the title of this topic I fully intended to post a long diatribe about how incredible the Word Bearers are. However after reading Dammerons post (post #2 in the topic) I would only be echoing what he has so eloquently put so I shall simply say.......


Word Bearers ;)



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Thank you all for the response, wow this IS a tight call!


A few posts have been about if I like a certain style then go for that, but thats my dilemma completely lol.

I do love the whole background to the Iron Warriors, the Iron Cage incident is one of my favourite pieces of fluff ever! How the Iron Warriors trapped and mercilessly and honourlessly slaughtered the Imperial Fists is genius and cruel in extreme equal measure :devil: I also love the theme of how they are cold hearted, selfish and paranoid - they would shoot their own grandmother's (and prabably their other grandmother's, then their own mother's, then possibly their father's too) to achieve an advantage over an enemy!! Finally Im a big fan of themes and i would never play competatively, only for fun, so my armies will always br fluff and theme heavy. I would have tactical squads armed with the max load out of heavy weapons and powerfists and lots of vehicles.


As for the Word Bearers, Im not so much of a big fan of their history UNTIL they decided to defect to Chaos and then secretly create heresy and infect Horus etc etc - that piece of fluff is brill!!! And now that they use extensive daemons is also a theme i find very appealing! If i was to create an army of these fanatics then i would have 50/50 mix between marines and daemons :)

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If you consider their backgrounds equally great, I'd say figure out which paint scheme you would rather commit to. It's the painting that will take the most time.


I play both Word Bearers and Iron Warriors, but I am more fond of the Word Bearers. I think they have more potential for fun conversions and fun painting.

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A quick note on conversion potential: Both the Iron Warriors and Word Bearers are rich with possibilities in this regard, but since the Iron Warriors are well, well covered, I'll focus on the Word Bearers here:


First of all, the Word Bearers can easily derive inspiration from classic religious, historical and mythological imagery; think of them as crusaders, templars, warrior priests etc. Papal imagery, occultism; mythology of various stripes and species all serve as potential fodder. Specifically, robed and richly ornamented space marines, festooned with mutations that they wear proudly as signs of the Gods favour; priestly orders and specific, minor cults and sanctioned brotherhoods within your army all serve as incredible arenas for customisation. One could, for example, include squads of Noise Marines that are Word Bearers decked out with loudspeakers and broadcasting equipment through which they transmit a non-stop litany of hymns and holy canticles, or Berserkers who represent the Templar elite of the Word Bearers; the vanguard of its warrior priesthood whose holy mission is to slay the enemy for failing to follow the path to righteousness.


Vehicles too can be very richly ornamented, becoming small mobile churches, altars and cathedrals, if one so desires.

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Vehicles too can be very richly ornamented, becoming small mobile churches, altars and cathedrals, if one so desires.

If I impulse-buy two more Hirst Arts molds, I blame you. There's two molds that look like they'd be perfect for making cathedral tanks, and I have about 20# of dental stone powder that's just dying for me to find a use for it, if the humidity hasn't gotten into it. :angry:

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I like the fact that he's one of the few primarchs who seems to think first and swing swords later, who'd rather debate or parley than obliterate everything in his path. Along with the likes of Magnus, Fulgrim and Sanguinius, I find him the most identifiable, the most complex and human of the lot thus far.


I suppose that's why I don't like Lorgar all that much; he's in denial that he (and his 'brothers') were Generals at best, and living weapons at worst. They were designed with a purpose-and it wasn't deeper thought into the meaning of life. It was to kill the Empire's enemies, and to ensure the unification of the Human race under one flag, one ideology. I doubt they were ever intended to be 'human' in anyway, and it's one of those instances of "surprise! CHAOS!" intervening. Astartes by design would be better suited if they were more like the Clone Troopers from Star Wars; mass produced, near mindless, and very durable-yet expendable, little to no ego. Nice and controlled-a group that could-as ordered, cleanse a planet or defend it. Ultra Professional Warrior Elite.


And it was a bad design flaw to not have a "Of course I'm very disappointed to hear you say that son..." option built into them, cause that Heresy would have ended right quick.


Lorgar: You are a divine being-a god amongst men!


Emperor: Uh...no, not really.


Lorgar: You are a god-I do this in thine name!


Emperor: *sigh* Lost another one to chaos *presses button-Lorgar's head blows up*, Hey Robute, got some more troops for you-send them in first, like the ones before them. Don't bother collecting the geneseed its a bad batch.

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