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Iron Warriors or Word Bearers?

Lord Kallozar

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And it was a bad design flaw to not have a "Of course I'm very disappointed to hear you say that son..." option built into them, cause that Heresy would have ended right quick.


Lorgar: You are a divine being-a god amongst men!


Emperor: Uh...no, not really.


Lorgar: You are a god-I do this in thine name!


Emperor: *sigh* Lost another one to chaos *presses button-Lorgar's head blows up*, Hey Robute, got some more troops for you-send them in first, like the ones before them. Don't bother collecting the geneseed its a bad batch.

The Emperor should've thought twice about hiring a religious zealot to push his campaign of logic and reason.


Hm... y'know, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to think the Emperor was part of some master plan by the Void Dragon? Particularly the part where the humans actually make a stretch of webway connecting it to the told Eldar network, and how he gets accepted so quickly by the Mechanicus. He refused to develop Humanity's psychic potential, instead preferring to outlaw sorcery (and anything related it seems) even though it could've easily been reigned in. And even then, most of Humanity's psykers are sacrificed to the Astronomicon, which means that the 'Crons won't have to worry about getting frazzled by sorcery. And then there's his whole doctrine about logic...

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The Emperor was just an evil tyrant/genius who made a deal with the devil to accomplish his goals, and his whole thing went Jurassic Park (predictably). While you can't call him an idiot, he certainly was full of himself-he never considered that his "sons" could turn against him. Every world that didn't have a technological or material use, should have been exterminatus'd if they didn't agree to join. Zip-zam, Bap bam, Great Crusade would have been taken care of a lot faster. Any and all "Death" Worlds, extermantus. Basically, any roadblock that was annoying and would take longer than a week-pull the troops out, and extermantus.
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As you can tell by my name, I love the Iron Warriors. I like the Word Bearers too, even though they're on opposite sides of the same spectrum.


The Iron Warriors are bitter, hollowed-out shells who only believe in themselves. The Word Bearers are hopeful, faithful zealots who are desperate for the approval of their Gods. I think the "both" idea has some potential for cool storyline; imagine the Iron Warriors or Word Bearers being hired as a mercenary force by the HQ, with his warband having to tolerate the underlings.

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And because they neutered the IW by taking away their basilisks


Who wasn't neutered in the 4th ed codex? I loved how word bearers could actually take a dark apostle. And the iron warriors could take warsmiths (the model is still on the GW web page just to torment all of the dark gods and their wargamers).

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And because they neutered the IW by taking away their basilisks
Who wasn't neutered in the 4th ed codex? I loved how word bearers could actually take a dark apostle. And the iron warriors could take warsmiths (the model is still on the GW web page just to torment all of the dark gods and their wargamers).

Truth to be told, having basilisks and vindicators (and being the only Chaos force that could have them) made the IW a little too powerful, and way too popular. Although I didn't expect GW to try giving *everyone* vindicators to balance it out.
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Yeah its definately true, the current CSM 'dex has trashed the unique-ness and individuality of the different Legions, but im sticking to a fluffy list no matter what!


The WB's are getting planty of votes right now, to be honest i never suspected that WB's were that popular as i thought there was alot of anti-daemon usage rants out there?

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Either. Neither. Both. Meh, makes no difference in this codex, just a different paint job.

Disagree. We can make a Legion list and it'd be different. An example of WB i have provided, and IW... well, a lot of heavy weapons and vehicles can be, mostly of greater formats, though. And it can be very impressive, GW has such examples. All problems, imho, grow not from the codex but our minds. Don't let them be fooled, brothers - Changes must be, in fact they're unavoidable, we shouldn't think of the past forever, we should see at the future, as Jeff Lynn ;)

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The WB's are getting planty of votes right now, to be honest i never suspected that WB's were that popular as i thought there was alot of anti-daemon usage rants out there?
Daemons? We're supposed to use Daemons? Who ever came up with that silly idea? :P


In all seriousness, I think they're gaining popularity because no one legion list is obviously better than another right now. The WB are supposed to have useless daemons, the IW don't have anything unique, the Night Lords have nothing unique, the Black Legion never had anything unique to begin with... you get the idea. The Legions as we knew them during the 3.0 IA and 3.5 days just don't exist anymore.


Disagree. We can make a Legion list and it'd be different. An example of WB i have provided, and IW... well, a lot of heavy weapons and vehicles can be, mostly of greater formats, though. And it can be very impressive, GW has such examples. All problems, imho, grow not from the codex but our minds. Don't let them be fooled, brothers - Changes must be, in fact they're unavoidable, we shouldn't think of the past forever, we should see at the future, as Jeff Lynn ;)
Agreed, that's why (for the moment) I've considered putting Noise Marines and Thousand Sons into my WB list; the past is gone and we can only guess at the future, so we might as well go wild in the present and worry about it later.
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And because they neutered the IW by taking away their basilisks


Who wasn't neutered in the 4th ed codex? I loved how word bearers could actually take a dark apostle. And the iron warriors could take warsmiths (the model is still on the GW web page just to torment all of the dark gods and their wargamers).



Amen, and AL lost our ability to infiltrate our whole army and our cultists in one fell swoop.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Based on the codex out right now Word bearers. Because With iron warriors you do not have access to basilisk on less you play a freindly game and ask. With Word bearers your deamons are cheap right now and the frist to assualt after deep striking. The only other is sm vangaurd. Greater deamon is cheap as Well. With you anledning to put makes on posses is now a plus for them. I would recamond to colect and not paint till NeXT year when is Said new chaos codexs coming out. Up to you
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys for all your input! Well it seems a definate victory for the Word Bearers. Looks like I'm gonna be the new Dark Apostle in town lol.


@ Dammaron - I loved how you summed up and described the Word Bearers.


As for paint schemes, im gonna make them very dark in colour, with possibly dark silver helmets instead of red, just to add a bit of individualism. what do you guys think?

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Yeah its definately true, the current CSM 'dex has trashed the unique-ness and individuality of the different Legions, but im sticking to a fluffy list no matter what!


The WB's are getting planty of votes right now, to be honest i never suspected that WB's were that popular as i thought there was alot of anti-daemon usage rants out there?


Eh, popularity for CSM legions last couple of years has seemed based on who has the coolest novel released, and ADB seems to be inspiring quite a few new Bearer's of the Word.

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