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buy 2 demon princes 9 oblits 40 csm with 8 melta guns [you can make csm and plague marines out of those] and 24 zerkers. +4 rhinos . it will be enough to play.


Sad but true ;)



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buy 2 demon princes 9 oblits 40 csm with 8 melta guns [you can make csm and plague marines out of those] and 24 zerkers. +4 rhinos . it will be enough to play.


nope.. jeske please stay away from the new fellas, we dont need more WAAC gamers round here thank you :rolleyes:


hi thetechmarine, i advise having a good look through the codex, see which units and factions you like best and go with makes you happy.

if you like the hardcore close combat army then berserkers would serve you well, if you only care about winning then ask the jeske for advice, but the way i see it is if people were so pre-occupied by wins they wouldnt be collecting a chaos army, they would be using SW or GK

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if people were so pre-occupied by wins they wouldnt be collecting a chaos army, they would be using SW or GK
That is a bit misleading as most of the players here who has expressed the desire to do Counts-As did it for the flavour and flexibility, not to win.

Also worth noting is that at the time, C:CSM was still a Tier 2 'Dex and was still doing well in the Tournament scene so I doubt it was because they wanted to win.


But I digress.

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New to Chaos? Good, good! Chaos still needs more followers :P


So greatcrusade08 has already mentioned the essentials. But i think it can be useful to look some pics and read not only codex but IA 7, for example. Now we have many examples for inspiration.


Zum Beispiel: (there're alot of, of course)










As for

buy 2 demon princes 9 oblits 40 csm with 8 melta guns [you can make csm and plague marines out of those] and 24 zerkers. +4 rhinos . it will be enough to play.

Nonsense (and that's not surprising as jeske didn't play any game). In terms of pure sporthammer it must be one or two (depending on the enemy) Lash Winged Sorcerers, 6 obliterators and the Defiler, 2x7 plague marines in rhino, maybe 3 terminators with the chainfist and combi-meltas deepstriking... and that's all. Except ChaosZilla list, of course. But don't be blinded - any of our lists is no rival for BA, GK and DE, so it'd better to either collect what you want or play this three factions.

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In terms of pure sporthammer it must be one or two (depending on the enemy) Lash Winged Sorcerers, 6 obliterators and the Defiler, 2x7 plague marines in rhino, maybe 3 terminators with the chainfist and combi-meltas deepstriking... and that's all.

are you trying to mock me ? lash suck hard since codex SM came out and every army switched to spaming hoods and other psychic defense. since codex SW it is dead and the coming of GK put a nice tomb stone on the build .


Sorc cost like DPs with two powers even more . they dont draw away fire and make is easier for opponents to focus fire on our troops . the fact that they also suck comparing to DPs and cant realy support units in hth [inv+5 no eternal warrior low str means they kill other HQs on +4/+4/anti psyker stuff/inv] . a single defiler is a stupid option . not only is it huge with big problems with getting cover [and in the army your proposing there is 2 rhinos as other targets for anti tank , so it doesnt help their survival] but the units that are in the list aren optimal for it . runing a 6 oblits set up would be more optimal . turning the list in to a more of a gunline list with AC/plasma csm would also work better.



chain fist armed termicid am not going to comment .




But in the end to both you and crusade . Do you realy want a new player to buy/test stuff that is much weaker or plain bad to get the feel of his own build army , where there is a new codex coming soon ? so he will be testing this "new" thing find out that it doesnt work and maybe will get the chance to buy models for a good chaos army , just to get a new dex which will switch the use of all models . what will he do then ? I tell you what . he will quit. If he buys the models that make up an ok army now , he will have some ok games and when the change comes he will maybe stay and still play chaos [and buy all those specials and new units that will be needed to play a chaos list] . If he goes you way . He will get owned harder then with a normal chaos list , waste money on models he may never use and then will find out that to play with the new dex he has to buy even more .


Besides . buying 4 rhinos for chaos is bad ? buying 24 zerkers is bad ? are oblits not flexible unit choices [and our only support unlike other armies who have good FA/elite and hvy support] ? are DPs not the most optimal chaos HQs ?


am In suppose to tell a new player he should buy a fine cast abadon and Khârn and 2 LR to play a LR rush ?

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I aint gonna comment this nonsense. And that is not surprising as i have already said. See the ETC and WarForge rosters though i doubt it will help in such a clinical case.

Besides . buying 4 rhinos for chaos is bad ? buying 24 zerkers is bad ? are oblits not flexible unit choices [and our only support unlike other armies who have good FA/elite and hvy support] ? are DPs not the most optimal chaos HQs ?

After that it aint more to comment. What can i say to a man who aint play any game and so aint know that obli-lash is a very changeable list? And of course, i mentioned ChaosZilla list that was a very simple and primitive trap for such people - and it has done well. After that all about him is clear. (It is enough to say that CZ is no less competitive than OL and is often seen at turneys - though through the taint of such people it is less known to new players).

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But in the end to both you and crusade . Do you realy want a new player to buy/test stuff that is much weaker or plain bad to get the feel of his own build army , where there is a new codex coming soon ? so he will be testing this "new" thing find out that it doesnt work and maybe will get the chance to buy models for a good chaos army , just to get a new dex which will switch the use of all models . what will he do then ? I tell you what . he will quit. If he buys the models that make up an ok army now , he will have some ok games and when the change comes he will maybe stay and still play chaos [and buy all those specials and new units that will be needed to play a chaos list] . If he goes you way . He will get owned harder then with a normal chaos list , waste money on models he may never use and then will find out that to play with the new dex he has to buy even more .
Your list is very specific to one tournament circuit, and might not work well in a given area's local gaming or even the local tournament circuit. And it has exactly as much flavor as eating cardboard.
Besides . buying 4 rhinos for chaos is bad ? buying 24 zerkers is bad ? are oblits not flexible unit choices [and our only support unlike other armies who have good FA/elite and hvy support] ? are DPs not the most optimal chaos HQs ?
If you're up against a Kill Point Denial list, yes. If you're up against certain Dark Eldar lists, yes. I've actually crafted a DE list that'd designed to knock the transports out from under such a list, and its not that hard to do. Its also bad against a Tau list with a decent number of railguns.
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I don't know much about Chaos other than they're like loyalists but with daemons

and the such.


Such a sad description. B)


whats even worse is we don't even have cool daemons anymore, just those generic fellers... but I still think its a better description than "space marines with spikes".

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I don't know much about Chaos other than they're like loyalists but with daemons

and the such.


Such a sad description. ;)



Worst still is that it's not true. Loyalists are better currently. But that is why I'm dusting off my csm and playing them. (also building a new army as well)


I recommend defilers. two of them. they are great.

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whats even worse is we don't even have cool daemons anymore, just those generic fellers... but I still think its a better description than "space marines with spikes".

...and we don't even have "spiky bits" anymore, so we are just space marines that can flee...

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If you are looking at playing in a non-tourney scene (which I would assume you would, being a new player), then just forget all this BS about "needing" certain units.


First, have a read up on some of the background - I suggest one of the several excellent online wikis for this, as the current codex is a little light on good background info. After deciding what kind of army appeals to you, then look at the choices available to you.


Standard CSM squads are quite likely to be the bread-and-butter of your army, as they are quite tactically flexible - especially when given a Rhino transport. Cult troops can each fill a niche role, and if used well can be quite nasty. Sure, some of them have nicer numbers than others if you want to play 'math-hammer', but this isn't about playing tournaments, this is about building the army you want.


Fast attack gives you bikes and raptors - neither of which is particularly good value for points when compared to some of the other stuff in the list, but if they fit your theme go for it. Personally I much prefer Raptors, they are somewhat better value than bikes, but that's just me.


Heavy support has some interesting options. Oblits are the best value for points unit here, but they are used almost exclusively in the tourney scene. If they don't fit your theme, don't use them. It's as simple as that. Cheap AC/HB predators, vindicators and the tasty defiler all are viable options for big guns for you.


Elites are a bit of a mixed bag, and different people say different things about each of the units. Basically, there is nothing in there that is worthless, but they each need to be used in a certain way to get the most out of them. Dreads aren't the worst thing you could possibly take, despite the hate on them. Chosen allow you to infiltrate a pile of special weapons behind enemy lines, while possessed can really make a mess of enemy units. Termies can be tricky to use well as they are somewhat overpriced for what you get, but putting combi-meltas on them and deep-striking them next to tanks is quite effective.


I'll admit, DPs are the best option for your HQ, but sorcerers and lords can turn a dangerous melee unit into a downright killy one.


Basically, build what you want, find units that fit your playstyle, and use them. Save the cookie-cutter approach for when you only care about winning.

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I like vanilla marines myself, they always find themselves useful in every single game...


...but i can't stay away from berzerkers...the only marked unit I usually have in the army...

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