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Deepstrike Lib Dreadnaught with no Drop Pod?


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You have to take a pod and the other posters are correct. I dont mind and it it what it is.


Sometimes I catch myself speculating though and then wanting to go down to the mech bay and kick the mechanicus's butt.


As far as the rules go whats wrong with dreadnaught armour? either both dreads and termies should be able to DS podless or both with pods.


Right now you have 2 units in TDA armour or its variant some would argue the dreads armour is superior and the dread cant DS podless, hows that work ?


Terminators can deep strike and they are wearing TDA a variant of the dreads armour. Whats wrong with the dreads armour is it :cusstier or what?


I am not trying to make up rules or anything like that I am asking how come one set of armour can DS and the other cant. If someone points to a piece of fluff that says dreads are too heavy thats fine just show me the specific gravities of the various planets that the Astartes dreads have fought on.

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How does it work? Very easily.


Terminator Armor has teleport gear built into it. Dreadnought armor does not. Your techmarines won't screw with an STC, so there's the brakes. I mean, they already jacked up the engine power in your Rhinos...Emperor knows they're catching flak for that.


Tactical Dreadnought Armor and Dreadknought Armor are different things; one is not simply a larger version of the other. Indeed, TDA is really more akin to power armor than to a Dread. TDA can be taken off, is much closer in size, and while it can wield weapons more effectively than power armor, it's out shined by Dreadnoughts. Terminator armor is refurbished fusion reactor core maintenance protection; a Dreadnought is a walking sarcophagus, long ago reverse engineered from Dark Age of Technology walking war machines. They crow-barred teleport war gear into one and not the other; them's the brakes.


EDIT: More mundanely, there should not (and will not) be a cheap way to DS Mephiston in a standard game. He's already good enough. <3

ADDITIONAL EDIT: I think I some words.

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How does it work? Very easily.


Terminator Armor has teleport gear built into it. Dreadnought armor does not. Your techmarines won't screw with an STC, so there's the brakes. I mean, they already jacked up the engine power in your Rhinos...Emperor knows they're catching flak for that.


Hands off the lucifer pattern :rolleyes: Think for a minute what would space wolves do with a faster rhino ?


Tactical Dreadnought Armor and Dreadknought Armor are different things; one is not simply a larger version of the other. Indeed, TDA is really more akin to power armor than to a Dread. TDA can be taken off, is much closer in size, and while it can wield weapons more effectively than power armor. Terminator armor is refurbished fusion reactor core maintenance protection; a Dreadnought is a walking sarcophagus, long ago reverse engineered from Dark Age of Technology walking war machines. They crow-barred teleport war gear into one and not the other; them's the brakes.


Certainly thems the brakes on that thought :lol:


EDIT: More mundanely, there should not (and will not) be a cheap way to DS Mephiston in a standard game. He's already good enough. <3
No argument there at all
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EDIT: More mundanely, there should not (and will not) be a cheap way to DS Mephiston in a standard game. He's already good enough.

That is not for you to say.

Um..NO U.


Seriously, how else does one respond to that? haha. Mephiston is a BEAST. He's awesome. He's very, very, very well balanced. He has the durability and hitting power of a five marine LC Terminator unit, but is a single infantry model and so is easier to hide from LOS and is more maneuverable as he can at times fly and is Fleet. Were he any better, he'd be broken. I use him all the time. One of out two of my games sees Meph on the table. I know him well. He is very very well balanced; he needs no buff.


Besides, there's no reason to FAQ this. Psychic powers can only be cast when on the table. He doesn't come onto the table until he slogs on. You can't declare him DSing as - before Deployment - he can't fire the power off. Simple as that. It might be fun to DS him, and you might think "Well, it makes sense he could just jump out of a Thunder Hawk and use the power," but consider:

  • It's not full-proof, meaning if he fails to cast it he's going to hit the ground. Hard.
  • Jump packs are persistent and don't last for tiny amounts of time, whereas wings may not be persistent. It's one thing for Wings to help you hop a bit further when charging around. It's another thing for jump packs to use slow, steady burns to slow your descent which may be a very, very, very long one. Consider the distance Captain Titus free falls in the opening of Space Marine. It's a considerably longer distance than a single ump infantry model can hop in the Movement phase!
  • Some decisions about rules are not made to meet our expectations of fluff-realism...they are made for balance.

Whenever a rule seems a bit dodgy and you're not sure which way it goes, err on the side of your model(s) being weaker. It's less likely to start quarrels, and probably the more likely way things work. Doom of Malentai can't shoot you if you're inside a transport; Land Raiders can't fire with PotMS when they pop Smoke; models with Wings of Sanguinus cannot Deep Strike. Them's the brakes.

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GK Dreads can DS via teleport...


I assume you mean the Dreadknight, not their Dreadnoughts. The former can do so if you buy it the teleporter gear; the latter cannot, and does not have a Drop Pod option.


The base Dreadknight armour needs no teleport gear to DS... pg.34


Well sort of it can teleport as standard but not Deep Strike- Deep Strike. It requires the personal Teleporter to Deep Strike Deep Strike. Either way our libby dread needs a pod because If you are not on the table in anyway you cannot cast psy powers.

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GK Dreads can DS via teleport...


I assume you mean the Dreadknight, not their Dreadnoughts. The former can do so if you buy it the teleporter gear; the latter cannot, and does not have a Drop Pod option.


The base Dreadknight armour needs no teleport gear to DS... pg.34


Well sort of it can teleport as standard but not Deep Strike- Deep Strike. It requires the personal Teleporter to Deep Strike Deep Strike. Either way our libby dread needs a pod because If you are not on the table in anyway you cannot cast psy powers.


Look again..


Page 34. Description of Dreadknight Armour..


...Any model wearing Dreadknight armor can be teleported onto the battlefield. They can always start the game in reserve and arrive using the Deep Strike Rules...

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What do you mean, to "Deep Strike Deep Strike"?


The Dreadknight's got the Deep Strike rule; he can Deep Strike.


As for Meph DSing, his inability to assault is not the issue; it's his ability to be somewhere on the table beyond his 18-24" threat range off of your table edge. He can literally assault up to mid-table when he comes out of Reserves. DSing him serves to put him beyond even that...into your opponent's deployment zone. And he's a single model with multiple wounds, so a Dangerous Terrain wound isn't very scary to him: it's not that difficult to put him somewhere scary. He doesn't need to DS. If you really want him to, give him a Storm Raven. I'm sure he'd like it.

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What do you mean, to "Deep Strike Deep Strike"?


The Dreadknight's got the Deep Strike rule; he can Deep Strike.


As for Meph DSing, his inability to assault is not the issue; ....... He doesn't need to DS. If you really want him to, give him a Storm Raven. I'm sure he'd like it.


Or a deepstriking land raider :lol:

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Or a deepstriking land raider :lol:

Mephiston cannot DS in a Land Raider. Land Raiders in the BA codex are specifically Dedicated Transports; they are not a Heavy option. He can't start the game embarked in it (as it must belong to some other unit and - lacking the IC rule - he can't attach to another unit) and so he can't Deep Strike in it.


This was one of the first things I looked into doing when I adopted the codex. @_@

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Terminator armor was not conceptualized as refurbished reactor suits,

They are based on such a design, but are built from scratch for war

And iirc didn't dreads have built in teleport homers just like terminators?

At the end of the day its up to your gaming group i've used deep strike for units that don't have when playing a custom scenario like space hull boarding actions


How does it work? Very easily.


Terminator Armor has teleport gear built into it. Dreadnought armor does not. Your techmarines won't screw with an STC, so there's the brakes. I mean, they already jacked up the engine power in your Rhinos...Emperor knows they're catching flak for that.


Tactical Dreadnought Armor and Dreadknought Armor are different things; one is not simply a larger version of the other. Indeed, TDA is really more akin to power armor than to a Dread. TDA can be taken off, is much closer in size, and while it can wield weapons more effectively than power armor, it's out shined by Dreadnoughts. Terminator armor is refurbished fusion reactor core maintenance protection; a Dreadnought is a walking sarcophagus, long ago reverse engineered from Dark Age of Technology walking war machines. They crow-barred teleport war gear into one and not the other;

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