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Can C: BA wargear be inserted into C: SM legally?


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I am so jealous of the BA's Hand Flamers, Melta Pistols, Baal Predators, and their fast tanks, it stinks my chapter's descended from the Salamanders... XD


As far as points cost, special rules, and FOC slots, can I just hack the codex and walk away clean?


I'm not interested in the BA unit special rules, save for fast tanks, but mostly wargear and the Baal Predator.

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No, you cannot do this. If you want something in a codex, use the codex. No stacking Vulkan with fancy flamer and melta pistols. :whistling:


My chapter (a DIY) is also a Salamander's successor...and I use exclusively the BA codex (to reflect my chapter's wide spread use of Apothecaries). I don't use Baal Preds, Sanguine Guard, or anything else specifically BA...I use only the things I could otherwise use in the vanilla codex. Codex Astartes, and all that. You can use a codex and voluntarily restrict what in it you choose to use; nothing can stop you there. But you can't mix and match bits of other codecies...that gets into Homebrew Rules territory.


What makes your chapter unique need not be war gear selection. Really, it's not Vulkan or flamers that make a Salamanders army. It's paint. <3

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Really, it's not Vulkan or flamers that make a Salamanders army. It's paint. <3

Quite wrong, sir. Its the Thunder Hammers. :P


But seriously... LPetersson and thade have it nailed down. What is in a codex stays in that codex; if you want BA toys, you're playing with BA boys, but that doesn't require a particular paint job or Chapter name. Use the BA book and make it your own. Your money, your models, your fun :D


That said, they are speaking from a perspective of playing people you've never met before. If you're just playing with friends of yours in a garage, you can do anything that you all can agree is fun to do. Run your ideas past your friends and if they think they're cool ideas, then you're golden. Just be aware that if you try to use the same things on a random opponent for a pick up game at your local game store, that won't fly.

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There have been a few exceptions to this over the years- allies, the mini-codex phase, and when C:BA didnt have any profile for their cyclone missile launchers...


None of that is currently the case. You can try to make a salamanders army using the C:BA if you really, really want to- but frankly theres nothing uncompetitive about them in C:SM, and it fits them as well as any other.

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Honestly, what would you want out of the C:SM codex that you can't do just by using C:BA? Some named Special Characters, Bikes as Troops, and Thunderfire Cannons? Why not just use C:BA as your codex?
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Honestly, what would you want out of the C:SM codex that you can't do just by using C:BA? Some named Special Characters, Bikes as Troops, and Thunderfire Cannons? Why not just use C:BA as your codex?


One in particular, I would guess. Given the OP likes flame weapons.

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To be fair, the flamer pistols aren't much to write home about. The melta pistols are okay, but again not worth ditching the vanilla codex for.


The vanilla codex is more appropriate for the Salamanders and most of their gene seed inheritors as they're a shooty-centric army that likes the heat; Vulkan does TL your meltas and flamers which is HUGE. There are other neat support characters, and you can give your Captains much better gear than the BA captains have available. Finally, your techmarines are ICs (they're not in the BA dex) so they can ride with your teams in transports and fix them on the move. Also, the Master of the Forge is an awesome techmarine (that extra wound is so worth the points). Finally, the vanilla codex gets Thunderfire Cannons, Land Speeder Storms, Venerable Dreads, cheaper Sternguard (which can be troops), cheaper Storm Shields (when taken as upgrades), and Combat Tactics. (IE when it makes sense to do so, they can choose to fall back.) Also, you will sorely miss Relic Blades without this codex.


Most of the niceties the BA get are BA-centric: they have a Storm Raven so they can effectively DS a melee Dreadnought (a drop pod just won't do); they can spam apothecaries to give their infantry FNP, a huge boon when you need to weather assaults; Baal Predators and Sanguinary Guard are definitive BA; and, of course, Death Company. None of these really make sense for a Salamander Successor. (Some people have made cases for the SR; I don't buy them...just me, perhaps.) Nobody but the BA and their kin have access to the Baal STC (much to Ad Mech's chagrin) and Sanguinary Guard...really, any flying power house unit...isn't really Sallie-savy.


That said...I do use the BA codex for my Salamander's successor. I never field SG, SRs, Death Company, Baal preds, or DC Dreads. I never field a Librarian Dread. I do field Apothecaries (my chapter's fluff has them at very low numbers, so it makes sense). They are painted as apothecaries (stark white, nartheciums, etc.). Also, I have fast Rhinos...because that's part of the Codex. As for their "Red Thirst!", I explain that as their tendency to hold their ground if innocents are nearby. Literally, that Red Thirst roll represents how nearby a human settlement is, thus how unlikely my marines are to retreat.


In short, if you can explain it with a lil' fluff, it won't seem so weird. Bottom line is, you're still within the Codex (I exclusively use the BA codex, denying myself parts of it) and thus within the rules.

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Honestly, what would you want out of the C:SM codex that you can't do just by using C:BA? Some named Special Characters, Bikes as Troops, and Thunderfire Cannons? Why not just use C:BA as your codex?


relic blades, legion of the damned, 15 point storm sheilds, master of the forge, auxilary grenade launchers, helfire rounds outside of sternguard, combat tactics.

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