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Equipping Sanguinary Squads


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I have started a conversion of two Sanguinary squads that I am very excited about, however I have become caught up on WHICH arms I should give to the sergeants.


As I have little experience with these units in-game, I was wondering if I could have some feedback on how people think they should be used/equipped.


Currently my plan is one squad that remains at 200 pts, (that is to say everyone with a Glaive and angelus gun, no upgrades) as at 200 pts they seem very worthwhile-- and will be usable in games where points for jumppack elites are limited.

The second squad will be used with the chapter banner, and I suppose a powerfist. This keeps points costs down while still giving them extra kill power on tough characters, monsters or dreadnoughts (this squad will likely be more 'in the thick of it' with Dante or another hero, whereas the other squad would be picking a particular enemy power armored squad to kill).


Any thoughts on usefulness of plasma pistols and infernus pistols would be welcome, also thoughts on the necessity of a powerfist or multiple powerfists in these squads.



And are deathmaks ever worth it?



Thanks to any who read, and double thanks to those who reply :whistling:

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Never leave home without a powerfist in a squad its only 10 more points and the whole sanguinary guard squad benefits from one powerfist, suddenly the squad can threaten almost anything.

Makes dreads and walkers think twice and with the speed of a jump pack unit its more what the power fist might do than actually does do that shapes your opponents tactics.

The squad that dante joins benefits from taking 2 infernus pistols along with Dantes IP a total of 3 does the job nicely.


The Sang Guard benefit from the banner immensely. They dont like a punch back from large numbers of power weapons so the Sanguinary Guard charge must pretty much destroy the CC response adding a priest is the key here. One I1 power fist is all I would take for that reason. Your banner squad runs with something like 20 odd PW attacks, plus dantes attacks at I7 that usually kills most things the other squad are good as a counter charge unit supporting a RAS.

Dont add too many things to them. 3 IP's with Dante is to kill armour using his pin point DS, one power fist in each squad is enough without lowering the overall initiative and permitting something to hit back and hurt the sang guard.


The death mask is nice but not worth the points the average LD of a unit you would use the SG agaisnt is around 9 or 10 thats a 25% or less chance of the mask working. Dont base a combat out come on those odds.

Snorri wrote a very good highly detailed explanation on Sang Guard in the blood angel resources section go have a look. ;) :)

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Does anyone actually DS sanguinary+dante 6inches from the enemy to kill a tank? I would think the inevitable counter-charge would leave me without the Furious Charge needed to keep this squad alive during its combat, and the death of the single vehicle wouldn't be worth all those points.

I've only done that with SG once.


Dante on the other hand often get attached to a 10 man RAS with some meltas and drops in and kills a tank. The squad is large enough that if assaulted, it survives, hits and runs off then charges back in.

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Does anyone actually DS sanguinary+dante 6inches from the enemy to kill a tank? I would think the inevitable counter-charge would leave me without the Furious Charge needed to keep this squad alive during its combat, and the death of the single vehicle wouldn't be worth all those points.


I did it this week and destroyed a wave serpent full of dire avengers. They miraculously all survived the explosion but their return fire did precisely nothing to my 2+/FNP marines. Sadly the same cannot be said of the Tau Commander and his bodyguard who deep struck near me next turn and opened fire with what seemed to be a nuclear arsenal. Lost the entire squad but Dante survived and went on to tie up over 1000+ points of Tau and Eldar for 3 turns on his own. Bless him!


As to loadout of SG squad, if they're with Dante they get a fist and two infernus pistols. They'll get a banner too when I get round to painting it!

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My SG are packing 2 infernus pistols and the banner. I run Dante and a Sanguinary Priest with them.


(I'll post pictures one day, but my SG are bit built, death mask helmets, pre heresy jump packs halved with demon wings, grey knight chest piece, grey knight swords and wrist mounted bolters, sang guard legs. My Dante is also a unique creation, pre heresy jump pack, helmet with a halo, power axe, his melta pistol is converted from a space wolf plasma pistol. - My Blood Angels are a renegade successor chapter.)

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I don't use fists in my SG - they need every attack at init 5 they can get to make sure they can consolidate after wiping an unit off the table.


The Powerfist makes sure that they will see counterattacks, which have a chance of being powerweapon attacks as well and therefore are very deadly for such a small unit without invulnerable save.


In a pure SG army, I'd say one fist per squad. In a normal army, I'd advise against the fist. Banner and one IP is my loadout when I field them. I've felt that when accompanied by Dante(or any other Character with another IP) one IP in the squad is enough to blow up some big stuff.




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Well, I use to field a Captain with PW/IP and one Sanguinary Priest(or I have one in range for FC/FnP) with my SG, and when they charge, they ususally only leave dead bodies and move along...so the PF was not necessary.


The more expensive those Characters get, the better they strike in CC...take Dante for example. He alone has 7 attacks at init 7 with a Banner. I doubt that there will be any need for a powerfist.

However, I don't rule it out completely. It's just that I'd spent those points on other things.




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Speak for yourself. I remember a game where my squad got in a tussle with a Talos and Chronos - the power fist alone saved my bacon. Your experience is not the end all be all tome of knowledge.


G B)


Oh, if it sounded like that I deeply apologize! I didn't mean to sit on a high horse or something.


Again, it's just that with that mobility and high strenght/init attacks you have a good chance to annihilate a lot of enemies on the turn you charge. I guess this would be true for Talos and Chronos as well?


Ah, but you're right in saying that I'm speaking for myself here. And I can't say what's to include and what is not. It's just what I would do.




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