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Worshiping Other Gods?


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Just a question for you guys. Just because I don't personally see the inability for this to happen, but is it possible for Warbands of "Chaos" Space Marines to worship other warp entities? Not all of the entities which dwell in the Warp are the Dark Gods (They are certainly the more powerful however, save for Gork'n'Mork of course).


For instance, just to use as an example, could a Warband fall to worship say, the Great Harloquin? Or perhaps some lesser War entities which border godhood? Now I know some Chaos Marines used to support Malal, but I meant in a broader context.


Anyway. Just wondering your guys thoughts.

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Yes, its entirely possible to have traitor marines (or anyone really) worshipping something besides the four major powers.


With the other, weaker entities you might get more "personal" interaction but maybe they lack the same ability to grant your gifts or favor.


Think of it from the daemons side, if you're a small fish in a big pond, wouldn't you love to have some silly mortals who you could boss around and help you accomplish your own aims?

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Why not? I imagine there are any number of renegade warbands, pirate conglomerations and off shoots of the great legions that have come to worship or serve warp entities that are either minor chaos divinities or warp coalescences. It's even conceivable that their own beliefs and fervour could generate such an entity, given the nature of the warp. I'm imagining, for example, a small band or renegade chapter so embittered by what they perceive as their betrayal by the Imperium that they generate an "angel" of vengeance that becomes their idol. Such a minor entity might manifest in the game as a daemon prince or greater daemon.
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I reference the Sons of Malice as an example.


There there is my own warband (though not an official group, by any means.)


Only limit is your imagination and keeping it within sane bounds.


Heck, if your warband is a Genestealer cult that worships a Norn Queen, you could do that.

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Check out the Blood Gorgons (and their book by Henry Zou), they have an interesting relationship with a lesser Chaos God. They consult him out of tradition, use him as an arbiter in disputes, sacrifice and invoke his name before battle, maintain personal shrines to him and all that kind of stuff. They steer clear of the Big Four because they don't want to be anybody's servant, "for Blood Gorgons are wild and free and thus has it ever been" kind of reasons.
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As described in the Slave to Darkness book from the RoC era,you could generate a totaly custom Deamon to worhsip.


You could generate gifts,weapons of that Deamon and also generate Lesser deamons who where this "God" deamon servitors.


So even then the possibility was left to players to make their how Patron Deamon

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I would guess a great number of Daemon Princes have their own religion. To draw some parallels with todays world, quite a few people seem to really dig the idea of a man-become-god type figure (Jesus), and a Daemon Prince could be paid as much if not more respect in some cultures than the god/s who ascended him/her. Yet again we can look at for example some Catholic churches, where the non-God Maria is prayed to and paid homage to to an even greater extent than both the man/god Jesus and the direct god 'God'.

(Note, I'm not saying Christianity is like worshipping Choas. I'm saying that in the fictional world of the w40k-verse, I imagine people as having similar psychological triggers which make religions like Christianity popular in todays world.)


The appeal of a god who is not a god, or who was once moral is huge. I mean, I would be surprised if the Primarchs don't have their own sub-religions scattered across the stars. Especially Sanguinius seem to be particularity beloved by much of the population of the Imperium.


So yeah. I can well see a warband/fallen chapter who has had their previous 'prophet' raised to daemonhood following his every word and deed as the word of a god. Especially if he just left them and ascended into heaven, leaving his previous followers to create a new meaning in life by forming a religion based on the ascended leaders life. This would be like islam and so on.


Hope no one got offended. I am really interested in the psychology of religious convictions in the real world, and I can't help but apply that to my favourite alter reality which is w40k. :)

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