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Flesh Tearers


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Hey guys.

I want to share a few pics with you of the few models that I have painted.

First we have a Predator (Baal Pred Hull and sponsons, all magneticed)


Furioso Dread with Frag Cannon (chaos spikes inspired from another Flesh Tearer thread, don't have link, sorry)


Stormraven Gunship (doors are magneticed)


My first Tactical Squad


Sergeant and special weapons


I am currently working on a Razorback (only highlights left), 5 man Assault Squad and Mephiston. I will post pics when they are done.

I know that I need to do more weathering on the tanks, and a bit more highlighting, but other than that I would like to know what you guys think.

Blood for the blood... I mean... For the Emperor!

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  • 1 month later...

Short update from my cellphone camera.

First out is my new Razorback.


My almost done Terminators (bases not done yet)


I am currently working on a Death Company Dread. Here is a sneak peak of it.


Edit: Here is a pic of my Assault Squad that goes in the Razorback. The Sergeant is not done yet.


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Any plans on special helmet colors for sgts or honor guard? I'm painting up Tearers for a friend.

Blood Angels Veterans/Honor Guard tend to have gold helmets I think, but I think black helmets are to cool to not be using. I have not decided what color I will use on my future Honor Guard. As for my sergeants, I will probably make them all without helmets. What about trimming the shoulderpads in a different color on them?

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