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Sternguard Loadout


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I need B&C's collective criticism about adding the following unit in my 2,000 pts expansion:


Sternguard (5) 2x Plasma Cannon, 2x Combi-Melta, Rhino


Let me explain why I took this


Short version: I ran out of Heavy Support spots. But then, upon thinking about it, I realized I like it better than the Devastator Squad.


Long version: My initial idea was to take a Devastator Squad (3xPC, Razorback TLLC). Howeveri I have no space left on the FOC. Currently I already run 2 Dreadnoughts (ML/TLLC, M/DCCW) and a Devastator Squad (4xML, Razorback TLLC). So I took what I can, a similarly costed Sternguard.


Now, comparing these two:


Devastator Squad (5) 3x Plasma Cannon, Razorback TLLC 215pts

Sternguard (5) 2x Plasma Cannon, 2x Combi-Melta, Rhino 205pts


The Devastators pack a better punch and long range anti-armor, but have to disembark to fire and can't fire on the move. (EDIT: I will concede that the TLLC can fire on the move so this is less of an issue than I initially thought)


The Sternguard pack a lighter punch, lose long range anti-armor but gain significan flexibility since they shoot from within their Rhino bunker and reliably kill advancing enemy armor or MEQ(/TEQ) while advancing to position


I feel pretty smug and happy with the unit I came up with, so obviously I must be missing something :yes:


So B&C.. Is it a good idea or a bad idea?


EDIT: Completely changed the OP

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So I'm making a shooty mech BA list with shooty Terminators, Plasma Honor Guard, shooty Dreadnoughts and Devastators.


Then I thought about adding the following unit in my 2,000 pts expansion:


Sternguard (5) 2x Plasma Cannon, 2x Combi-Melta, Rhino


Tactic: Stand and shoot Plasma Cannons at MEQ/TEQ, or drive up and shoot threatening Mech with Meltaguns


Good idea? Bad idea?


Not that great, the unit is too small to benefit from a split focus in weapons.


The Sternguard pack a lighter punch, lose long range anti-armor but gain significan flexibility since they shoot from within their Rhino bunker and reliably kill advancing enemy armor or MEQ(/TEQ) while advancing to position


The problem here is that it's very easy to silence your heavy weapons. Crew shaken / stunned result and any sort of movement will shut them down. Either pin them in a mobile role or stationary long range support.

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The problem here is that it's very easy to silence your heavy weapons. Crew shaken / stunned result and any sort of movement will shut them down. Either pin them in a mobile role or stationary long range support.


This is a valid concern but my army has enough transports and heavy weapons that worrying about 2 Plasma Cannons will probably not be a huge enemy priority.. or so I hope :HQ:

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