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6th Company


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I'm thinking about running the Blood Angels 6th Company and would appreciate a little advice/help with a few questions. Here goes


I remember reading somewhere that Codex chapters 6th companies are all trained to ride bikes so kinda like ravenwing. Would this still be the case for us? I know Blood Angels adhere to the codex but think it says something in the bike section about them being rare so would it be a fluff buster?


Assuming it isn't a fluff breaker, what would be the best way to represent them? I am considering Ravenwing or vanilla marines but feel that it's kind of a cop out. Also doesn't really feel right not having SP ect. Maybe have 2 Tac squads and the rest bikes? Guess I could just use it in Apocolypse but will most likely get decked!


I would quite like to have my captain and honour guard on bikes but this isn't allowed :-( any ideas of a way around this?


Lastly when it comes to chappies, SP's, libby's and HG would they all have red bikes taken from the armoury or personal ones in thier respective colours?

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My army is currently marked as 6th company. As others have said, it is primarily a tactical reinforcement company. However, since all tactical marines are trained in pretty much any equipment, bikes and jump packs would not be unknown to this company.


Personally, all my marines have red helmets to signify their being 6th company tactical marines. However, any marine equipped for other squads get a stripe on their helmets to signify their battle role. Not really part of the codex but it was my little nod to the codex structure.


What you can do is have only your tactical marines marked appropriately and then have your ancillary choices marked for other companies. That is to say your assault marines could be marked as being part of the 8th company as well as the bikes, your devastators can be from the 9th company and your Veteran Squads from the 1st company.

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Maybe I didn't explain myself very well. I want to field an all bike force as a change from normal blood angels forces so I have chosen the 6th specifically because as per the Codex Astartes a chapters 6th Company are all trained to take the field on bikes if necessary. Is this not the case for Blood Angels?
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If all Scouts are trained to use bikes and all Marines were once Scouts, wouldn't that mean that all Marines are trained in using bikes? That said, the 6th Company of all Codex Chapters are Tactical reserve Companies and is trained in using bikes.


Keep in mind that we cannot take bikes as troops like the Vanilla Codex. You will need some feet on the ground if you plan on using Codex: Blood Angels to make your list.

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Looking at page 9 of the BA codex the 6th Company is made up of 10 tactical squads and three Dreadnoughts. The 8th Company is made up of 10 Assault Squads and 1 Dreadnought, so might not the 8th company be a better choice?


I don't really see the rational there..

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Looking at page 9 of the BA codex the 6th Company is made up of 10 tactical squads and three Dreadnoughts. The 8th Company is made up of 10 Assault Squads and 1 Dreadnought, so might not the 8th company be a better choice?


I don't really see the rational there..


Forgive me for being a little old fashioned, but I always thought it was our assault squads who rode bikes, it is probably all the yellow helmets in the pictures.


While the Blood Angels do "adhere as closely to the Codex Astartes as the flaw allows", I just can't see bikers having anything other than a yellow helmet.


But, as with all things on messageboards this is just my feelings and thoughts on the subject - they are no more right or wrong than anyone elses :blink:

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Looking at page 9 of the BA codex the 6th Company is made up of 10 tactical squads and three Dreadnoughts. The 8th Company is made up of 10 Assault Squads and 1 Dreadnought, so might not the 8th company be a better choice?


I don't really see the rational there..


This is my personal opinion but Dreadnoughts wouldn't really be able to keep up with bikers.. So wouldn't it be better to have a Company with fewer Dreadnoughts take bikes? From a tactical point of view that is...

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Somehow, few if any of these posts seem to adress the question.


The question was: are BA codex-adherent? The answer is: yes, they are, so their 6th company is sometimes fielded completely on bikes and attack bikes.


Whether dreadnoughts could keep up with that or whether their helmets are painted yellow when they are fielded on bikes was not the question. Personally, I'd not include dreadnoughts and I'd paint their helmets red (just like their squad markings will not suddenly be changed to the lightning smybols of the 7th and 8th squads but remain their normal squad markings).

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Ok so page 68 of Codex : Space Marines says according to the Codex Astartes that the entire 6th Company train in the art of mounted assault - Fact! So I'm asking if Blood Angels would adhere to this or not. If they do then they would have RED helmets because they are tactical squads. The 8th Company are also trained in this manner yes but I am planning on having a few companies and would rather have the 8th all with jump packs. Just trying to break up the monotony of Tactical Squads really. As for the Dreadnoughts, they could just stay at home, if you field the 2nd Company you don't HAVE to field 3 Dreadnoughts, you take as few or as many as you want/the tactical situation requires.


Anyone got any ideas on bike colors for chaplains, librarians, Sanguinary priests and honour guard? I remember seeing a picture of an Ultramarine Chaplain on a bike which is black. Does that set the precedent?


Edit - Thank you Wolf Priest Hael! Was beginning to think I hadnt explained myself very well!

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At the end of the day I don't think you're going to get a definitive answer. I don't think that there is anything offical that either confirms or denies exactly what goes on. So, it is up to you - they are your models and you can do with them what you wish!


Good luck collecting several companies worth, a fine ideal!


As for bike colours, again it is up to you. Personally if I was going to have a full campany of bikers I would paint the bike of a character a different colour just to make it stand out a bit more. Black for a Chaplain sounds like a great idea and I have seen this before, white with red trim for a sanguinary priest would be cool, but I am not sure about blue for a librarian (too much like the ultramarines!). As for honour guard I would go with red bikes with a gold trim and lots of ornamentation such as purity seals and the like.


I can't wait to see what you come up with - Good luck with all the paining

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There's certainly no reason the 6th Co wouldn't be as Codex adherent as the rest of the Chapter so if the CA says the train for all bike combat then they do. I generally assume BA Bikers are Assault Marines because they have been depicted with yellow helmets, but clearly in this case not.


As a side note because of Spagunk's signature I literally just learned that Edward Wickes had passed, I know it's been over a year but the world seems a little smaller; for me, today.

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Forgive me for being a little old fashioned, but I always thought it was our assault squads who rode bikes, it is probably all the yellow helmets in the pictures.


All assault marines ride bikes, not all marines who ride bikes are assault marines.


Codex: Angels of Death page 48 "[blood Angel]Companies 6 & 7 are both Tactical companies, each consisting of ten Tactical squads. These are intended to bolster the main line, launch diversionary attacks , or stem enemy flanking moves. Company 6 is also trained to employ the Space Marine Bike and the entire company may be deployed as bike squadrons.."


So even if there is something new that contradicts it (which as far as I'm aware, there isn't) you can still do it and say its old-skool.


I agree with Brother Martin about the colours for bikes, interestingly the GW stores EPIC character bikers go with black for the chaplain but chapter colours for the libby: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...ain_873x627.jpg

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Looking at page 9 of the BA codex the 6th Company is made up of 10 tactical squads and three Dreadnoughts. The 8th Company is made up of 10 Assault Squads and 1 Dreadnought, so might not the 8th company be a better choice?


O.K., just to pop in here for a minute, but I've always wondered this since the first time I saw it in the codex: why does our 8th company have a dread in it in the first place? I know that the brother dreadnought was a honored member of the 8th before he was interned into the dread, and thus stay part of the company, but what do they do with him? Drop pod him into the beginning of a fight, then have him run behind shouting "Wait for me!!" as everyone else jumps/rides away to the next fight?

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Looking at page 9 of the BA codex the 6th Company is made up of 10 tactical squads and three Dreadnoughts. The 8th Company is made up of 10 Assault Squads and 1 Dreadnought, so might not the 8th company be a better choice?


O.K., just to pop in here for a minute, but I've always wondered this since the first time I saw it in the codex: why does our 8th company have a dread in it in the first place? I know that the brother dreadnought was a honored member of the 8th before he was interned into the dread, and thus stay part of the company, but what do they do with him? Drop pod him into the beginning of a fight, then have him run behind shouting "Wait for me!!" as everyone else jumps/rides away to the next fight?


I guess he gets a stormraven as a personal ride ^_^

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