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So Is Talos A Psyker?


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He manifests no other psyker abilities that I can recall off the top of my head - been a while since I've read the books - but his foreknowledge would be indicative, to me, of psyker talent; what else could it be?


In game terms, no. In fluff terms, yes. He has the gift of foresight, in much the same way as Sanguinius did or the Prognosticators of the Grey Knights.

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Pretty much as Morollan said. Really only the most powerful psykers are able to manifest their abilities in ways as to use them offensively in combat. I think the most common form would be a seer-like psyker (Talos/The Night Haunter).


And look just how much good it did Night Haunter! He incinerated his own homeworld in a spasm of insanity -- the very same act he foresaw and wanted to prevent. He was (perhaps) the most massively damaged of the Primarchs.

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And look just how much good it did Night Haunter! He incinerated his own homeworld in a spasm of insanity -- the very same act he foresaw and wanted to prevent. He was (perhaps) the most massively damaged of the Primarchs.


I don't think he ever really tried to prevent it. Remember, he knew from his earliest days that what he foresaw would always come to pass, no matter how hard he tried. Rather, I prefer to think that Curze accepted that it was going to be destroyed, but that it would be for a proper reason, not because of the hypocrisy of the Emperor. In the end, it wasn't insanity that motivated him, but the belief that he needed to demonstrate exactly what was required to keep the Imperium lawful. Nostramon society was collapsing in upon itself in the absence of law, the damage was too ingrained, and thus it had to be destroyed.

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I would say Talos isn't a psycher in the common sense of the term as he more than likely did not harbor any such potential as a child but was unlocked and developed by his geneseed altering his genetics and psyche.


I believe the best term for Talos is that he is a Wyrd (taking this term from the Dark Heresy Radical's handbook) that he only possess a small spark of psychic ability given to him by his geneseed mutation. While not considered a full scale psycher, he is warp touched and so has the 'gift' of foresight.

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Index Astartes wrote that Night Haunter's visions of future are not related to warp (correct me if I am wrong though), so they are not psychic. Yet he used some soft of offensive spell on Terra. Talos should see the future in the same way Curze did, so he should not be a psyker.
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