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Are C:SM Bikes Relentless?

Sgt. Tiberus Satio

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This was pointed to me and a player that was running bikes that the bikes can move full 12" and fire all weapons on the bike and what the rider has. Is this correct? I do not recall any such ruling. If I remember correctly he said it was FAQ'd, I haven't seen it in my FAQs for bike universal rules.



Any help would be appreciated in pointing me the ruling.

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No rulebook on hand, but I definitely remember this. Check the Bike Infantry page; I'm almost certain it says they are Relentless (possibly without the capital 'R', not bolded, or otherwise hidden in the text on that page). It's in the BRB.
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OH I apologize. I entirely missed the question, it seems.


Relentless means they can fire a rapid-fire or heavy weapon as if they haven't moved that turn...and, if they do fire such a weapon they may still assault. They can only choose to fire one gun though, just like any model. So if they have a shotgun and a twin-linked Astartes grenade launcher (for instance, the standard scout loadout on a bike) they may only fire one or the other. (Don't try to posit why in the name of the Emperor the scouts have shotguns.)


This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.

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To clarify a bit on Thade's point...


A Marine bike can fire one weapon per rider on said bike. Normal bikers means they get to fire the twin-linked bolters OR a bolt pistol (standard wargear) OR the special weapon they traded their pistol to purchase.

However, attack bikes have TWO riders. As such, they can fire both the heavy weapon (multimelta or heavy bolter) AND the twin-linked bolters OR pistol. Or any combination two of the three. (twin bolters and pistol, pistol/pistol, pistol/heavy, heavy/twin bolters)

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Both marines on the bike are Relentless and thus they each can fire one weapon as if they haven't moved, and then the bike may still charge that turn. <_<


(Nice catch, Frosty.)

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To clarify a bit on Thade's point...


A Marine bike can fire one weapon per rider on said bike. Normal bikers means they get to fire the twin-linked bolters OR a bolt pistol (standard wargear) OR the special weapon they traded their pistol to purchase.

However, attack bikes have TWO riders. As such, they can fire both the heavy weapon (multimelta or heavy bolter) AND the twin-linked bolters OR pistol. Or any combination two of the three. (twin bolters and pistol, pistol/pistol, pistol/heavy, heavy/twin bolters)



Perhaps he meant ShinyRhino that rhymed Frosty the Pyro? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
So if they have a shotgun and a twin-linked Astartes grenade launcher (for instance, the standard scout loadout on a bike) they may only fire one or the other.


Standard layout has a twin linked BOLTER on the bike, not twin-linked astartes grenade launcher.

The upgrade to AGL is NOT a twin-linked weapon (you trade both bolters for a single GL).

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So if they have a shotgun and a twin-linked Astartes grenade launcher (for instance, the standard scout loadout on a bike) they may only fire one or the other.


Standard layout has a twin linked BOLTER on the bike, not twin-linked astartes grenade launcher.

The upgrade to AGL is NOT a twin-linked weapon (you trade both bolters for a single GL).

Apologies, and thanks for correcting this.

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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.



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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.




fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).

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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.




fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).

Not always...

A C:SM Terminator with CML will only ever have a Stormbolter. But a C:SW Wolf Guard Terminator with CML could also have a Combi-weapon.

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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.




fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).

Not always...

A C:SM Terminator with CML will only ever have a Stormbolter. But a C:SW Wolf Guard Terminator with CML could also have a Combi-weapon.

Plus (while this isn't a terribly likely setup in most lists) RAW-wise a 10-man Terminator squad could use it's two weapon upgrades to put an assault cannon/heavy flamer and a CML on the same model

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fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).

Indeed. I was viewing this from a vanilla marines perspective; silly Space Wolfs do what they want!

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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.




fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).


Not for us Space Wolves, Frosty, ARROO!!!



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This point of confusion comes up once in a while and I find it often in conjunction with Termintaors; specifically the Cyclone Missile Launcher's entry specifically states that it may be fired alongside any other weapon that the Terminator has. This is not because the Terminator is Relentless; it's because of the CML's entry. I know that had me fuddled back when I started.


Actually, thade, the CML may not be fired along with "any other weapon the Terminator has." It may only be fired along with a Storm Bolter.




fortunately, storm bolters are the only other ranged weapon a terminator with CML may have, so its a moot point (for the time being).

Not always...

A C:SM Terminator with CML will only ever have a Stormbolter. But a C:SW Wolf Guard Terminator with CML could also have a Combi-weapon.

Plus (while this isn't a terribly likely setup in most lists) RAW-wise a 10-man Terminator squad could use it's two weapon upgrades to put an assault cannon/heavy flamer and a CML on the same model

Not exactly. While that used to be true (2nd Ed, I think). Currently it says one model in five "may choose one of the following", which (in my opinion at least) prevents one model from taking both of the available upgrade weapons for a ten-man pack.

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