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Project: Converting Combat Squad to different HQ's


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I was planning to convert my brand new combat squad (5 multipart marine) to librarian, pedro kantor, vulkan and as for 2 sternguards.


I was wondering has anyone else tried those before and how did they succeed? Especially librarian and pedro i havent seen before. I tried to search from different sites and from B&C for conversions but couldnt find even one


Converting sternguards i found multiple links and i have done that already myself so im just looking for answer for those 3 HQ mainly


For librarian i was mainly planning to add tome/book on his hand... and maybe somekind staff with eagle and maybe a cloack for him too (got cool chaos cloack on my bitz box)

Well, here's what I built for Vulkan using BA sang guard torso, tank commander head & some grey knight bits:



He's very much PIP & will probably stay that way for awhile just cuz I'm tired of yellow right now.


And here's a librarian made mostly from 3rd Ed tac squad bits who's not finished cuz I never use him:



Thanks for post :)


Few Questions:

How did you do librarians left arm GS or spare bitz from somewhere?

How did you do psychic hood GS or spare bitz from somewhere?

What PIP stands for? (Project in pause?)

I like that librarian lot .. dunno about that vulkan thou im afraid mine would look similiar :D


Why on earth you dont use librarian =) ? Its like best HQ choice (at least to C:SM.. dunno about BA) And it looks cool on my honest opinion!

As far as I can tell:

The arm is a normal outstretched arm with the hand from a missile launcher left arm. I'd rather go with one of the new Sang. Guard or Grey Knight empty hands, as they look more natural.

The hood is a normal shoulderpad with holes carved/cut in, which is the easiest and widely accepted method of making a quick and good looking hood.

Thanks for post B)


Few Questions:

How did you do librarians left arm GS or spare bitz from somewhere?

How did you do psychic hood GS or spare bitz from somewhere?

What PIP stands for? (Project in pause?)

I like that librarian lot .. dunno about that vulkan thou im afraid mine would look similiar :P


Why on earth you dont use librarian =) ? Its like best HQ choice (at least to C:SM.. dunno about BA) And it looks cool on my honest opinion!


My friend cathar there pretty much nailed it on parts. PIP is painting in progress.


I never use the libby cause I prefer to take Pedro Kantor & Vulkan H'Estan as my HQ. Pedro to lead a Drop Pod Sternguard squad & Vulkan to lead the Honour Guard in a razorback & to tweak all my weapons. That & Vulkan is an absolute beast in combat. I've had him take on half of a tyranid army & a third of a space wolf army & hold them for 4 turns before finally going down.


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