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Differentiating Chaos


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Lots of people complain when a marine book comes out about "oh no just another marine book", but from what I've seen each marine 'dex, tends to play in a completely different way.


The two clearest examples for myself, are GKs being a midfield hybrid army, and BA's being a fast, FNP army.


What kind of play styles would you want to see in the new Chaos codex?

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What kind of play styles would you want to see in the new Chaos codex?


Thousand Sons = masters of psyhic powers

Plague Marines = masters of feel no pain... or extreme toughness

Khorne Berserkers = masters of marine on marine melee combat

Noise Marines = masters of mid-ranged combat (think Grey Knights without the force weapons)

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I've always prefered team/double tactics myself, so this may be biased...


I'd like for the player to have at least these four choices -


Marines w/ cultist support, or vice versa


Marines w/ daemonic support, or vice versa


Marines w/ armour support, or vice versa


Marines w/ cult marine support, or cult marines w/ cultist/daemonic support


Cultists and armour is fairly obvious what I mean. Marines are those who are like Iron Warriors or Word Bearers, who are extremely undivided and are largely just standard squads being awesome. Cult Marines are those completely dedicated to one god, and one god alone - as they are now. Daemonic can either be 1) plain daemons, 2) possessed, or 3) daemonic gifts. The Eye of the Gods from WFB would be awesome for that.


While any of these can stand purely by themselves, a balanced approach would also be viable.

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