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What is Chaos?

Brother Nihm

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At it's core I think Chaos is more about accepting the prime, base, emotions that makes ourselves us. And accepting them for what they are and not trying to glorify them as something divine or mystical.


So at it's base, more acceptance of the more primal drives within us.



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It represents emotions broken down to their core. To me it seems every emotion can be traced back to one of the four in some way or shape.

Indeed, which is why we can only find the true glory of Chaos in the form of the pantheon and not by mono-God devotion. /spoken like a proper Word Bearer :)



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Pure potential, possibility unfettered by restriction, imagination made manifest; inspiration made synonymous with reality. Chaos is contradiction and purity; everything that was, is, might be, could be, can't be, wouldn't be, shouldn't be and never could all existing in the same space and time, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.


Chaos is reality; probability run riot, nwhere the fundamental question of life, the universe and everything is not: why? But: why not?

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It is the means by which reality can be shattered and pieced back together again like a children's puzzle, or dissolved entirely and conceived anew. It is renaissance, apocalypse; pandemic and panacea. It is the law where law is absurdity, the beauty of being beaten to death by angels, or burned alive in Heaven's own fire. It is obsession and extremism, art and vandalism; holiness, profanity; sadism and self destruction; the wonder of being freed of parameters of self imposed by biology and tradition; the means of becoming abstract, painting oneself with regards to ideals and extremes. It is freedom in the truest, purest sense of the term, and the most smothering straight jackets, the most claustrophobic of insane asylum cells.
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Chaos is the way of things. But is Chaos evil? I do not neccessarily believe so.


For example, is the natural cycle of birth and decay evil? Surely not. That the Plague Father blesses the mortal universe with his poxes merely adds fule to that cycle.


Is martial pride evil? IS the desire to be the best you can, to compete and overcome evil? Surely not, for where would we be without our desire to better ourselves, to compete, as a species? THerefore, the martial pride that Khorne evokes and thrives upon is not neccessarily evil.


Is desire evil? We are created with a biological urge to procreate, and human relationships are enriched by our desire for the contact of another. Without these desires, the human race would end, and our lives would be empty. So the desires evoked by and that feed Slaanesh are not necessarily evil.


Is ambition evil? Surely not, because being able to better yourself, your family, your community, your fellow humanity has enabled us to evolve and given us our civilisation. SO the great games of Tzeentch are played out by us all, as each person seeks to benefit themselves and those they hold most dear.


No, Chaos in itself is not evil. Of course, how you choose to use the gifts and emotions of the gods is your own choice, and as mortals are not merely either good nor simply evil, what comes from these is what we make of them...

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Chaos is a clawing pit of depravity that pulls even the noblest of men down into itself and ruins them

it is a roiling mess of despair that crushes even the bravest spirit

it is the hatred that will not subside, and instead consumes a man until he is nothing but vengeance, violence and death

Chaos is an overarching scheme, a nest of snakes so beautifully woven and worked, that ensnares its own creator, with no end, and no beginning

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My evil side. And an excuse to go nuts with it.


Plus, who wouldn't utilize their evil side with Chaos and the occasional 'Blood for the blood God' refferance, even though your college mates and tutors look at you as if wondering what are you on.

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