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Who/what is this chaos model?


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Hi All,


Bought this guy recently with a load of stuff and have never seen him before... On his base it just says "CHAOS" and "GW 2005". So do any of you know who he is?

I can only assume some sort of limited edition model from another country or something (im in the UK). He is not converted in any way and is 100% metal. I asked a GW staff member and he thought it could be an old possessed model... I disagree but if you guys could shed any light on this that would be great.










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Yep, as BloodJunkie pointed out, it's the aspiring Champion from the metal Possessed box that was only in store for a very shorty time before being replaced with the 100% plastic box we have now. (Sales were horrible since the models were far from the most inspiring.)



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Yep, as BloodJunkie pointed out, it's the aspiring Champion from the metal Possessed box that was only in store for a very shorty time before being replaced with the 100% plastic box we have now. (Sales were horrible since the models were far from the most inspiring.)




Sorry but i'm a pedantic Son of a the Truth, it was the box that came before the chaos space marine box set of 3.5 that had the parts to make an 8 man CSM squad and it also included a mutations sprue so you could instead make possessed chaos marines. with the release of the current codex they made a new box set of 5 possessed which is what we have now and they upped the CSM squad to ten marines and added loads more options... pointless post i know :( but yeah just didn't want the old plastic possessed forgotten about I still kinda prefer them to the new ones... well i prefer two face and horn head anyway... if anyone else knows what i'm on about? :P

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I'm not so sure that's when it was released. I'm pretty sure those five guys weren't out for the release of the 3.5 codex, and I know I never saw them during the Eye of Terror campaign and its immediate aftermath.


The original mutation sprue wasn't so much provided so you could make possessed (cause most of the possessed at the time were custom conversions and looked really impressive), but so you could have one or two mutants in each of your squads. The idea of abusing it to get possessed didn't come until much later.


Believe me, I remember some really impressive possessed that used a lot of out of production bitz like chaos spawn heads and tails, BFG Tyranid feeder tendrils, skaven tails, and all that. Kinda sad that those days are gone and GW is harking to the cry of "MOAR MODELS COMPLETE ALL THE RANGES" and less of "LET ME CONVERT THAT THING MYSELF YA GITS!"

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I know that the box was released after the Eye of Terror campaign, since I only got in bed with Chaos after it was concluded :P


And I do remember the release of the box.


Which coincidentally makes it far younger than the mutation sprue since that ones been around since at least the release of the OLD Chaos Warriors


And by that I mean these good fellas:




Which also got a good copy of the mutation sprue if memory serves.


Which also would explain why the proportions are all wrong for the Chaos Space Marines. Although it was a perfect fit for the Chaos Warriors. :(



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Which also would explain why the proportions are all wrong for the Chaos Space Marines. Although it was a perfect fit for the Chaos Warriors. :P

I've never had trouble with their proportions being off. In fact the opposite; to use the heads with chaos warriors you had to clip the neck joint a bit.

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I wasn't talking about the fitting.


But the proportions in contrast to other CSM bits, the size is completely different, as it they used a different scale.


Although the bits does fit nicely with eachother, I'll admit that. :P



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The metal and horrible looking Possesed CSM where released a few month before the actual came out,then when the actual one did came out,they did the plastic Possesed kit.


It was some kind of placeholder if you think about it.


Also the Old Plastic mutation Sprue,wasn't released with the Chaos Warriors,but with the 3.5Ed CSM kit,then the Mutation Sprue was added to the Chaos Warriors for battle until they where replaced with the new ones(the actual Chaos warriors kit).

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