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Chaos Contemptor


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Chaos is getting it's very own Contemptor in the IA: Apocalypse 2nd Ed.


Rules are as following:



TL Heavy Bolter - 36" S5 AP4 Heavy 3, TL

Multi-Melta - 24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1

TL Heavy Flamer - Template S5 AP4 Heavy 1, TL

TL Autocannon - 48" S7 AP4 Heavy 2, TL

Plasma Cannon - 36" S7 AP2 Heavy 1, Blast

TL Lascannon - 48" S9 AP2 Heavy 1, TL

Heavy Conversion Beamer

DCCW w/ build in TLBolter

Chainfist w/ build in TLBolter


Exclusive Chaos Weapons:

Butcher Cannon - 36" S8 AP4 Heavy 4

Soulburner - 24" S5 AP5 Assault 1, 3" blast, Rending, Ignores Cover


DCCW Weapons:

Heavy Flamer - Template S5 AP4 Heavy 1

Plasma Blaster - 18" S7 AP2 Assault 2, TL


Additional Weapons:

Havoc Launcher 48" S5 AP5 Assault 1, TL, Blast


Special Rules:


4+ save against glancing hits

6 + save against penetrating hits

NO Insanity



Mark of Khorne - Rage and +D3 A on the charge

Slaanesh - Offensive and Defensive Grenades, I5

Nurgle - -1 to Damage Chart

Tzeentch - Bolter and Flamers become AP3, re-roll 1s in assault



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Special Rules:


4+ save against glancing hits

6 + save against penetrating hits

NO Insanity



Mark of Khorne - Rage and +D3 A on the charge

Slaanesh - Offensive and Defensive Grenades, I5

Nurgle - -1 to Damage Chart

Tzeentch - Bolter and Flamers become AP3, re-roll 1s in assault

These, I like. Shame we can't give marks to our actual dreads; it'd make a Tzeentch heavy bolter dread into a freaking reaping machine.
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Freakishly sweet. Both chaos guns look quite interesting. We don't have anything which ignores cover at range, so the soulburner could well prove useful. However, the 'almost-psyfleman' option of the Butcher Cannon looks too good to pass.


I hope the Marks are priced 'correctly', because there is no option for all of us who play undivided, and it would suck if one or all of the marks are no-brainers compared to taking none.


Oh, and I wonder why they have different inv.save rules compared to the loyalist ones? They are supposed to be using the same sort of machine, so that makes little sense from what I know.

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So my question is... Can you take two Butcher cannons on the same dread? If so is it cheap enough to compete with Riflemen/Psyflemen?
If its anything like what I've seen from the Imperial one, you won't. There doesn't seem to be an option for a Mortis dread. Which is perfectly fine by me; if I didn't go for a Thousand Sons bolter/flamer monstrosity, I'd go with straight Furioso and see how much fire it could draw.
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Oh, and I wonder why they have different inv.save rules compared to the loyalist ones? They are supposed to be using the same sort of machine, so that makes little sense from what I know.


Don't forget that the rules that FW uploaded as a preview for the Contemptor dread was labeled experimental,and so where subject to changes.


So there is a chance that those would also be the rules for the Imperial Contemptors.


And those Chaos Contemptor rules comes just at the right time,when i'm doing a Contemptor conversion for my WE!

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The odd thing about this book is that it is strangely affordable at only 26.00 pounds. That's half off the price of the regular IA books. The contemptor looks like a nice option for Chaos but it is too slow for my army (Everyone has a transport, I have 6 rhinos). Are there any deep strike or drop pod options for them?
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No Insanity rule, eh? Good stuff. I might actually buy one because of that. There was absolutely no way I was going to bother otherwise, and I'm sure I wasn't alone in that.


Agreed, and you were most definetley not alone, lol.

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The butcher cannon looks awesome. Now i just hope that it isn't overcosted.


The whole package is quite expensive I'm afraid. The Contemptor plus any mark is as expensive as the Chaos Landraider. While most of the weapon upgrades are reasonably prices, it still becomes a large and expensive firemagnet.

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The butcher cannon looks awesome. Now i just hope that it isn't overcosted.


The whole package is quite expensive I'm afraid. The Contemptor plus any mark is as expensive as the Chaos Landraider. While most of the weapon upgrades are reasonably prices, it still becomes a large and expensive firemagnet.


Meh, then it is useless. Well done FW but no av12 ( it was av12 wasn't it? ) vehicle/walker should be as expensive as a landraider.

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The butcher cannon looks awesome. Now i just hope that it isn't overcosted.


The whole package is quite expensive I'm afraid. The Contemptor plus any mark is as expensive as the Chaos Landraider. While most of the weapon upgrades are reasonably prices, it still becomes a large and expensive firemagnet.


Meh, then it is useless. Well done FW but no av12 ( it was av12 wasn't it? ) vehicle/walker should be as expensive as a landraider.


It's AV 13/12/11 and has a save against both glancing and penetrating hits, so it's actually more survivable than a Predator.

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The butcher cannon looks awesome. Now i just hope that it isn't overcosted.


The whole package is quite expensive I'm afraid. The Contemptor plus any mark is as expensive as the Chaos Landraider. While most of the weapon upgrades are reasonably prices, it still becomes a large and expensive firemagnet.


Meh, then it is useless. Well done FW but no av12 ( it was av12 wasn't it? ) vehicle/walker should be as expensive as a landraider.


It's AV 13/12/11 and has a save against both glancing and penetrating hits, so it's actually more survivable than a Predator.


Ah, somewhat better than i expected then.

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The odd thing about this book is that it is strangely affordable at only 26.00 pounds. That's half off the price of the regular IA books. The contemptor looks like a nice option for Chaos but it is too slow for my army (Everyone has a transport, I have 6 rhinos). Are there any deep strike or drop pod options for them?


Maybe you can transport it in a dreadclaw which rules are updated in the same book btw.

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The odd thing about this book is that it is strangely affordable at only 26.00 pounds. That's half off the price of the regular IA books. The contemptor looks like a nice option for Chaos but it is too slow for my army (Everyone has a transport, I have 6 rhinos). Are there any deep strike or drop pod options for them?


Maybe you can transport it in a dreadclaw which rules are updated in the same book btw.


Contemptor Dreads have the Fleet special rule also.


But yeah throw it in a Dreadclaw should do the trick.


Hope that the Dreadxlaw rules are nice though.

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