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Havocs and Raptors


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So I have a Thousand Sons army in mind. I have read the posts regarding army builds and it seems that the general consensus is Demon Princes and Obliterators are must haves for TS. However I am looking at trying to do something more aesthetic with this army.


What's the opinion of using Havocs and Raptors in a TS force? I have enough Thousand Sons Marines models that I can convert two squads to form a Raptor and a Havoc Squad, and still have three maxed squads of Rubric marines. I have a half-thought explanation about how to fit them into the army in that these squads were affected by the Rubric as it affected the Sorcerers, but their psychic abilities don't have a prescribed game effect (they are sorcerers but they are not, if that make sense).


I'm thinking of basing my HQ as a Thousand Sons Chaos lord with daemon weapon, plasma pistol, melta bombs and Disc of Tzeentch. He is supported by the Raptor squad in assaulting behind the enemy lines.


I'm undecided about the Havoc squad though - my other thought would be to make them "counts-as" Obliterators based on the idea of a post I saw on the forum - by basing two or three coverted Heavy weapon armed marines as a weapons team on an Obliterator base.


Thoughts and comments appreciated?

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I'm of two minds about this.


Aesthetically, I like the idea of the raptor conversions and heavy teams as obliterators. I could look cool and poses some nice modelling opportunities.


Competitively, not the greatest idea. ;)


The Chaos Lord is sadly our weakest (at least to many) HQ option and Daemon weapons are horribly unpredictable. Raptors are no better than regular marines in combat, and weaker at range, plus while they are jump infantry marines in a rhino move just as fast and have greater durability. Havocs also aren't bad...but they just don't measure up to obliterators.


So there you go, two sides of the coin...


Artistically, themeatically(?), creatively...go for it!


Competitively...find another way.


It all depends on where your focus lies.


Just my opinion when all is said and done though, hope it helps.

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I play Chaos Space Marine Squads with Thousand Sons Shoulder pads, painted Thousand Sons colors for chaos space marine squads or Havocs all the time. The only thing I really do to keep them different is not have the Egyptian headpieces.



People now adays seem to forget that in older generations Thousand Sons didn't equate to the Egyptian headpiece....

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I'm basing it more on models I think would be fun to convert, paint and play - I don't give a rat's for tournament play. As for the daemon weapon, well to me that's a quirk of fate - a weapon that's powerful but hard to control just adds a random element (Elric really had no control over Stormbringer...). I still have a Sorcerer Lord and a Daemon prince on the sidelines however.


The more I think about it, I like the idea of the "counts as Obliterator" weapon teams. With some positioning, three marines should fit on the base nicely and making three Obliterators this way will give me a magic number :)

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I'm basing it more on models I think would be fun to convert, paint and play - I don't give a rat's for tournament play. As for the daemon weapon, well to me that's a quirk of fate - a weapon that's powerful but hard to control just adds a random element (Elric really had no control over Stormbringer...). I still have a Sorcerer Lord and a Daemon prince on the sidelines however.


The more I think about it, I like the idea of the "counts as Obliterator" weapon teams. With some positioning, three marines should fit on the base nicely and making three Obliterators this way will give me a magic number :D


You could use a magnet on one of the guys as a would counter.

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The more I think about it, I like the idea of the "counts as Obliterator" weapon teams. With some positioning, three marines should fit on the base nicely and making three Obliterators this way will give me a magic number ^_^


Instead of weapon teams, as a thousand son why not make like terminator vets casting spells as your counts as oblits? I think that'd be an amazing conversion opportunity and a little fluffier than Tson weapon teams.

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You could use a magnet on one of the guys as a would counter.


Sorry, a what counter?


I had thought about the Terminator route, but I didn't really want to be fiddling around with sculpting spell effects (I'm rather cack-handed in that area).

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I always wanted to do a simple conversion for some Thousand Son raptors. Just stick a Thousand Son onto of a disk of Tzeentch. Guess the model would also have to have CCW and bolt pistol but with the current Thousand Son parts that is easy.
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I always wanted to do a simple conversion for some Thousand Son raptors. Just stick a Thousand Son onto of a disk of Tzeentch. Guess the model would also have to have CCW and bolt pistol but with the current Thousand Son parts that is easy.



That's what i'm doing now... got the bodies done, just working on how I want to magnetize the arms now.

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  • 1 month later...
People now adays seem to forget that in older generations Thousand Sons didn't equate to the Egyptian headpiece....


Actually, the original model for the Thousand Sons from the early 90s before there was much fluff had that head piece and it is what inspired the current models.





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Actually, the original model for the Thousand Sons from the early 90s before there was much fluff had that head piece and it is what inspired the current models.



I actually have those models in my army. But, just because those models exist doesn't mean my point isn't valid.... Suffice it to say, there have been many different looks for the Thousand Son marines over the years. The 3rd edition book for instance has 2 different instances of Thousand Sons with the Horned head. (I think the 2nd edition did as well)


In the history of Thousand Sons:

With and without Head Pieces

With and without Inspiration from Egyptian's


So there is alot of opportunities to work with, and that is the point I was trying to make.


Here are the ones I am working on. The arms, and feet are magnetized so I could even use them as walking champions if needed.




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That is a boss idea for 1kSons Raptors, I think (the way you're modeling them). I'm having a go at something similar I'm going to try soon (list wise). I've got a Chaos Sorcerer with jump pack I'm going to load down with spellery and send him out with a squad of Raptors I designed just to be his retinue. Conventional wisdom has advised against this, but I'm all about theme and modeling. Also I really, really want to kite into my friend's backfield and spawnify me some Inquisitorial toadies. If I can manage this in just one game I'll be happy and move on to something else...
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Tanith Ghost's idea is a good one, the flames issuing from the new Ogre Firebelcher ( I think that's what it's called) wouldn't be hard to remove from the model and attatch to a Terminator's hand as a spell. Just a suggestion, I reckon it would look cool. :tu:

And the disc idea is great, those things are sick.

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Actually, the original model for the Thousand Sons from the early 90s before there was much fluff had that head piece and it is what inspired the current models.



I actually have those models in my army. But, just because those models exist doesn't mean my point isn't valid.... Suffice it to say, there have been many different looks for the Thousand Son marines over the years. The 3rd edition book for instance has 2 different instances of Thousand Sons with the Horned head. (I think the 2nd edition did as well)


In the history of Thousand Sons:

With and without Head Pieces

With and without Inspiration from Egyptian's


Don't forget good ol' Ahriman. His model has no Egyptian elements at all.


I would ask for pictures of the Disk squad once they are done :lol: I am interested as to what they will look like when finished. Yet, I must admit I am not too fond of the Disk of Tzeentch. Flying manhole covers...

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I would ask for pictures of the Disk squad once they are done :lol: I am interested as to what they will look like when finished. Yet, I must admit I am not too fond of the Disk of Tzeentch. Flying manhole covers...

...and if you can do the disk riders nicely, is there any chance we can see Silver Towers of Tzeentch next? (Not sure what they'd count as!)

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my 1k sons raptors are marines (space wolves actually. LOL ) with ghostly wings on them. I cut the vents off of some backpaks and GSed/ plasticarded wings on. but then my whole 1ksons is based on reanimated ghosts more than the ruberic/ egyptian stuff. I like the look of your stuff and would encourage your weapon teams. I have seen a few of those and they look good if done well.
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my 1k sons raptors are marines (space wolves actually. LOL ) with ghostly wings on them. I cut the vents off of some backpaks and GSed/ plasticarded wings on. but then my whole 1ksons is based on reanimated ghosts more than the ruberic/ egyptian stuff. I like the look of your stuff and would encourage your weapon teams. I have seen a few of those and they look good if done well.

pics please

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