WH40778 Posted October 2, 2011 Share Posted October 2, 2011 http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/1564/spacemarine3n.jpg Iron Guardian The Iron Guard Chapter was created as part of the 8th founding, back in the earliest days of the 33rd millennium, and was sent ,along with countless other Space Marine chapters, to protect the Scarus Sector from the horrific menaces coming from the very depths of the Eye of Terror. Created from the gene-seed of the first legion, the Dark Angels, they share part of their secretive and stoic nature. Assigned to the southern edge of the sector, the Chapter spent its early existance fighting against the forces of Chaos that tried to breach into the Segmentum Pacificus. Alongside two brother chapters they managed to keep the frontier intact and repulsed the Traitor armies back to their accuresd homeworlds. The Iron Guard stood on the brink of annhilation, suffering terrible losses from the innumerable battles against the heretics, but the chapter was able to get back to full strenght when the invasions began to slowly to thin out in M37. Many brave and skilled marines died during these dark days, and the chapter still mourn and revere them as their greatest heroes and saviors.HOME WORLD - Ultimus Vesper The Iron Guard estabilished on the third moon of the flourishing Agri-world of Ultimus Vesper (TN. Distant Evening/Vespers) few months after their own founding. The planet orbits a twin-star sytem, a medium-sized orange star, Vesper Majoris, and a small companion, Vesper Minoris; and of the three planets that compose the small system, it's the fartherst from the stars (almost the same distance as Sun-Mars), but has the most tempered climate and a prosperous bioshpere, perfect for an Agri-world; whilst the nearest planet, Proxima Vesper, is a barren Death-world and the other one, Vesper II, has no atmosphere at all and is exploited as a mining world.Ultimus Vesper is characterised by a permanent sunset-lightning during daytime because of the orange light emitted by the twin stars, from wich it derives its name. Most of the planet is covered by plains and low hills, and very little of the surface is actually rocky or mountainous; the Great Upland is the most notable exception. The cities are well-distributed around the globe to keep the workers near the fields and there are military and arbiters emplacements scattered around to enforce law when needed. Most of the cities are quite simple and without any impressing architectural works; however, the capital city, Elysium, can be considered a true beacon of the Emperor's light and a paragon of the power of the Imperium . With its immense buildings, made out of polished steel and other reflective material to enhance the impact of the unique lightning of the planet, it includes Cathedrals, shrines, tribunals and constructions of any kind. The city homes the greatest space-port of the planet, welcoming visitors with a splendid sight on the brightest side of the Imperium.As the greatest part of population being formed by peasants and farmers, Ultimus Vesper may not seem a good rectruiting world for a Space Marine chapter. However, behind the prosperity and general wellfare of the planet (compared to the rest of the Imperium), lies an extremely strict and harsh martial tradition. Every citizen of the planet is trained in the Art of War and indoctrinated into the Imperial Creed since young kids, prepared to face the constant threat of a possible chaos invasion. Every man and woman has to serve at least 7 years in the PDF, and most of the quiet and peaceful farmers who now work in the fields scattered around the planet are already jaded veterans who faced many times the renegade forces, and are always ready to take up arms against the enemies of their world once again. It's among these men where the Iron Guard takes their recruits.Most of the neophites are taken from the best the PDF can offer, but it's not uncommon that a chaplain from the chapter visits the local emplacements of the Schola Progenium, taking the most promising orphans to train them as Space Marines, instead of having them become Storm Troopers. Since training begins very early, at the age of 12-14, there are always good recruits for the path of the Iron Guard.Ultimus Vesper's culture and society is unique, because there is almost no division between social classes nor any distinction between them. Soldiers, Employees, Farmers or Arbitrators, they are all treated as equal servants of the Emperor, and as such, equal as men too. Despite this, there is a great respect of authority and law, and crime is overly unusual in the cities as well as in the fiels. The Iron Guard, despite having its base on the nearby moon (Ultimus Vesper III, a temperate moon), often descend on the planet to ensure that the Eye of the Emperor, as well as His Hand, are always with them. the Guardians treat the populace almost as their equal, knowing that many of them have already endured great suffering in war, and whilst not being super-human individuals, still managed to survive and continued serving the Imperium, or died trying.The planet was invaded many times by the Renegade forces, and suffered a great amount of damage and destruction over the millennia, but always managed to endure the battle wounds and restore itself to its original glory (also because the quantity of chaos renegades here is not as much as at the gates of the Eye of Terror).The chapter fortress is based on the third moon of the planet,Ultimus Vesper III. This is a temperate moon, with a continental and rainy climate that is fairly cool most of the time (around 10 C°), with no clear distinctions between seasons. There is little flora or fauna though, because most of the planet is rocky and the water comes from the sea that occupies almost 60% of the planet surface. There the Iron Guard has estabilished several emplacements to monitorate the activities in the nearby systems and receive distress calls from the sector. Most often the daily drills and training are performed outdoors, on the rocky mountains that surround the fortress, a great training territory due to natural obstructions and obstacles that help the Iron Guardian practice their favourite tactics.COMBAT DOCTRINE The Iron Guard is renowed in the Scaros Sector for its flexible and adaptable pattern of tactics, wich permits them to fit with every combat situation. It is requested to all the sergeants, captains and librarians a thorough study of all the tactics contained in the Codex Astartes, as well as the Tatica Imperialis and several others books on the topic, and even common battle-brothers are trained tacticians compared to other brother chapters. The study of Tactics and the development of new patterns and solution is taken in great consideration inside the Chapter, and many honours are awarded to those who managed to accomplish an important objective with innovative strategies,or peculiar mix of known tactics to achieve a better outcome.The use of tactics assumed a particular importance in the tradition of the Iron Guard almost immediately after the founding; to endure the countless assaults launched on their homeworld by the outnumbering forces of Chaos, it was acknowledged that with the proper tactical preparation and thorough study of the battlefield and of the foe, victory would have been achieved with much less losses (and this is a common acknowledgment). The major twist came with Master Raziel, who estabilished a brand new set of written rules for the development of field tactics (Machina Astartes , the Astartes war machine), wich enabled the chapter to be responsive to every combat situation, and more. This text is considered a sacred relic to the Chapter and is conserved inside the Chapter's Hall of Heroes.Many battles were won thanks to the extremely flexible tactics of the chapter. An example of the capabilites of such adaptable strategies was shown during the Assault of Nemeris IX, were only four tactical squads were able to drive several hundreds renegade marines of the Night Lords in the narrow streets of the Hive City through the usage of fast attack and heavy artillery fire, where they were incapable of free movement,by then already split in small groups, and then channelled into well prepared kill zones and mine traps, where they were completely annhilated through superior firepower techniques, without any loyal marine being killed during the actions.Unfortunately, dsepite the superior tactics employed by the chapter, the Iron Guard suffered terrible losses accross the centuries at the hands of the chaos renegades, entire companies being wiped out during savage assault on their homeplanet and great heroes to the chapter killed while defending the people of the Imperium. The Iron Guard is specialized in fighting the chaos forces, as they are doing this since their founding most of the time. Because of this, they largely use special issue ammunition such as the Vengeance Bolt Rounds and high penetration weaponry, especially plasma and melta weapons. To achieve minimum losses, the chapter has great experience with ranged weaponry, and many captains are seen bringing special wargear into battle such as plasma guns or even multi-meltas and Terminator-mounted Cyclone missile launchers. The chapter also owns and upkeeps a larger quantity of bikes and combat bikes, and some of them are fitted with additional wargear; in 875 M.39, in conjunction with the Dark Angels Ravenwing and the Consecrators, the Iron Guard managed to manufacture a special pattern of Space Marine bike fitted with a Barrage Plasma gun for charges against heavy infantry, wich is honorifically called Vesper Pattern. As this kind of bikes exist in very limited numbers, they are issued only to respected brothers of the chapter and only when really fitting the tactical requirements of the mission.ORGANISATION The Iron Guard mainly follows the Codex Astartes, written millennia ago, but made their own adaptments and modifications to the Capitular organization and tactics. The most important divergence is that the Chapter is not lead by a single individual, the Chapter Master, but is instead commanded by three Masters: the Master of Tactics, the Master of the Creed, and the Master of Armoury.The Master of Tactics is an individual who, other than being one of the greatest warrior and leader of the chapter, is also extremely expert and well-versed in combat tactics in any environment or situation (even for the super-human standards of the Space Marines), he is the chosen commander of the Infantry operations when possible and it's also responsible of Fast-attack and Air-to-ground support (Bikes, Land Speeders, Assault infantry).He is also a master of evey kind of weaponry and knows how to use every piece of wargear in the chapter's armoury at its best. He might also field with heavy weapons if the tactial situation requires to.The current Master is Telchar, who has taken this charge over 400 years ago, and is considered the best Tactician the chapter ever had; he's also a very experienced combat driver and fighter and he's well know for having driven into battle on various special-issue vehicles.The Master of the Creed is the most respected and most faithful Chaplain of the Chapter. He detains the charge of Master of the Reclusium, as well as master of ceremonies and lithanies. He is the one who prepares his fellow borthers before a battle with inspiratory speeches, gives them blessings and overwatches the general spuiritual wellness of the chapter. In battle he is the leader of every assault in wich he takes part and brings with him the righteous fury of the Emperor wich he unleashes on the enemy with zeal and hatred. He is the chosen commander of the vanguard elites and in general of every assault operation. The current Master is Brother-Chaplain Richter, who has serverd the chapter for over 200 years and whose voice is so powerful that can be heard over the storm of bolt and plasma fire accross the battlefield.The Master of Armoury is the most experienced Techmarine of the chapter. He is also the Master of the Forge, who directs and intructs the other Techmarines and servitors in the repairing and maintenace rites of the sacred machinery of the chapter. He detains the knowledge to forge every weapon of the chapter, and is also a learned scholar of the plasma technology, who is almost exclusive to the Unforgiven chapters.In battle he bears the most ancient Relics of the Iron Guard as he is the only one who knows how to unlock and use their true potential. He is the leader of the armoured squadrons and master of the capitular fleet as well. The current Master is Brother Tycho Adamantis, who is also considered a revered servant of the Omnissiah even inside the Adeptus Mechanicus (a true honour for a techmarine).Another major divergence from the Codex is the presence of higly trained units of Space Marines ( coming in a standard of one unit for each company excluding the 10th, while every member of the 1st company is thaught this tactic of combat ) called Praetorians,specialized in fighting in tight close combat formations, based on the ancient Terran Roman legions organization. Trained in the use of the Storm Shield and Power blade, as well as several ablative weaponry and specialized sidearms (such as the Guardian Bolt Pistol),they form a wall of shields wich is almost unbreakable and can easily endure the most furious charge or attack, whilst mowing down the incoming hordes of enemies.The name of the ranks throughout the chapter have also changed and are referred differently in almost every sacred capitular text or ancient tome, differing much from the Codex basis: Scouts are still called Neophytes, Tactical Marines are called Legionarii (Legionaries), Devastator and Assault Marines are named Eversores and Incursores respectively, and veterans are also referred as Triarii. Often on the battlefield only the Legionarii and Triarii terms are used (the former to define all the non-veteran infantry on the battlefield), and the others are referred normally, as the Codex Astartes instructs. BELIEFS Even though the Iron Guardians call themselves Unforgiven, as part of the Dark Angel legacy, they share much with the Angels of Absolution belief system; while they do not believe that they are completely absolved as the other chapter does, they think that the hunt for the Fallen is more than just an act to redeem their greatest shame, but a way to show the renegades that their misdeeds will never be left unpunished, no matter how much time has passed. They will be made repent or die, not only for the terrible detriment the Fallen caused to the original Dark Angels legion, but to show that the Emperor's Justice reaches all the corners of the galaxy, no matter how far or how well they may hide, they will be found and will taste the fair vengeance of the just.While most of the Unforgiven chapters share a monastic organisation and ceremonies, the Iron Guard partly diverges from this kind of celebrations. The Iron Guardian are thaught the prayers and lithanies common to the Unforgiven chapters, as well as every battle-brother being entrusted with a copy of the Requiem Angelis; they however act more like a roman Legion than a monastic order, they are in fact trained to honour their wargear and perform basic rites of reparation, as well as practising standard and advanced combat formations, training with Storm shield and power blades and other tactical weaponry as part of their daily drills and ceremonies. They are still very secretive though, and while not as intolerant with non-humans as the Dark Angels, they still hate others to stick their nose into the Chapter's affairs, and have often withdrawn without explanation after the end of a battle if they had to face the Inquisition.The Iron Guardians know that the Emperor's Light is always above them, and they are strong in their faith whilst defending the southern frontier of the Segmentum Obscurus from the forces of Chaos.GENESEED The Iron Guardians are considered full-fledged descendants of the Dark Angel Legion, although their gene-seed was not directly taken from the Primarch Lion'El Jonson. It has been instead employed a gene-seed stock originated from an ancient hero of the Dark Angels chapter: Varen, renowned veteran of the Ravenwing, know among his battle brothers as the Eagle, for his incredible bravery and skill on his Space Marine Bike, allowing him to dash through the weak points of the enemy lines, striking the most critical targets where the enemy was most vulnerable. He was awarded with several honours from the chapter and was allowed to enter the Inner Circle (even though as just an Initiate of the Secrets). When The Eagle was mortally wounded while fighting the Traitor Legions just outside the Eye of Terror, the Apothecarium believed that the gene-seed of such a great individual was worth of being preserved and used to generate new Space Marines.Unfortunately, due to the war against the Traitors still raging over the battlefield, the battered corpse of The Eagle, wich wasn't still put in stasis, had to wait several days to receive a worthy burial, and the gene-seed retrieved from the body contained traces of instability. When the seed was needed to forge the Iron Guard, it was irremediably decayed. As a consequence of such misfortune, the Iron Guard genetic inheritance is not as pure as the Dark Angels', and lacks the zygotes necessary for development of the Betcher's Gland and the Omophagea. The chapter's members medium height seems to be extremely constant, even more than other chapters, and there are really few exceptions.Due to a second-handed experience of their Primarch's geneseed, the Iron Guardians share a lot with their primogenitor chapter, the Dark Angels. They still possess to some extent the stoic demeanour characteristic of the Unforgiven, but lack their innate stubborness, replaced instead with a more analytical mind less prone to the typical behaviour shown by the other descendants. They are infact not considered true sons of The Lion by the other brother-chapters, but still possess great respect among them as they have shown their courage and capability many times during their long service under the wings of the Imperial Eagle.BATTLECRY http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5987/spacemarinec.jpg Base colour: Boltgun Metal & Tin Bitz ; Rims: Vomit Brown, Shoulder Pads: Mechrite Red ; Eye Lenses: Fiery Orange Robes: Graveyard Earth ; Weapons : Brazen Brass "United we stand, strong as a fortress, our will iron, our faith steel, our duty unbreakable." This litany is recited silently by the Iron Guardians before and during the battle, to give the Space Marines strenght and faith to fulfill the oaths they have ritually sworn before the final confrontation with the enemy. Purity seals are a common practice and are often worn on the back of the shoulder pads or on the backpack, rarely on the front chest plate or on the leg armour; as they are affixed by Chaplains before a combat when the marines are kneeled to revere and prepare their wargear for the upcoming fight, the inspiring presence of the chaplain fortifying the faith of the warrior with encouraging words and bounding them with oaths of greatness written on sacred parchment.Whilst service studs is a fading practice in the ranks of the Iron Guard, this is somewhat replaced by handcrafted tokens made by the chapter artisans or by the battle-brothers themselves who are attached to the belt, the cingulum, or to the backpack of the marine. They often represent Imperial emblems as the Eagle or the Iron Skull, as well as chapter heralrdy and other symbols of faith; Iron Guardians veterans collect these small charms and may end up possessing a large quantity of them,wich are often attached to a single chain who is secured to the marine power armour (around the neck, or on the belt) and are worn as a trinket, showing the Space Marine long service in the chapter.I thank you in advance for your feedback, hope you liked my idea! I will be adding other content soon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/239634-iairon-guard/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 2, 2011 Share Posted October 2, 2011 Hello, again. I think you know, from personal experience, what will follow. B) Assigned to the southern edge of the sector, the Chapter spent its early existance fighting against the forces of Chaos that tried to breach into the Segmentum Pacificus. - I spend a half hour to find the location of Scarus sector. To me, it looks like sector is positioned too far in the north of the galactic map to be a good route from Eye of Terror to Segmentum Pacificus. Change it to Obscuras, it would make more sense. The Iron Guard stood on the brink of annhilation, suffering terrible losses from the innumerable battles against the heretics, but the chapter was able to get back to full strenght when the invasions began to slowly to thin out in M37. - This Chapter was on brink of annihilation for hmm... 4,000 years? Four-thousand-years?! That's a little melodramatic, don't you think? :) HOME WORLD - Ultimus Vesper The Iron Guard estabilished on the third moon of the flourishing Agri-world of Ultimus Vesper (TN. Distant Evening/Vespers) few months after their own founding. - Weeell, technically speaking there is NO planet called Ultimus Vesper in Scarus sector, but whatever... ;) ... whilst the nearest planet, Proxima Vesper, is a barren Death-world... - Death World is planet hostile to (human) life. Dead World is dead planet. Just saying. As the greatest part of population being formed by peasants and farmers, Ultimus Vesper may not seem a good rectruiting world for a Space Marine chapter. - That's one thing, the another is that the Agri-World is an "important" source of food for many other imperial worlds and I'm sure the Administratum will be reluctant to hand over such world. Ultimus Vesper's culture and society is unique, because there is almost no division between social classes nor any distinction between them. - You know, having a social castes/classes means that there are divisions or distictions between them, by default. Section comment: To be honest, this entire wall o'text could be summarized with few sentences, without losing any important or relevant info. The culture of your homeworld is shallow so to speak, give them more depth. COMBAT DOCTRINE ... in the words of Emperor's Champion, "The Codex Astartes: Taking Away The Freedom Of The Astartes To Pigeonhole Themselves, And Restricting Them To Supreme Flexibility Since M31.". - Your chapter values the adaptability and flexibility, but that's the point of Codex Astartes in the first place. It's basically the statement of obvious. Try something different or at least elaborate more. ORGANISATION The Iron Guard mainly follows the Codex Astartes, written millennia ago, but made their own adaptments and modifications to the Capitular organization and tactics. The most important divergence is that the Chapter is not lead by a single individual, the Chapter Master, but is instead commanded by three Masters: the Master of Tactics, the Master of the Creed, and the Master of Armoury. - Well, first off the bat. Master of Tactics is not exactly the best title for high commander. Second, even in normal Chapter the Techmarines hold the status of outcasts. This is multiplied in the case of the Unforgiven, since the Techmarines are not trustworthy enough to know the secret of the Fallen. So, why is the Master of Forge in such prominent position? Another major divergence from the Codex is the presence of higly trained units of Space Marines ( coming in a standard of one unit for each company excluding the 10th, while every member of the 1st company is thaught this tactic of combat ) called Praetorians,specialized in fighting in tight close combat formations, based on the ancient Terran Roman legions organization. - Do you know why was the idea of close combat formation abandoned? Because of the invention of artillery and explosive grenades. Go figure. - Second, what the hell? Out of nowhere, the roman influence! Does this have any reason other than fancy names for the fancy names? BELIEFS While most of the Unforgiven chapters share a monastic organisation and ceremonies, the Iron Guard partly diverges from this kind of celebrations. The Iron Guardian are thaught the prayers and lithanies common to the Unforgiven chapters, as well as every battle-brother being entrusted with a copy of the Requiem Angelis; they however act more like a roman Legion than a monastic order, they are in fact trained to honour their wargear and perform basic rites of reparation, as well as practising standard and advanced combat formations, training with Storm shield and power blades and other tactical weaponry as part of their daily drills and ceremonies. They are still very secretive though, and while not as intolerant with non-humans as the Dark Angels, they still hate others to stick their nose into the Chapter's affairs, and have often withdrawn without explanation after the end of a battle if they had to face the Inquisition. - Okay, I get what is your aim, but the way this is written makes me cringe. First off, the roman legion nor monastic order doesn't exist. The Ultramarines aren't romans/greeks, Space Wolves aren't werewolf vikings and Dark Angels aren't freemasons. Avete capito? Second, it's a lot easier to say something rather than show something. Third, Daily rituals of a Space Marine. GENESEED The Iron Guardians are considered full-fledged descendants of the Dark Angel Legion, although their gene-seed was not directly taken from the Primarch Lion El'Jonson. - I'm sorry, but... What? :P Unfortunately, due to the war against the Traitors still raging over the battlefield, the battered corpse of The Eagle, wich wasn't still put in stasis, had to wait several days to receive a worthy burial, and the gene-seed retrieved from the body contained traces of instability. When the seed was needed to forge the Iron Guard, it was irremediably decayed. As a consequence of such misfortune, the Iron Guard genetic inheritance is not as pure as the Dark Angels', and lacks the zygotes necessary for development of the Betcher's Gland and the Omophagea. - Considering that it's the Admech, who provides the gene-seed for new Chapter, this is rather moot. Due to a second-handed experience of their Primarch's geneseed, the Iron Guardians share a lot with their primogenitor chapter, the Dark Angels. They still possess to some extent the stoic demeanour characteristic of the Unforgiven, but lack their innate stubborness, replaced instead with a more analytical mind less prone to the typical behaviour shown by the other descendants. They are infact not considered true sons of The Lion by the other brother-chapters, but still possess great respect among them as they have shown their courage and capability many times during their long service under the wings of the Imperial Eagle. - Whether these attributes are result of genetic heritage is rather questionable. I would say that these traits are the result of Chapter's culture and tradition. +++++++ Overall: To be honest, I'm not sure what to think. They are the Space Marines, but nothing else. Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/239634-iairon-guard/#findComment-2891115 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WeaponAdept Posted October 2, 2011 Share Posted October 2, 2011 Glad to see it's not just me that gets the treatment Nightraven! lolz Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/239634-iairon-guard/#findComment-2891153 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WH40778 Posted October 2, 2011 Author Share Posted October 2, 2011 Hey NightrawenII, glad to see you again, at least I know that i will engage a good conversation with you. Quote I spend a half hour to find the location of Scarus sector. To me, it looks like sector is positioned too far in the north of the galactic map to be a good route from Eye of Terror to Segmentum Pacificus. Change it to Obscuras, it would make more sense. Well, according to this map here at http://www.joachim-adomeit.de/wh40k/spacemap/map.html, just look at the Segmentum Pacificus, then, move your to the Eye of Terror, you'll find the sector halfway. Quote brink of annhilation Erm...ok, that was exaggeretad. Let's say it was almost all the time under nominal strenght though. I'll change the text later. HOME WORLD - My own invention (is it prohibited by the High lords of Terra? ^_^ ) Quote Death-world I meant dead world. I apologize for that. My own justification to assign the Iron Guard an Agri-world is because of its obvious need of protection (being on the way of chaos forces). Quote You know, having a social castes/classes means that there are divisions or distictions between them, by default. We can all have our fantasies, and even in a Dystopian Grimdark universe i'd like to think that this can actually be possible somewhere (it's a fiction, after all :) ) COMBAT DOCTRINE While most codex chapters apply the flexible tactics they are provided by the great work of Roboute Guilliman, the Iron Guard tries to be more innovative and creative on this front, not sticking to the Codex Astartes like most Ultramarines do, where not following one of the teachings contained in it is actually considered a terrible act of treachery to the chapter. I want my own marines to be a little more open to innovations than that. Quote why is the Master of Forge in such prominent position? Because of his great knowledge and being the only one knowing how to craft every equipment of the chapter he is admitted in the inner circle of the chapter (I actually forgot to say at wich grade though, let's say it is only an Initiate to the secrets, he knows about the search for the Fallen and stuff, but doesn't know the fate of the Lion etcetera, etcetera Plus, i like the Master of Tactics title, sounds good to me. You may call him Master of Strategies but that's what I mean. Quote - Do you know why was the idea of close combat formation abandoned? Because of the invention of artillery and explosive grenades. Go figure.- Second, what the hell? Out of nowhere, the roman influence! Does this have any reason other than fancy names for the fancy names Given the fact that Tactics are above all, the chapter will surely field them in such situations where artillery fire is not a problem (underground, boardings, thight spaces and low ceilings and stuff), plus, they got Storm Shields, so even heavy weapons have hard time taking them down. And i like Roman Legions. Roman influence is not actually out of nowhere, a planet called Ultimus Vesprum with a capital city called Elysium, based on a martial society, retired soldiers are assigned to work in the fields...doesn't that remember you anything? ^_^ BELIEFS I admit that i may not be good with words when I'm not speaking my motherlanguage. But if you could help me more than just saying that it's bad-written, i'd be happier :D. I don't say that Ulltras are Romans (fortunately, they aren't, or Romans reputation would be doomed!) or Space Wolves are Norsemen, but they are inspired to that kind of society/people; you could say that Dark Angel seem an order of warrior monks, but they aren't of course. So I'd like to imagine that the Iron Guard seems a Roman Legion, but like its Dark Angels ancestors they wear robes and siilar stuff. Quote The Iron Guardians are considered full-fledged descendants of the Dark Angel Legion, although their gene-seed was not directly taken from the Primarch Lion El'Jonson. Quote Lion El'Jonson What's wrong? The geneseed is taken from a Dark Angel hero, so it's not the same gene-seed of the Primarch. And Lion El'Jonson is spelled correctly, go check it. ;) Quote Whether these attributes are result of genetic heritage is rather questionable. I would say that these traits are the result of Chapter's culture and tradition. Warhammer 40'000 lore is quite widespread, and in many books is actually stated that the typical demeanours of a chapter are a direct consequence of the Primarch's gene-seed, such as Dark Angels' stubborness or Imperial Fists search for perfection, the Space Wolves camaraderie and so on. It is also a consequence of their traditions, of course, but the basic imprint is given by the genetic hineritance. I appreciate your feedback, it's always needed an outside comment to pinpoint the flaws in our works. Thanks again, hope you'll reply back soon Cheers (I'll change the original text when i have time) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/239634-iairon-guard/#findComment-2891188 Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 4, 2011 Share Posted October 4, 2011 Okey, attempt #2 for reply. ;) WH40778 said: Quote I spend a half hour to find the location of Scarus sector. To me, it looks like sector is positioned too far in the north of the galactic map to be a good route from Eye of Terror to Segmentum Pacificus. Change it to Obscuras, it would make more sense. Well, according to this map here at http://www.joachim-adomeit.de/wh40k/spacemap/map.html, just look at the Segmentum Pacificus, then, move your to the Eye of Terror, you'll find the sector halfway. Ah, good 'ole joachim. Do you have 5th ed. rulebook? Lokk at the starmap in there, you will be surprised. ;) Quote My own justification to assign the Iron Guard an Agri-world is because of its obvious need of protection (being on the way of chaos forces). I dunno, from the description it looks like they are doing just fine. ;) Quote COMBAT DOCTRINEWhile most codex chapters apply the flexible tactics they are provided by the great work of Roboute Guilliman, the Iron Guard tries to be more innovative and creative on this front, not sticking to the Codex Astartes like most Ultramarines do, where not following one of the teachings contained in it is actually considered a terrible act of treachery to the chapter. I want my own marines to be a little more open to innovations than that. Observe: *These guidelines [Codex Astartes] have evolved over the centuries, and the Codex Astartes of the forty first millennium is a highly developed treatise combining the wisdom of hundreds of military thinkers throughout history. Some of its contents seem petty and restrictive, hardly worthy of the great mind of the Primarch. Others describe actual battles together with comments on the tactics employed and the decisions of the commanders of the day.* ~ Index Astartes I, the Codex Astartes Emphasis of mine. If we take this as face value then the Codex is not set in stone, as most people likes to believe, but a living book, constantly suplemented and improved. Proof: *The Liber Proditor Armorum, a treatise written in 812.M39 by Techmarine Suprema Lysol Blane of the Imperial Fists Chapter, contains many startling insights into the Traitor Legions' use of armoured vehicles... yada yada yada ...Blane's work was to be integrated into the Codex Astartes, but upon reviewing the data the Iron Fathers of the Iron Hands Chapter objected strongly enough that the notion was set aside.* ~ White Dwarf 275 (UK): Index Astartes, Beasts of Steel Quote Quote why is the Master of Forge in such prominent position? Because of his great knowledge and being the only one knowing how to craft every equipment of the chapter he is admitted in the inner circle of the chapter (I actually forgot to say at wich grade though, let's say it is only an Initiate to the secrets, he knows about the search for the Fallen and stuff, but doesn't know the fate of the Lion etcetera, etcetera He is not different than other MotF, yet he has prominent position. Why? :geek: Quote Quote - Do you know why was the idea of close combat formation abandoned? Because of the invention of artillery and explosive grenades. Go figure.- Second, what the hell? Out of nowhere, the roman influence! Does this have any reason other than fancy names for the fancy names Given the fact that Tactics are above all, the chapter will surely field them in such situations where artillery fire is not a problem (underground, boardings, thight spaces and low ceilings and stuff), plus, they got Storm Shields, so even heavy weapons have hard time taking them down. And i like Roman Legions. Roman influence is not actually out of nowhere, a planet called Ultimus Vesprum with a capital city called Elysium, based on a martial society, retired soldiers are assigned to work in the fields...doesn't that remember you anything? :D - Sorry, but it reminds me of 100+ martial cultures from accros the globe. - Latin names are almost prevalent in w40k verse, mainly because the (bastardised) latin is used for High Gothic, just look at Cypra Mundi or Nocturne. Quote So I'd like to imagine that the Iron Guard seems a Roman Legion, but like its Dark Angels ancestors they wear robes and siilar stuff. How? :P To be a little constructive. The Roman army was renown for their discipline, training, field/siege work, stubborness (desired trait for centurions) and unshakable faith in ultimate victory (read world's dominance). Quote Quote The Iron Guardians are considered full-fledged descendants of the Dark Angel Legion, although their gene-seed was not directly taken from the Primarch Lion El'Jonson. Quote Lion El'Jonson What's wrong? The geneseed is taken from a Dark Angel hero, so it's not the same gene-seed of the Primarch. And Lion El'Jonson is spelled correctly, go check it. ;) Really?!? The Iron Guardians are considered full-fledged descendants of the Dark Angel Legion, although their gene-seed was not directly taken from the Primarch Lion'El Jonson. The gene-seed cannot be taken directly from Primarch, because he has no progenoids. Another problem is that the Lion is MIA since Horus Heresy. Cheers, NightrawenII. 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