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How chaosy are Iron Warriors

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I love the iron warriors from a fluff perspective but they dont really seem that chaosy too me. Granted their primarch is a deamon prince but it seems unfluffy to field any form of deamons with them (apart from oblist obviously)


Any one have any ideas on how i could field IW aligned deamons in a fluffy way?

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It depends on what Warsmith is leading your army.

For IW do love not only machines and heavy weapons but also possession - possessed vehicles, for example. And Possessed Chaos Marines too. And for now it matters lesser as it was so it's almost up to you.

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They can be as Chaso-y as you want them to be. I have no doubt some Warsmiths favour the use of bound daemons in their sieges. There may even be instances where certain Grand Companies have cultivated their own deamonic creatiions (think "Spirits of Iron" or something to that effect). It's also well established that Iron Warriors are not above using bound daemonic and sorcerous energies to fuel their war engines, so rather than traditional daemons, how about making something akin to mini-defilers or soul grinders? Technological constructs bound together and given animation by daemonic sentiene?
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I see the Iron Warriors as using Chaos, not worshiping it. The proper place for a daemon being strapped into a weapon to make it more effective, not up at the front receiving adoration just for existing.


"Yeah, sure we've heard it. You're glorious and magnificent, an absolute terror to mortals and all that. Now get into that Land Raider, I need it to be able to still move and shoot if the crew gets killed..."


That's the world I live in, anyway.


However, i do like that plastic daemon prince and want him to lead my army!


Same here. So I made a "clockwork daemon prince" so I could have a daemon prince without having a daemon prince. ;)

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The Iron Warriors are not into full on cult and worship. They do not paint mystical symbols on their armour, and they don't praise the dark gods at the eve of battle. But they come from the warp, from a fortress that spans an entire planet. They come from a WW1 type hell of bunkers and trenches and barbed wire. They go into battle next to lumbering threaded behemoths of steel and rust, and their iron armour is as twisted and archaic as that of the other traitors. They are "chaos" all right. But more "chaos" as in hailing from a hellish dimension of eternal slaughter, and with the specific theme of brutal trench and siege warfare. They are corrupted, and will corrupt what they touch. They just wont chant the names of the Chaos Gods while doing so.
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Well i see them using more khornate deamons, I know in fluff they are known to fight just as hard as Blood angels or world eaters in cc but I would like them to use special control devices as such on deamons to demonstrate the potential of their scientific nature, such as grabbing blood letters and wiring them up with armour and cybernetic limbs to make them more deadly, and blood thirsters weilding deamon mauls and such.
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Might depend on the era- I think the warband that attacked Tallarn was portrayed as Slaanesh-devoted.


More recently (Index Astartes) they tended to be portrayed as "Khorne shocktroopers, but otherwise Undivided only" and in the 3.5 ed Chaos Codex- they dropped the "Khorne shocktroopers" option.


Personally I'd move back to the "any Power available" style- allowing them to have icons at least, for all powers, though Cult units like Plague Marines, Berserkers, etc might be more allied, than part of the Legion.

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Personally I'd move back to the "any Power available" style- allowing them to have icons at least, for all powers, though Cult units like Plague Marines, Berserkers, etc might be more allied, than part of the Legion.

The only ones that couldn't be actual parts of the Legion are Plague Marines. You can't catch the Nurgle Rot without joining the Death Guard.

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Personally I'd move back to the "any Power available" style- allowing them to have icons at least, for all powers, though Cult units like Plague Marines, Berserkers, etc might be more allied, than part of the Legion.

The only ones that couldn't be actual parts of the Legion are Plague Marines. You can't catch the Nurgle Rot without joining the Death Guard.


Actually, yeah you can, that's where Plaguebearers come from. Secondly, the Death Guard were infected with the Destroyer Plague, the thing Typhus is now the Host of.

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Regardless, the Destroyer Plague is not Nurgle's Rot. Nurgle's Rot has symptoms that include "you become a cyclops", "you grow a horn", "your toes fuse until you only have three", and finally "you become a Plaguebearer". The Destroyer Plague has shown none of those symptoms. It simply kills the host, bloating their corpse. It may be one of Nurgle's favoured plagues, but one throwaway line in a book doesn't erase the consistant other sources conflicting with it.
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I personally really like the daemon-lite style of the IW personally & is why I chose them as my chaos army. I mean, it's pretty easy to play Black Legion for example & included plague marine, 1k son etc models but I like the challenge of if I want to benefit from the unique skills & abilities of those units I have to put some effort into modelling them as specialist Iron Warriors. For example: Death Guard are cybernetically augmented to explain their higher T, fearless & feel no pain. 1K sons carry large siege shields (hence the 4++, slow & purposeful) & turbo-penetrator rounds in their boltguns while the sorcerer carries a special weapon based on whatever power he has. Noise marines would have custom boltguns. So, I see IW as the more human element of Chaos, thus I can relate to them the most. They take advantage of whatever they can get their hands on, including daemons & weapons/vehicles w/ bound daemons as it makes them less vulnerable. IW don't worship daemons or engage in the rituals such as dance naked around a fire in an orgy w/ daemonettes to win the upcoming battle but rather study the enemy's defenses & vulnerabilities.
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Regardless, the Destroyer Plague is not Nurgle's Rot. Nurgle's Rot has symptoms that include "you become a cyclops", "you grow a horn", "your toes fuse until you only have three", and finally "you become a Plaguebearer". The Destroyer Plague has shown none of those symptoms. It simply kills the host, bloating their corpse. It may be one of Nurgle's favoured plagues, but one throwaway line in a book doesn't erase the consistant other sources conflicting with it.

Symptoms allegedly belonging to Nurgle's Rot yet still where never EVER mentioned until in the Daemons of Chaos codex. Before that one instance that was never part of the fluff, 40k or Fantasy Battles, where I do assure you that Nurgle's Rot indeed to exist as well.


Before that the Rot simply killed it's hosts as well, just like the Destroyed Plague.



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Regardless, the Destroyer Plague is not Nurgle's Rot. Nurgle's Rot has symptoms that include "you become a cyclops", "you grow a horn", "your toes fuse until you only have three", and finally "you become a Plaguebearer". The Destroyer Plague has shown none of those symptoms. It simply kills the host, bloating their corpse. It may be one of Nurgle's favoured plagues, but one throwaway line in a book doesn't erase the consistant other sources conflicting with it.

Symptoms allegedly belonging to Nurgle's Rot yet still where never EVER mentioned until in the Daemons of Chaos codex. Before that one instance that was never part of the fluff, 40k or Fantasy Battles, where I do assure you that Nurgle's Rot indeed to exist as well.


Before that the Rot simply killed it's hosts as well, just like the Destroyed Plague.




Once upon a time, in the original 1990 Lost and the Damned book, there was a chart for those infected with nurgle's rot that included stat changes as the victim slowly turned into a plaguebearer.

-edit- Found it: page 24, "progress of the rot"

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Arco flagellants. Crazy servitors. Cyber daemons. Talking toasters. Use your imagination.
Hm... that could be fun. Last time I saw a cyberdaemon was when I was reading a walkthru book for Doom.


Never was able to get the retail copy, though. It had sold out by the time I was able to get it. :P

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Regardless, the Destroyer Plague is not Nurgle's Rot. Nurgle's Rot has symptoms that include "you become a cyclops", "you grow a horn", "your toes fuse until you only have three", and finally "you become a Plaguebearer". The Destroyer Plague has shown none of those symptoms. It simply kills the host, bloating their corpse. It may be one of Nurgle's favoured plagues, but one throwaway line in a book doesn't erase the consistant other sources conflicting with it.

Symptoms allegedly belonging to Nurgle's Rot yet still where never EVER mentioned until in the Daemons of Chaos codex. Before that one instance that was never part of the fluff, 40k or Fantasy Battles, where I do assure you that Nurgle's Rot indeed to exist as well.


Before that the Rot simply killed it's hosts as well, just like the Destroyed Plague.




As Ammonius pointed out, you may want to check out the Realms of Chaos books. Particularly, you may want to check out the Lost and the Damned, page 24. Here are the relevant quotes:

The Rot progresses from battle to battle, starting with the first battle following contraction. The victim begins to slowly turn into a Plaguebearer, his appearance and profile starts to change so that eventually he dies and is re-embodied in the Realm of Chaos as a Plaguebearer.


Here follows the progression of the disease as listed in the book. 1: Skin becomes pale yellow-brown. 2:Green and purple blotches break out on the victims skin. 3:The skin begins to rot and a small cloud of flies gathers around him. 4: A single horn sprouts from the victim's forehead. 5: The eyes start to grow together and the nose atrophies. 6:The victims feet grow into two huge claws. 7:The victim's face and flesh dissolve into a mass of tissue. 8:The victim finally dies and his shadow-self becomes one of Nurgle's Plaguebearers.


The Destroyer Hive merely kills. Nurgle's Rot does so much more.

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That might be the difference between Marine victims, and non-Marine victims.


Or maybe between the "Nurgle's Rot psychic power" and the "Nurgle's Rot disease".


Black Crusade page 216:

Nurgle's Rot [Corruption]

Alternate Names: The Destroyer Hive, Heart of Contagion, Pandemic's Herald


The grandest and most infamous of Nurgle's contagions, Nurgle's Rot is known by many names and has appeared on countless worlds, leaving entire populations desolated by this terrible daemonic pathogen. Nurgle's devoted sorcerers take on all manner of diseases, serving as hosts to the creations of the Lord of Plagues. From this seething mass of decay and entropy, these devotees of pestilence summon forth the psychic echo of this paragon of plagues, inflicting it on those nearby.

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Personally I'd move back to the "any Power available" style- allowing them to have icons at least, for all powers, though Cult units like Plague Marines, Berserkers, etc might be more allied, than part of the Legion.

The only ones that couldn't be actual parts of the Legion are Plague Marines. You can't catch the Nurgle Rot without joining the Death Guard.


Old rules, anyone with a Mark was a Plague Marine, Marines could get it slapped on. Now, Sorcerers aligned to Nurgle can bestow his gifts to make Plague Marines. The Death Guard AND Black Legion both have these in majority, but any well-written Sorcerer Can be used to create Plague Marines. As the fine gentlemen have already stated, Nurgles Rot kills the person, turning them into a Plaguebearer. However, the original Plague Marines were created because of the disparity from the Death Guard (Lets exclude BL crap) from being infected with the Destroyer Plague, one of which they wouldn't have survived without pledging their allegiances to Father Nurgle. Again, probably the difference between a Marine-victim and standard-human victims.


Rubric Marines are by far harder to come by, because no one is willing enough to have the Rubric Cast on them (or knows what it does for that matter). Ahriman and the Thousand Sons are the only ones with Access to them. Anyone else either has a rogue TS Allied sorcerer, or is doing favors for them and ended up getting a few for that reason. I guess you could make up some background about a Sorcerer who learned the Rubric, but again, that's a lot harder to flesh out because of the rarity in Rubric Marines.

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I don't see why they even have to be rubric marines in fluff sense if it doesn't fit your army's theme. Based on their rules they could be any one of a number of things such as cyborgs or suits of power armor controlled by a tech adept using a NIU.
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