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How chaosy are Iron Warriors

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Is it even possible to create Rubric Marines- or was the Rubric of Ahriman a one-shot?


In the Deathwatch adventure The Emperor Protects, the main villain is a Thousand Sons sorcerer (Dahzak) who used a Rubric-like spell (less powerful since he didn't have a cabal of sorcerers behind him) to transfer the minds of several of his allies into machines.


However- since said spell was less powerful- those people need a constant infusion of psyker souls to survive.

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From a fluff perspective i've always justified them (in my own little brain as it were)


Thousand sons - (Controlled by a warsmiths who uses cyber exoskelington technology to replicate his orders digitally to the thousand bodyless atomatons, rendering a sorceror redundant) - so immagine a control pannel linked over the bodyless armour with added pistons and movement assistors.


Pluage Marines - Due to the nature of their dedication they rot an ooze etc and corrupt anything (even other chaos) they are covered in a possessed metal to keep their wreeking bodies contained and are often placed in vehicles, due to the inginutiy of the Iron Warriors they are able to harness the power of the wreeking festering odours and vapours and create a very powerful form of synthetic energy which gives vehicles a little boost.


Slaneeshi- Find dedication in mastering artiellry (Big bangs, and the perfect siege asault technique) maybe even some sort of sonic siege equipment. Use Neuron stimulaton over combact drugs.


Bezerkers/Raptors, given higher quality cc weapons, chain axes that function like power weapons. assault packs which can move faster and use less fuel. Drop pods which can carve through defences. etc

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