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The Fallen

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So for my warband I'm building a Fallen sorceror. I'm wondering if I should paint him as a fallen Dark Angel or if I should have him painted in the colors of the VIII legion. If he joins the legion (like in Blood Reaver) then I'd paint him in midnight clad but I've never heard of any of the Fallen converting to other legions. So what do you guys think? He's going to be co-leading my warband with my chaos Lord. Basically just looking for people's opinions on the subject.
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If you hang out with the Black Legion, you paint your armor black except maybe one shoulder pad or so. Its what the Black Legion does; they sign on with Abbadon's cult of personality and trade in their former identity.
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I've always loved that idea. I'm currently building a squad of fallen Dark Angels for the beginning of my Word Bearers. Not sure if I am going to make it just a squad with a champion or convert an Interrorgator-Chaplain as a Lord.


Either way, I am thinking that I am going to paint them as Word Bearers, but I am keeping the Dark Angel colors in there somewhere. I'm going to keep the robes the same color and I am thinking either an arm or leg, complete with Chaos icons and defaced Imperial icons. That way they still tie in with the army but at a glance you can see the heritage that they have turned from and are sneering at. I can't think of any better way that they would taunt their former comrades.


Either way, he is your guy. Do as you please and don't worry about it.

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Either way, he is your guy. Do as you please and don't worry about it.

Of course. But i think it's more interesting question.


Fallen're factually one of the most unique traitors. And in our case we have a Sorcerer! So i think he probably will keep his black armor and red Legion symbol, but robe will be painted according to the Legion he's joined. Why not? Black armor with blue robe painted with lightnings... to my mind it must be looking amazing :P

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Sounds good to me...I like the irony quite a bit actually, lol. Some of the Fallen are known to be mercenaries, or even full-fledged Chaos Marines, so I don't know why they wouldn't be able to be attached to your NL's.


On a side note, check out THIS list. I attempted to get every name/history/weapon for every known Fallen...I haven't gotten as far as I'd like, but it's a start at least, lol.


Hope this helps, bro.

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Nice model.


If I was using a single Fallen, I would follow this example: armor in old DA black with Chaos Power colored robes, etc. You should leave some DA finery to signify him as Fallen.


If I did a whole squad, the leader would be done with some iconography signifying their new allegiance, but the troops would be old DA style. They have to throw the gauntlet at their loyal brothers.


I wonder if the Fallen run into the same problem with Chaos as they would with their DA brethren. DA want them destroyed because they see them as traitors. Would Chaos troops seem them as untrustworthy because they are related to loyalists?

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I didn't want him to be a full blown chaos worshipper, more like a Night Lord, using chaos for his own benefits. His robe is the only non Fallen part.


I'm not sure if they would I mean they were all related to loyalists at one point right? We still get chapters that convert to chaos each day (although those aren't well liked, that's true).

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I think other CSM won't think who Fallen are and just have a deal or try to kill them)) as usual. For most it doesn't matter.


more like a Night Lord, using chaos for his own benefits.

*facepalm* He is a Chaos Sorcerer, that's enough. And NL're CSM of Chaos Undivided, and according to the 2nd ed. codex it's impossible to use Chaos and ourselves not to be used. <_<


And, i repeat my question - wings, where do they come from? Possessed?

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Of course it's impossible to "use" chaos but I just like to think of it from their perspective. <_<


Sorry Menkeroth I thought I'd already answered that for some reason. They're from the possessed pack yep. Certain websites will sell just the wings by themselves, although most are out of stock.

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Hello, hmmm...since i had large armies of both IW and NL, and can still field sizable forces from either legion, i'd like to have a fallen sorceror too.

They fit the "chasoy but not so chaosy" theme of those legions, and i could use one model for both armies.

My image is very ghostly, almost a fantasy wraith, with skull helmet and very thin frame (had to convert that). And, of couse, wielding a suitably sombre grim reaper like tool, and using the winged blood angels junp pack. Balck armour, a hood and maybe some cloth hanging between the legs, but what of insigna?

I'd go for the original chapter symbol, but some heresy time sources report that as red, others as white, others yet as black on a white field...anyone can shed some light?

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Really I searched online for pictures of the Fallen and I found one that I liked the most and used the armor scheme from that and then added in my own blue robe. That would probably be a question for actual Dark Angel players to answer.


The modeling sounds pretty cool, but you sure about the sang guard backpack? I've seen it done, but if you do use it I'd suggest using different wings as the current ones look a bit too "angelic".

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The modeling sounds pretty cool, but you sure about the sang guard backpack? I've seen it done, but if you do use it I'd suggest using different wings as the current ones look a bit too "angelic".


Hmmm...well, that should be the idea, a death angel, like those depicted on his loyalist breathren. Also, the more i think about it, the more i think i should make him one of those who are trying to repent. Profileswise he may be a Tzeentchian sorceror, but he is actually a golden hearthed guy, just misunderstood :)

Locally we have several warlike DA players, so this may also serve as a bait to lure them out, in sight of my big guns :devil: :evil: :devil:

Yeah, i like the sound of it.

As for NL being undivided chaos marines this is only very marginally true, and only gameswise.

They are probably those that are still closer to their original legion ideas, most loyalists included.

But, as of late, i'm leaning more towards the mechanical guys, you know: Iron within, iron without etc etc

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