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Lamenters... Where to start?


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Heya B&C!

I'm a longtime blood angel player with an urge to paint a yellow marine army (yay for blood angels having a yellow successor chapter) and I'd like to hear some opinions about the Lamenters... What "feel" the army is supposed to give, what sort of units they use, How to paint em and so on.


So...What's my idea?

- Lamenters are supposed to be low on numbers, have damaged/improvised repairs on their wargear, maybe even mixed power armour set. All this is because of their unfortunate past(Almost wiped out several times and now sent on a 100 year crusade). Also I get the feel that they kinda lack fancy stuff like artificer armour, Angelus boltguns and sanguinary glaives.


- So what I'm thinking is using quite basic power armour (none of that fancy and pimped deathcompany/ sanguinary guard stuff except on veterans/sergeants/what ever HQ I use) with battle damage, some mixed sets and maybe even those double edged chaos/space wolves chainswords to kinda make em stand out abit as "using a different pattern on weapons"/ "an outdated version of the weapon".

Also, is there any novels with the Lamenters? (Red fury?)




- What units to use?

- Would a Doa army be good to represent the Lamenters? or are they mechanized(they've been fighting a long time...So I suppose their vehicles wouldn't be in that good shape)... Bikes would be kinda cool aswell...


- Lamenters have supposedly found a "cure" to the flaw so no death company right? or perhaps I could use "the side effects of the cure" as an reason to field a death company; "They crazy!"(reason for Mephiston perhaps?). Also if they don't have the flaw... would a Blood chalice have any effect on them?


- Also what kind of HQ do you recon they would use... Since they are quite few in numbers I recon they wouldn't have a powerhouse HQ like Dante/Mephiston; but The sanguinor/astorath could pay them a visit I suppose. The one who I have in mind at the moment is the jump pack librarian(Kinda good game-wise)/ a captain(no other reason besides that it would be cool playing with one).




When it comes to painting!

-My idea of what a Lamenter should look like is: A Lyanden yellow basecoat(gonna try mixing in a little green ...maybe) With a devlan mud(maybe abit of gryphone sephia in the mix) full body wash, then a "repair" with more lyanden. highlights with golden yellow(Not to much though... since I don't want to paint imperial fists...:)). Details like eagle on the chest should be red/ purple(haven't decided yet).


- eyes I start with black ---> a light blue colour leaving a black outline---> a darker blue colour leaving a light blue outline on the lower and inner part of the eye ---> little white drop in the upper dark side of the eye.


- weapons (none metallic parts) are basecoated with a 2:1 chaos Black:codex grey mix highlight certain edges with a 3:1 codex grey:chaos black mix.


-Metal: Boltgun--->badab black...nothing fancy.


-Shoulderpads will be a b*tch to paint... white/black square pattern with a circular white space with a smal blood drop and a heart in the center... (I'll never complain about free handing my night lords insignias ever again!), Same colour on the edges as the rest of the armour...


Well that's my thoughts for now... I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas regarding the Lamenters, Also leave a comment on my ideas/paint scheme. I'll start uploading Stuff when I get to the building/painting stage.

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Hello fellow Lamenter,


I had similar thoughts about how to make a fluffy Lamenters list.


From what the IA9 book says, the Lamenters favour shock assault tactics, are masters of rapid strikes, raidings and quick boarding actions. Which to me sounds perfectly like DoA with lots of deep striking Jump Packs of all flavours, Drop Pods, Land Speeders and Stormravens. Extended land warfare with lots of armour and siege equipment against that seems not to be the Lamenters field of expertise. Thus, I would not add too much armour. Also, for fluff reasons, if not absolutely necessary I would abstain from Terminators and Land Raiders. The Lamenters have been notoriously low on Terminator suits even before the Minotaurs stole/looted/confiscated much of their equipment. I imagine that post-Badab the Lamenters have only very little of the "fancy stuff" and have to make do with mostly basic Codex equipment. However, if you see that as too limiting to your army list build, you can always reason that either the Minotaurs were urged to give back at least some of the rare weaponry and equipment so that the Lamenters could still maintain a distinct BA flavour or that the Lamenters had some of their special equipment hidden away somewhere just in case and picked that up after the trial.


And Lamenters have a Death Company. That they are actually cured was in the older fluff but was retconned by the C:BA and IA9. The latter even featured a picture of a Lamenter Death Company member. So, ruleswise, they work exactly like run-of-the-mill Blood Angels.

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Thanks for the reply dude! So it was the Minotaurs that defeated the lamenters during the badab war?


Also painted a test model for my upcoming 2000 points Lamenters army ;)

Guessing quality of the models will improve once I give it some practice some painting yellow, base them and add some battle damage... Untill then: Enjoy!





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I agree with most of what was written above here. Rapid strikes with jump packs, speeders, drop pods... anything that could (theoretically) deep strike. They are also a fleet-based chapter and had a high amount of thunderhawks and stormravens. I'm not sure how much of that survived, but storm ravens are definately viable and fluffy, I'd think.


Protracted siege? not so much. So I'd not take a lot of vehicles, especially the heavier ones.


I would also steer away from too many terminators - that's some pretty high tech stuff there, and Lamenters are notoriously low on that. Smaller items such as infernus pistols could still be held by the 300 or so that survived the minotaur onslaught (damn them and their preferred enemy: space marines!), but personally I try to keep plasma and infernus technology quite low.


Vanguard, on the other hand... hey, if the current Lamenters aren't veterans, I don't know who will be!


Also, the Lamenters were 'engineered' to have been cured of the flaw. However, as time passed, it came back, and with a vengeance. They suffer from the red thirst and the black rage just as all the other successors.


The painting looks pretty neat!


If you want to view my take on the lamenters, there's a link in my signature.

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