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chapter master and orbital


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this is a question that ive had for a bit, and it really depends on where im playing , marneus calgar is a chapter master , if you place him in his terminator armor he gains relentless, so does that mean he can move shoot his orbital bombardment and assault
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two reasons.


1. the reason a you cannot move and fire orbital bombardment is because it says so in the orbatal bombardment rules, not because its a heavy or rapid fire weapon.


2. Orbital bombardment is an ordnance weapon, not heavy or rapid fire, the relentless USR changes the way heavy and rapid fire weapons impact movement, and has no impact on ordnance weapons.



he may however assault, as any chaptermaster may assault afterwords, again because the rules for orbital bombardment specificly allow it, its the bit in the parenthases.



As a side note, acording to the bottom of the screen myself and dan are reading this thread right now, I bet i just totaly ninja'd his responce :D

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Being ninja'd is what I get for sitting on the page for an hour without reading it. ;)


Frosty and Thade are correct. Even if the ordnance rules are not considered, the Orbital Bombardment entry specifically forbids firing if the model moved.

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he may however assault, as any chaptermaster may assault afterwords, again because the rules for orbital bombardment specificly allow it, its the bit in the parenthases.

Of course, per the normal shooting/assaulting rules you can only assault whatever you fire the Orbital Bombardment at. Considering the bombardments special scatter rules make it much more prone to scattering, Personally, I would be a little hesitant to fire the bombardment at something I was within 6 inches of, since that creates a risk of blowing up your own HQ.

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he may however assault, as any chaptermaster may assault afterwords, again because the rules for orbital bombardment specificly allow it, its the bit in the parenthases.

Of course, per the normal shooting/assaulting rules you can only assault whatever you fire the Orbital Bombardment at. Considering the bombardments special scatter rules make it much more prone to scattering, Personally, I would be a little hesitant to fire the bombardment at something I was within 6 inches of, since that creates a risk of blowing up your own HQ.

We had this discussion, actually...very same points and the very same digression into tactics that it begets. ;) A search on this board will turn it up. <3

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he may however assault, as any chaptermaster may assault afterwords, again because the rules for orbital bombardment specificly allow it, its the bit in the parenthases.

Of course, per the normal shooting/assaulting rules you can only assault whatever you fire the Orbital Bombardment at. Considering the bombardments special scatter rules make it much more prone to scattering, Personally, I would be a little hesitant to fire the bombardment at something I was within 6 inches of, since that creates a risk of blowing up your own HQ.


Eh I can roll a 4+ over 70% of the time, combined with how small the chance of scattering in the wrong direction and I will take those chances. I mean yeah the squad he is attached to is toast, but its their own fault for making themselves expendable by wering helmits.

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he may however assault, as any chaptermaster may assault afterwords, again because the rules for orbital bombardment specificly allow it, its the bit in the parenthases.

Of course, per the normal shooting/assaulting rules you can only assault whatever you fire the Orbital Bombardment at. Considering the bombardments special scatter rules make it much more prone to scattering, Personally, I would be a little hesitant to fire the bombardment at something I was within 6 inches of, since that creates a risk of blowing up your own HQ.


Eh I can roll a 4+ over 70% of the time, combined with how small the chance of scattering in the wrong direction and I will take those chances. I mean yeah the squad he is attached to is toast, but its their own fault for making themselves expendable by wering helmits.

True, it's not that likely that you'll vaporize your own chapter master + command squad, but if the dice gods decide to hate you it will really sting, especially if your chapter master isn't Calgar (thus, no EW).


From a tactical perspective, the bigger issue with being able to bombard+assault is that, since you can't move, the enemy would have to already be within assault range at the start of your turn. And I'm dragging the thread off-topic. Sorry.

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This is one of the first things I mulled over. Right off the bat I was like "CHAPTER MASTER ON A BIKE!!!!!!!!" but then the Orbital Bombardment isn't a stationary weapon by being Heavy, so it doesn't work ;)

haha that'd be awesome...ly broken. :P

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Oh snap, the mods are getting cheeky! :)

Facts may be conveniently forgotten- jokes are remembered easily.



...Now, what were you saying?

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