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Codex Chaotica

chaos minion

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There is no shame in using the SM dex's as CSM. It lets you have decent rules along with nice modeled mini's. What is the point if you are at an immediate disadvantage for playing a book that was merely a tested for the new edition. Go tell a DA player they can't use the SM dex if they wish to play just standard battle company army comp. I bet they give you a rude gesture and an earfull. You spend the cash, do what you want that makes you enjoy the hobby.
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Can I not have pelt-wearing Codex-adherents? After all, are they closer to White Scars or Space Wolves in appearance, so which codex am I looking like?

Assuming they do not look like Space Wolves or White Scars (which are recogniseable by their colours and symbols more than by their armour decoration), then players will not associate a particular rule set with them. For your DIY you can pick one of the existing rule sets to use. This would only lead to issues if your Chapter's colour scheme looked a lot like that of an existing Chapter.



This is where the problems begin... Space Wolves... obviously Space Wolves... Black Legion... Obviously Chaos... Skyrar's Dark Wolves (assuming they are renegade Space Wolves) might look a lot like space wolves and I guess if they have chaos bits... yay chaos? Then we have the Space Wolves' 13th company (which I play)... Looks like space wolves... but has a hell of a lot of Chaos bits... Chaos or Space Wolves?


I must admit I've had a few ehhh why does that longfang have a Khorne Berserker helmet? So even with official chapters you get issues... I've seen a couple of Silver skulls players mention that people think they are playing Iron Warriors.

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What does a Chaos Marine look like though?

In general, Chaos Space Marine armour will be decorated with characteristic "arrowhead" markings. The exhausts of their back packs are also generally enlarged, compared to loyalist back packs. They might also have Chaos icons or horns on their armour, though not neccessarily. Their helmets will usually be mean looking, not straight up MK7 helmets (though since 3rd Edition GW has unfortunately started to move towards MK7 helmets for Chaos Marines). And of course the traitor Legions and the known renegade Chapters are recogniseable by their colour scheme and their icons.


"In General". Therein lies the problem. Not every chaos marine has to be spiked to the hilt, especially with the current incarnation of the codex, that seems much more geared towards your renegades.


I've mellowed towards counts as since 5th ed came out. It's much more forgivable with chaos i feel as the complaints about our book aren't just limited to the game mechanics. People are disillusioned with not being able to represent their force in a way that feels true to the fluff. If another codex presents a more fluffy option then i say go for it.


Lazy counts as is an absolute sin however. I'm sick of seeing vulkan popping up in ultramarine armies, still clad in his green armour. Now if said Vulkan was converted along with a nice nugget of background from the player explaining the idea behind this arson loving Ultramarine, then i'd be all for it.


It's a perfectly acceptable aspect of the game, as long as the counts as is well considered and there's evidence to support the idea that the player has thought about why they have chosen another codex (that isn't "i want to win all the time"). Take some time to talk before the game, let the opponent know whats what in your army, tittilate them with the fluff, it might inspire them to get creative too.

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My view on it is that proper "count-as" (not proxying) is fine, great even - as long as it isn't being done purely for game advantage.


Using the Blood Angels Codex for a Night Lords Warband because "their codex is better" is not good, using it because "I had a cool idea. here are my converted models and this is my warband fluff, etc" is good. :)

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I was at throne of skulls, one of the armies I played was chaos count as space wolves. Everything looked fine and it was a great looking army.



1 of my armies is a renegade terminator army, using Logan wing rules. All my terminators are chaos looking, and wysiwyg. I've made my own arjac (khornate) and use a possessed terminator to represent mark of the wulfen. Link in my signiture, though they have been on hold for awhile.


Generally if you make an effort most people don't seem to mind, but you must always remember to over explain what everything is :pinch:


Lastly, if you actually want a recently turned renegade army, it makes more sense using an up to date codex, otherwise where is the equipment you were using? You just throw away your man portable plasmacannons and multi meltas, your attack bikes and land speeders and your assault cannons and cyclone launchers. And break out the retro weapons!

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