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Chaos codex


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I like the idea of the data sheets, so you could use an apocalypse style one to make some up (so long as you play at 3k plus point games or you don't mind playing with home brew rules)


Imo all GW has to put that those rules are official and can be used in regular games. This in return gives players more diverse rules for their armies, can be easily updated and reduces that ammount of codex lag. Heck if GW puts out a one specialized Legion rule, for ever legion, in every month of a WD, I would buy the darn magazine.

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I like the idea of the data sheets, so you could use an apocalypse style one to make some up (so long as you play at 3k plus point games or you don't mind playing with home brew rules)


Imo all GW has to put that those rules are official and can be used in regular games. This in return gives players more diverse rules for their armies, can be easily updated and reduces that ammount of codex lag. Heck if GW puts out a one specialized Legion rule, for ever legion, in every month of a WD, I would buy the darn magazine.

Apocalypse has a datasheet for Slaanesh cults (think Emperor's Children). It's one way to make the deal, and I'd like to be able to use anything similar for regular games.

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At least it's better than saying "Well, we've got 20 sorts of soup, chicken, beef, pork, vegetables, fish and sides, but we've only got 3 chefs, so your meal will arrive in approximately 3 months".


Lol. Ever worked as a chef buddy? Before my teaching days that's fairly a cake walk for three actual chefs :-P



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I would just be happy with a white dwarf rules update over a couple of months or a set of articles on their web site that updated the codex. that's all, oh that and forge world paying more attention to the chaos marines besides their affair with world eaters and death guard some chaos upgrade for standard infantry of forge world quality would be nice, and again standard marines get them why don't we.
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At least it's better than saying "Well, we've got 20 sorts of soup, chicken, beef, pork, vegetables, fish and sides, but we've only got 3 chefs, so your meal will arrive in approximately 3 months".


Lol. Ever worked as a chef buddy? Before my teaching days that's fairly a cake walk for three actual chefs :-P




It wasn't a great metaphor, I'll admit. Let's rephrase it to "we've got 50 different meals, but all take 4 hours to cook, so enjoy the wait."


The fact remains that they can barely keep up as it is. Adding more books will just make things worse. We've already got rumours of a 6th Ed appearing, and some books haven't even been updated for 5th yet. We don't want another Dark Eldar situation on our hands.

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I'm all for my beautiful Word Bearers getting their own codex, but in all honestly even the main 9 loyal chapters don't all have their own codex, let alone each individual traitor legion getting one. Games Workshop would need to think up new special characters, new rules, new units and enough new fluff to fill an entire book. You can say they could make them abit smaller than the generic Codex: CSM but I personally wouldn't want that. Why should the Wolves or the Angels get so much? If it's simply rules you're after, they can potentially be squeezed into the generic 'dex. They seemed to work well enough in 3.5, and with some tweeking could be quite satisfying.


Games Workshop isn't too crazy about catering to all of their fans wants and desires. I'd love to see the Chaos Space Marines expanded into more than they are, but we have to deal with the all encompassing generic codex and just try to theme our armies with iconography, painting and some conversion work to come across as Thousand Sons, Night Lords or whoever else. With so many other armies and projects on their minds, even hoping for a codex for each legion is completely unrealistic. Hell, I'd be happy with just Codex: Renegades or Codex: Traitor Legions. Hell, I'd be happy with a codex that combined the two well enough for it to work.

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Yeah nobody's really asking for a separate codex for each legion that would be ridiculous. We just want a page or two for (as much as it pains me) SCs or just a generic HQ for each legion I.E. Dark Apostle for WB, Warsmith for IW, etc (this would be more along the lines of what I'd like to see).
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I guess I am one of the few that will never understand that opinion....


It's like going to restaurant and saying, "Well, we have soup, and we have bread and we have water. Even though we talk about steak and potatoes and lobster, that's just too many choices to put on a menu so we don't need them. Who cares if some of our customers want more than soup, bread and water." (Flawed metaphor I know but it's late and I'm tired.)


More books is an opportunity for GW to make more $$$, which as a business that has to be one of their primary goals. Some may argue that all that's really needed can be fit into one book. If that were true than people wouldn't be pissed off at the lack of current options in the current one. I, and many I have talked with, like the fact that there are different books for different loyalist chapters. We love the background and the fluff contained within them. We would certainly welcome the improved fluff and expanded backgrounds that could done if the were to produce a handful of new books on the Chaos legions as well. It'd be a great opportunity for them to be flushed out and updated. I would certainly spend my cash on them, and I would think they would also be a great way to attract more players to playing CSM.


I just think that Chaos Legions deserve an expanded pallette, or at the absolute very least a combined "legions" 'dex.




I agree with you completely and I have been grousing the same complaint for many years. I simply do not understand how Loyalist Marines have multiple indexes (which is a good thing) and yet CSM only get one index and the current one is simply terrible. Why not have multiple indexes? Why not at least have two for the old legions and one for the renegade chapters?

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I simply do not understand how Loyalist Marines have multiple indexes (which is a good thing) and yet CSM only get one index and the current one is simply terrible. Why not have multiple indexes? Why not at least have two for the old legions and one for the renegade chapters?



Before, loyalists had one codex, and then 4-5 tiny additional ones for DA, BA, SW and debatably BT that changed that original codex's rules if you wanted. It's only recently in the past three years, after release of the current Chaos 'dex, that we've had Spanking new ones for Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Grey Knights (who were less PA-specific before, IIRC).


Granted, there was BT and DA, but then that would mean three Power Armour variant codexs for Loyalists, and two (Demons) for Chaos. So almost equal.


If you look at it, there's not really a massive amount of difference between that and saying "GW hates Chaos because we don't have Dreadknights in our codex!" ;)


Also, if the current Legion/Renegade rumours are correct, Chaos will have three Codices out, which is more than any other faction bar Imperial.


I'm not disputing that Chaos doesn't need a Codex update, bad, but just sayin'.

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Before, loyalists had one codex, and then 4-5 tiny additional ones for DA, BA, SW and debatably BT that changed that original codex's rules if you wanted. It's only recently in the past three years, after release of the current Chaos 'dex, that we've had Spanking new ones for Space Wolves, Blood Angels and Grey Knights (who were less PA-specific before, IIRC).


Granted, there was BT and DA, but then that would mean three Power Armour variant codexs for Loyalists, and two (Demons) for Chaos. So almost equal.


With respect, I disagree.

First if you're going to lump daemons in with chaos marines, you might as well lump inquisition and imperial guard in with loyalists. I would say that same faction =/= same codex.

If we keep the comparison to just marines, what we see is that loyalists have BA/DA/BT/SW/GK and codex compared to Chaos Marines. That is a 6:1 difference in army books which translates into more loyalist minis, background and attention.

Now the rumors around the new Chaos books seem to indicate that legions will be split off from renegades and treated differently. I'm fine with this but it still under-represents Chaos in comparison to loyalists. The equivalent change to loyalist armies would be to lump all Codex and non-Codex chapters together into their respective books. That would leave us with 2 loyalist marine codex and 2 traitor marine codex.

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