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How do I fix this?

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So I showed these off quite some time ago on my blog. I'm finally getting a chance to revisit them because I want to fix the weathering. As you can see it went way overboard. it looks like the rhino has been sitting in salt sand since the heresy. My question to you guys is how would you fix this? It was done using thinned-down glue (with water) with pigment. Any ehlp would be greatly appriciated.









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If the glue was water based(PVA or "white" glue), you might try soaking it in water to see if it will do anything to loosen it up.


If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else to suggest short of stripping it and repainting it.

Any kind of cleaner that is plastic (styrene) friendly might work. Simple Green springs to mind. Soak it for a few minutes and try scrubing it off with a toothbrush or scrubbing brush. If that don't work, try soaking it for a few days.


There are harsher solvents and cleaners that will attack the plastic, but are safe enough to use if you limit the exposure (generally to a few minutes). If you go this route, test on a piece of sprue. Get the part that says copyright GW or whatever as the writing is fine detail, and will be the first thing to go.

Did you seal this tank after applying that weathering? If so, your only recourse is a full strip and repaint. The sealer will make it impossible to get the weathering paint off without damaging the underlying greys. If you sealed it, you're looking at a full repaint after a bath in Simple Green.


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