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Ok, so I've been trying to write the last update for Birth, but every time I get on the BnC since I made the commen on Ludovic's thread this chapter has been popping up and bugging the crap out of me, because when I try and write anything else it distracts me :tu: . So I'm going to write it out.




The Angels were once were the proud defenders of a single homeworld. However, as their tactics changed and their assaulting nature came to the fore they began to leave their homeworld undefended, and eventually the chapter council ruled that it would be better to become a fleet based chapter.




The Angels have retained the grander Codex organisation in the form of their ten companies. However, that is where the similarities end.


The chapter operates almost exclusively on bikes, jump packs, and vehicles. There is a Devastator squad set aside in each company, for those who show aptitude for heavy weapons rather than assault.


Of these three units there are several different types. Of the vehicles, it is the same as a typical chapter, excepting Rhinos - very few are used, however, there is at least five per company in case the Angels are forced to fight on foot for whatever reason, and most companies have enough bikes to carry the rest.


The bikes have three main compositions, but all of them exist for the purpose of support. There are scout bikers, which fulfil much the same role as any Codex chapter would have them. There are purely bike squadrons, known as 'Seeker' squadrons, so named for their most common duty to seek and destroy, and number up to ten bikers. Then there are typical Codex bike squadrons, which are used primarily in conjunction with one of the many types of Assault squads.


Assault squads have been given many purposes and loadouts over the course of the Angel's history. The first and most common is the Codex-adherent assault squad, appropiately refered to as 'Codex' squads within the chapter. Other variations include 'Scythe' squads, armed with bolters and some special weapon, 'Firestorm' squads, which are given purely flamers or meltaguns, 'Fist' squads, which are given large Storm Shields and either Plasma Pistols or meltaguns, 'Knight' squads which wield long-swords, and finally 'Wall' squads, which are given shields and some form of pole weapon.




Very typical of an Astarte chapter. However, due to being very arrogant, they hold very high standards, even for Astartes, and will not hesitate to execute those they suspect of even fear, or among their own ranks, failure.


The side-effect of this is that because all of their brothers in the chapter have had the same extremely high standards applied to them, and were still successful, they trust and respect each other much more strongly and there is very little infighting, despite them coming to blows over slights with many other chapters. Only the sons of Dorn and Guillemann have their respect regularily, Dorn because of their shared sense of honour and worthiness, and Guillemann because they share the same leige and because of the diplomacy displayed by the Ultramarine successors.


Combat Doctrine...


The Angels of Adamantium fight as one above all else. Each marine is not truly important - but they make up the greater whole that is deployed by the Angels. Their tactics are complex and designed to bring the greatest glory to the chapter as a whole, and it is for this that the Angels strive. This is due only to their extreme training methods and focus on attaining superiourity. The chapter and Imperium wishes to see the somplete destruction of the enemy more often than not, and this can only be confirmed by seeing your enemy die by your hand at close range. The effect on their organisation is that every brother may show that it is the Angels of Adamantium that are truly superiour.


The Angels of Adamantium have come to rely extremely heavily on speed and support tactics because of this. Eever single marine is trained not to lead as an absolute master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers by removing the threats they are armed to handle, and extreme inter-squad coordination. On and off the battlefield, this brotherhood of Astartes support each other - almost every training they receive as scouts is geared towards this purpose and it is completely cemented by the taste of war. In battle that support is realized by squad-teams, instinctual protection and the drive to perform above and beyond in the act of proving each other worthy. Through these teachings, the Angels are as a storm of fire and death, each marine playing their critical role in annihilating those that oppose the Emperor and the Imperium. It is often said that while a Blood Angel or a Space Wolf might be better when requiring a melee specialist, the Angels of Adamantium are among the best in shock and close combat tactics. Time after time invasions have come to the Eastern Fringe only to be ended as quickly as they came when a company of Angels have let loose their wrath, leaving only corpses and ashes.


The techmarines are often absent from the battlefield altogether. When they do ready their weapons, it is most likely to recover a sacred Predator or similar. The techmarines of the chapter are often kept extremely busy repairing the armour brought in by the survivors, and forging weapons anew. It is often to the point that the techmarines have no time for anything other than repair - the methods of the Angels of Adamantium are often considered fatalistic, and it is the tech-marines who keep them armed and armoured to earn glory once more.

Edited by Dark Apostle Thirst
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*mischievous grin*


Ohoho, it's been looong time since I have seen these guys.


You know how I like the "we-don't-follow-codex-organisation-because-we-got-mauled-early-in-hitory" Chapters, right? Well, I don't see a reason to change my opinion. At all. Nopedy nope. ;)


In terms of combat doctrine, you are actually copy-paste of White Scars rather than RavenGuard. RG is more about Seek&Exploit of schwerpunkt*.


Do you have access to Babab War books? The Marines Errant, Novamarines and Fire Hawks could be a good inspiration for these guys.





* I'm not sure, if you are familiar with this term. From Wikipedia: The Germans referred to a Schwerpunkt (focal point and also known as Schwerpunktprinzip or concentration principle) in the planning of operations; it was a center of gravity or point of maximum effort, where a decisive action could be achieved. Ground, mechanised and tactical air forces were concentrated at this point of maximum effort whenever possible. By local success at the Schwerpunkt, a small force achieved a breakthrough and gained advantages by fighting in the enemy's rear... yada yada yada... The principle of Schwerpunkt enabled the attacker to win numerical superiority at the point of the main effort, which in turn gave the attacker tactical and operational superiority even though the attacker may be numerically and strategically inferior along the entire front.

*mischievous grin*


Ohoho, it's been looong time since I have seen these guys.


No kidding :D Hopefully this will better than that which I pulled out on Warseer...


I distinctly remember that I learned -

Female recruits = bad

Mixed geneseed = bad

Devastators w/ jump packs = bad

High Lords made new chapters, not the chapter masters

Mini-empires only good if written well


Is there anything I'm forgetting? :D


You know how I like the "we-don't-follow-codex-organisation-because-we-got-mauled-early-in-hitory" Chapters, right? Well, I don't see a reason to change my opinion. At all. Nopedy nope. :P

Yeaaaahhhh... I still can't think of a better reason than that though. No doubt it's glaringly obvious, but if you can help me see it that would be much appreciated :D


In terms of combat doctrine, you are actually copy-paste of White Scars rather than RavenGuard. RG is more about Seek&Exploit of schwerpunkt*.


Ooh, really? Hmmmmmm. I geuss I'll have to play with that a bit, give me a few (actual) days....


Do you have access to Babab War books? The Marines Errant, Novamarines and Fire Hawks could be a good inspiration for these guys.

Unfortunately, no. I'll have to read up on them in Lexicanum, see if they have an Badab War annotations :yes:

The easiest explanation is that there is no explanation. They follow the Codex, simply... adapting it to their preferred tactics. Instead of a sudden change because of incompetence, the hardest reason to swallow for Space Marines ever, simply have be a result of their initial training cadre's preferred combat, initial battles, and general way of war. Speed is good, and you can simply give your tactical marines a close combat weapon, and have them....prefer... melee. Technically they are still Codex, just... speedy. You may have a very minor divergence based on reducing the Devastators and increasing Assault, but that's not a huge deal. Your lack of anti-armor is your big problem though, so make melta-bombs standards for all squads?
The easiest explanation is that there is no explanation. They follow the Codex, simply... adapting it to their preferred tactics. Instead of a sudden change because of incompetence, the hardest reason to swallow for Space Marines ever, simply have be a result of their initial training cadre's preferred combat, initial battles, and general way of war. Speed is good, and you can simply give your tactical marines a close combat weapon, and have them....prefer... melee. Technically they are still Codex, just... speedy. You may have a very minor divergence based on reducing the Devastators and increasing Assault, but that's not a huge deal. Your lack of anti-armor is your big problem though, so make melta-bombs standards for all squads?

Ah, but that's not quite following my vision. My vision is an almost entirely assault based chapter, whether that be jump packs, bikes, or land speeders. That's probably the one thing I'm not folding on - that, mixed with arrogance and speed, has been their defining features since I started this a couple years ago.


I'm not sure where you are getting the lack of anti-armour, though, there's vehicles, power fists, meltaguns and as you said, melta-bombs for that. I like your suggestion though... Hmmmmm...


I might have them simply follow one 'true' path offered by the codex, with them looking down on the other Codex followers who follow the entire thing (and thus strengthen their arrogance in their character as well). What do you guys think?

Ahem, You say assault-oriented Chapter, but that doesn't preclude you from having "tacticals". Just look at the Grey Hunters, they are assault-oriented. In fact, your Chapter could use Stormravens to preserve their speed and mobility.


Anyway, you could go with White Scars gene-seed, this will give you the initial focus on the speed.


Not sure where the arrogance has come from. Maybe recruiting world?

Ahem, You say assault-oriented Chapter, but that doesn't preclude you from having "tacticals". Just look at the Grey Hunters, they are assault-oriented. In fact, your Chapter could use Stormravens to preserve their speed and mobility.

I know I could have tacticals, it would probably save me a ton of trouble, too, but the Angels have always been purely assault in the organisation.


Forgive me, for this sounds childish, but again I will not fold on that. That's what set the Angels apart when I first wanted to make them - and since then I have developed ths skills needed to actually make the IA, and make it worth reading.


Anyway, you could go with White Scars gene-seed, this will give you the initial focus on the speed.


Not sure where the arrogance has come from. Maybe recruiting world?

Hmmmmm. I'm not sure where I'll have these originate either, but I'll figure it out. These are very bendable - I'll definitely be considering those methods of generating arrogance :)

"However, due to being very arrogant, they hold very high standards, even for Astartes, and will not hesitate to execute those they suspect of even fear, or among their own ranks, failure"."Due to incompetence... lost many battles". Chapter didn't last long?. I like the bones of your chapter but these quotes really dont work well together Sorry
"However, due to being very arrogant, they hold very high standards, even for Astartes, and will not hesitate to execute those they suspect of even fear, or among their own ranks, failure"."Due to incompetence... lost many battles". Chapter didn't last long?. I like the bones of your chapter but these quotes really dont work well together Sorry

Er, should clarify, the first qoute is of where they are now, the second is of why their organisation changed, and isn't even relevant at this point, I just haven't editted it out yet because I can't think of a legitimate reason why the organisation is the way it is :P

I know I could have tacticals, it would probably save me a ton of trouble, too, but the Angels have always been purely assault in the organisation.


So the Soul Drinkers - a Chapter that specialised in ship-to-ship boarding actions etc - still had tactical squads.


White Scars - for many people the epitome of a fast asault force - still have tactical squads.


Raven Guard - tacticals? Check.


The Blood Angels - one of, if not THE, pre-eminient assault chapter in the Imperium, still have tactical squads.


Your chapter - no tactical squads. :)


Quite simply, a chapter of marines without units able to fill the tactical role filled by squads (who happen to be called tactical squads) is a chapter that is failing the Emperor by being stupid. You dont need to have tactical squads on the board when you play games, but you shouldnt write them out of your chapter in an IA. This is something you'll kind of have to live with. Not having tactical squads means in anything more than the rare situations where a headlong assault is needed, your marines will not do very well. At all...


Dont draw red lines in the sand around poor ideas, becasue it means there is only so far anyone cna help you if you wont deal with what can be a big problem.

I know I could have tacticals, it would probably save me a ton of trouble, too, but the Angels have always been purely assault in the organisation.


So the Soul Drinkers - a Chapter that specialised in ship-to-ship boarding actions etc - still had tactical squads.


White Scars - for many people the epitome of a fast asault force - still have tactical squads.


Raven Guard - tacticals? Check.


The Blood Angels - one of, if not THE, pre-eminient assault chapter in the Imperium, still have tactical squads.


Your chapter - no tactical squads. :)


Quite simply, a chapter of marines without units able to fill the tactical role filled by squads (who happen to be called tactical squads) is a chapter that is failing the Emperor by being stupid. You dont need to have tactical squads on the board when you play games, but you shouldnt write them out of your chapter in an IA. This is something you'll kind of have to live with. Not having tactical squads means in anything more than the rare situations where a headlong assault is needed, your marines will not do very well. At all...


Dont draw red lines in the sand around poor ideas, becasue it means there is only so far anyone cna help you if you wont deal with what can be a big problem.

Yes, but all those chapters are nice and reasonable too. That's part of the Angels pride/character - they aren't reasonable. They don't do logical things; they are essentially being stupid.


Also, there will be multiple forms of assault squads for multiple roles in the organisation, I touched on that with their signature tactic but for the moment they all fall under the heading of 'assault squad'.


That'll be something that will be a lot clearer when I expand, that their assault squads are their tactical squads. This will also lead to the chapter being consistently below strength, and their techmarines much more over-worked because the Angels have to fulfil many different roles but their pride keeps them from keeping themselves safe. This will have a huge impact on the feel and character of the chapter - I know at the moment it seems like a gimmick, but that's simply because I haven't truly begun to flesh them out yet.


I wasn't kidding when I said this kept getting in the way of Birth's last update; there are and have been tons of ideas bouncing around in my head. I've dismissed most of the bad ones, and built a little on the good ones, so I should update this within the week. Hopefully it will be better, then

Ok, while I dislike doing organisation first, that's what I did, for all of you nay-sayers ;)




The end result is that the chapter operates almost exclusively on bikes, jump packs, and vehicles. There is a Devastator squad set aside in each company, for those who show aptitude for heavy weapons rather than assault.


Of these three units there are several different types. Of the vehicles, it is the same as a typical chapter, excepting Rhinos - very few are used, however, there is at least five per company in case the Angels are forced to fight on foot for whatever reason, and most companies have enough bikes to carry the rest.


The bikes have three main compositions, but all of them exist for the purpose of support. There are scout bikers, which fulfil much the same role as any Codex chapter would have them. There are purely bike squadrons, known as 'Seeker' squadrons, so named for their most common duty to seek and destroy, and number up to ten bikers. Then there are typical Codex bike squadrons, which are used primarily in conjunction with one of the many types of Assault squads.


Assault squads have been given many purposes and loadouts over the course of the Angel's history. The first and most common is the Codex-adherent assault squad, appropiately refered to as 'Codex' squads within the chapter. Other variations include 'Scythe' squads, armed with bolters and some special weapon, 'Firestorm' squads, which are given purely flamers or meltaguns, 'Fist' squads, which are given large Storm Shields and either Plasma Pistols or meltaguns, 'Knight' squads which wield long-swords, and finally 'Wall' squads, which are given shields and some form of pole weapon.

Ok, while I dislike doing organisation first, that's what I did, for all of you nay-sayers


Ok, ok, I won't say it. :)

Assault squads have been given many purposes and loadouts over the course of the Angel's history. The first and most common is the Codex-adherent assault squad, appropiately refered to as 'Codex' squads within the chapter. Other variations include 'Scythe' squads, armed with bolters and some special weapon, 'Firestorm' squads, which are given purely flamers or meltaguns, 'Fist' squads, which are given large Storm Shields and either Plasma Pistols or meltaguns, 'Knight' squads which wield long-swords, and finally 'Wall' squads, which are given shields and some form of pole weapon.

That seems like a lot of your assault squad variations are kitted out for not actually assaulting targets.


Would it not be easier (and possibly better as a result) to include some tactical squads in the Chapter, and just have it so the role of assault marine is highly coveted? (More glory/honour/etc in melees, perhaps)

You could still have a much greater number and variety of assault squads than usual, but it saves you from having to rely on shooty-assault-marines just to cover all the bases.




Oh, I see. That's part of the main idea, then.


I'm not sure how you're going to get enough jetpacks to outfit the entire chapter, to be honest. :)

Are you certain you don't want to have some tactical marines just racing along behind your assault squads, chainswords and pistols at the ready to act as a second wave of assault fighters? ^_^

Ok, while I dislike doing organisation first, that's what I did, for all of you nay-sayers


Ok, ok, I won't say it. :P


Thank you, that is well and truly appreciated


Assault squads have been given many purposes and loadouts over the course of the Angel's history. The first and most common is the Codex-adherent assault squad, appropiately refered to as 'Codex' squads within the chapter. Other variations include 'Scythe' squads, armed with bolters and some special weapon, 'Firestorm' squads, which are given purely flamers or meltaguns, 'Fist' squads, which are given large Storm Shields and either Plasma Pistols or meltaguns, 'Knight' squads which wield long-swords, and finally 'Wall' squads, which are given shields and some form of pole weapon.

That seems like a lot of your assault squad variations are kitted out for not actually assaulting targets.


Would it not be easier (and possibly better as a result) to include some tactical squads in the Chapter, and just have it so the role of assault marine is highly coveted? (More glory/honour/etc in melees, perhaps)

You could still have a much greater number and variety of assault squads than usual, but it saves you from having to rely on shooty-assault-marines just to cover all the bases.




Oh, I see. That's part of the main idea, then.


I'm not sure how you're going to get enough jetpacks to outfit the entire chapter, to be honest. :)

Are you certain you don't want to have some tactical marines just racing along behind your assault squads, chainswords and pistols at the ready to act as a second wave of assault fighters? :P

I'll explain a lot of this soon (actual soon, not Liber soon :huh: ) in the Combat Doctrine. However, the basic idea for combat doctrine is speed and support - on the battle field you'll typically have lots of guys hopping around to take care of various threats, rapidly withdrawing from situations they weren't out-fitted to face while another squad comes in to take over, because they're better equipped.


Each squad has a specific role to play - and yes, all of them have to do with assaulting, or rather, supporting the other squads while all of them are assaulting.


This is also why I want Guillemann geneseed, obviously he was renowned for his tactics and the Angel's tactics have to be either 1) complicated or 2) very improvised. I would go with the Lion's geneseed, but I've got enough to handle without throwing the Hunt for the Fallen in the mix.


I'm not sure how I'll get a large number of jump-packs. I might just have a larger number of techmarines, which the chapter will need anyways, because assault tends to tear up armour and they'll be working full-time with the standard number of techmarines to keep everything in working condition.

DAT, would it be fair to say that this entire chapter is made up of 100 terminators, 800 assault marines, and 100 scouts? Along with various Chaplains, Librarians, Techies, etc etc? I just want to clarify the basic make up of the chapter and go from there. I think this is a very unique and cool idea, and I look forward to working out how a chapter goes so wildly off the beaten path. Though, I suppose wildly off the beaten path is the normal path for you eh?


EDIT: Need to read better. You have tactical squads and what not, (called differently of course) but even these are assault oriented? Perhaps your Chapter traded some heavy armor/vehicles for more jump packs and assaultiness? Give away a Land Raider in exchange for 10 bikes? Other chapters might see that as a good trade. (re: Sons of Lightning)


I love the idea of arrogant marines, especially because it plays perfectly against the stereotypical "hero chapter". I think having arrogance as the primary drive behind the chapter is great because ties in perfectly with them wanting to assault. They want to prove they are better than everyone else, and there is no better way to do that than by smashing someone's face apart in close combat. They discard/trade away things that they think are unworthy (anything that doesn't get them into face smashing range) and they focus everything on showing the galaxy how awesome they are. Somehow it works, which only boosts their ego and makes them even more arrogant. Good stuff.

Edited by Shinzaren
supporting the other squads while all of them are assaulting.

so the squads that are supporting area also assaulting??? Tactical squads with different names are still tactical squads.


DAT, would it be fair to say that this entire chapter is made up of 100 terminators, 800 assault marines, and 100 scouts? Along with various Chaplains, Librarians, Techies, etc etc? I just want to clarify the basic make up of the chapter and go from there. I think this is a very unique and cool idea, and I look forward to working out how a chapter goes so wildly off the beaten path. Though, I suppose wildly off the beaten path is the normal path for you eh?


EDIT: Need to read better. You have tactical squads and what not, (called differently of course) but even these are assault oriented? Perhaps your Chapter traded some heavy armor/vehicles for more jump packs and assaultiness? Give away a Land Raider in exchange for 10 bikes? Other chapters might see that as a good trade. (re: Sons of Lightning)


I love the idea of arrogant marines, especially because it plays perfectly against the stereotypical "hero chapter". I think having arrogance as the primary drive behind the chapter is great because ties in perfectly with them wanting to assault. They want to prove they are better than everyone else, and there is no better way to do that than by smashing someone's face apart in close combat. They discard/trade away things that they think are unworthy (anything that doesn't get them into face smashing range) and they focus everything on showing the galaxy how awesome they are. Somehow it works, which only boosts their ego and makes them even more arrogant. Good stuff.

Auuugggh! No! They all have jump-packs! :no:


Yes, the squads who are supporting are also assaulting. They are supporting by assaulting. You know, like a tank supports infantry by shooting... well, bad example, as any good tank like the Leman Russ should be able to shoot anything, whereis each of these squads are geared towards taking out a specific foe.


Shinzaren, trading for jump-packs is an excellent idea! Especially since the Angels have all these spare Rhinos to give away. Thanks :tu:


As to your point about arrogance, you mean like the BT or SW? :D Oh yeah, I can do that... I'll probably put that in a 'motivation' sub-section like I did for the Wraiths of Darkness - they will most definitely be motivated by showing everyone that they are awesome. It meshes well with the fact they require a lot more Techmarines and are constantly a good 25-50% understrength at any given time - their thirst to prove themselves is going to cost them a lot, and the cruel back-fire of this is that it proves the Codex is actually a lot more useful than the people who discard it (such as the Angels) realize.


I'll probably have a bit more than 100 scouts, more like 150 or even 200 as the Angels desperately try to make up for their losses, however, their constantly understrength status shall still be, well, constant :P


Ah, flying of the beaten path, its a lot more fun than people realize and well-worth the extra effort to make the chapter stand out, especially if it gives them a lot of depth like I plan to. For that, I'll need all of you to help me out, but in the end this Index Astartes shall stand triumphant, in the Librarium.

Auuugggh! No! They all have jump-packs! B)

Wouldn't be easier to say, that your "tactical" marines are equiped with jump-packs and thus dropped all the heavy weaponry?


I see it in this way:

The "assault" squad are normal codex assault marines.

The "tactical" squad are marines with jump-packs and "tactical" weaponry, supporting the "assault" marines.

The "devastator" squad is either bike squadron, maybe with more than usual attack bikes, or codex devastator squad riding around in rhino.



Auuugggh! No! They all have jump-packs! :eek

Wouldn't be easier to say, that your "tactical" marines are equiped with jump-packs and thus dropped all the heavy weaponry?


I see it in this way:

The "assault" squad are normal codex assault marines.

The "tactical" squad are marines with jump-packs and "tactical" weaponry, supporting the "assault" marines.

The "devastator" squad is either bike squadron, maybe with more than usual attack bikes, or codex devastator squad riding around in rhino.



Kiiiiinda. More accurately, yes, but more complicated; I wish to keep the variations of 'tactical' marines. As I said before - and seem to have conveyed well, because your 'tactical' is spot-on - the assault marines are the tactical marines/workhorses of the force.


I'm sorry that the heavy weapons =/= jump packs didn't translate across as well, my bad, I'll do my best to clarify that.


Combat Doctrine should be up sometime today :yes:

Combat Doctrine


Harkening to their beliefs, the arrogance of the Angels when taking to battle is astounding. Their extreme training methods and focus on attaining superiourity has led the Angels to be constantly driven to prove their overwhelming worthiness through total destruction of the enemy, which can only be confirmed by seeing your enemy die by your hand at close range. This in turn has led to their changes in their organisation so that every brother may show their glory in the unrelenting assault.


The Angels of Adamantium have come to rely extremely heavily on speed and support tactics. Each marine is not trained to lead and be a master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers with the tools they have at hand, and inter-squad coordination. It is considered a great shame to a squad if a brother has died without killing a pre=determined number of the enemy, and through the Angels shared ego they strive to protect each other, so that they might show once again that they are greater. Once a brother had been deemed worthy, however, he loses much of his protection as those who have not met their quota of dead must be protected first.


Each marine understands this, and welcomes it. It is accepted that it is the battle brothers of the chapter's duty to earn glory before anything else.


However, it is the sergeant's duty to make sure that glory is maximised by ensuring the battle-plan is followed through, and another victory is won by the Angels of Adamantium. To this end, sergeants have no quota, instead, a self-policing system is set up among the sergeants that take to the battle. If each is considered to have done earned his place among his peers after the battle, then each is rewarded. If one or more is considered a failure, however, his punishment may range from a mere month in the penitiance chambers to being demoted to an aspirant once more. In the most extreme cases, the sergeant is burned to death, with his geneseed unharvested. Such is the price of failure among the Angels of Adamantium.


The techmarines are often absent from the battlefield altogether. When they do ready their weapons, it is most likely to recover a sacred Predator or similar. The techmarines of the chapter are often kept busy repairing the armour brought in by the survivors, and forging weapons anew. The methods of the Angels of Adamantium are often considered fatalistic, and it is the tech-marines who keep them armed and armoured to earn glory once more.






I actually don't think its that bad, although I suspect the wording may be poor in some areas. I have been known to be wrong before, however, so let me know if this needs improvement or just expansion :cuss




EDIT: Also, I cut this bit out from the main post when I put what I just wrote in. It just didn't fit.



Are mostly based around the unusual focus on speed. The Angels of Adamantium believe that they must strike as quickly as possible, causing as much devastation and fear as they can before withdrawing to regroup and strike again. In essence, it is a mixture of the strikes of the Raven Guard and the terror of the Night Lords - but lacking the stealth of either.


Each squad also has a demi-champion, that goes and claims glory for the entire squad. It is considered a great honour to be the demi-champion of the squad, however, that position also has a much higher rate of attrition than any other.

Edited by Dark Apostle Thirst
Combat Doctrine

The Angels of Adamantium have come to rely extremely heavily on speed and support tactics. Each marine is not trained to lead and be a master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers with the tools they have at hand, and inter-squad coordination. It is considered a great shame to a squad if a brother has died without killing a pre=determined number of the enemy, and through the Angels shared ego they strive to protect each other, so that they might show once again that they are greater. Once a brother had been deemed worthy, however, he loses much of his protection as those who have not met their quota of dead must be protected first.




Very typical of an Astarte chapter. However, due to being very arrogant, they hold very high standards, even for Astartes, and will not hesitate to execute those they suspect of even fear, or among their own ranks, failure.



Disclaimer: This is not personal attack nor there is any malicious intent behind this post, but it's just an observation.


Uhm... DAT. Do you know what is your problem? - Your ideas are (often) too complex, to the point of being over complicated. All your IAs, which I've had the pleasure to read, are/were victory of the form over the content. You are simply trying too hard and I think, it will be good, to try something *relatively* simple, for a change.



Cheers, NightrawenII.

Edited by NightrawenII
Combat Doctrine


Harkening to their beliefs, the arrogance of the Angels when taking to battle is astounding. Their extreme training methods and focus on attaining superiourity has led the Angels to be constantly driven to prove their overwhelming worthiness through total destruction of the enemy, which can only be confirmed by seeing your enemy die by your hand at close range. This in turn has led to their changes in their organisation so that every brother may show their glory in the unrelenting assault.


Contradicts with the points below


The Angels of Adamantium have come to rely extremely heavily on speed and support tactics. Each marine is not trained to lead and be a master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers with the tools they have at hand, and inter-squad coordination. It is considered a great shame to a squad if a brother has died without killing a pre=determined number of the enemy, and through the Angels shared ego they strive to protect each other, so that they might show once again that they are greater. Once a brother had been deemed worthy, however, he loses much of his protection as those who have not met their quota of dead must be protected first.


So despite their preference for close combat/assault, they're not actually trained to be very good at it (or at least thats the impression you give with your 2nd sentence). Third sentence flatly contradicts the search for personal glory. The rest of it really is unneccessarily complicated. Might I suggest a simplification? "The individual marines all strive to accrue honour through the eradication of their enemies in close combat, the better to ensure that they are truely dead, and the better to prove their own worth on the field of battle. Despite this, they are also well drilled and understand that sometimes the greater glory of the God-Emperor demands that they sacrifice their own chance for personal honour, in order to prevent loses amongst their brothers.


Each marine understands this, and welcomes it. It is accepted that it is the battle brothers of the chapter's duty to earn glory before anything else.


as above, this contradicts what you've said before.


However, it is the sergeant's duty to make sure that glory is maximised by ensuring the battle-plan is followed through, and another victory is won by the Angels of Adamantium. To this end, sergeants have no quota, instead, a self-policing system is set up among the sergeants that take to the battle. If each is considered to have done earned his place among his peers after the battle, then each is rewarded. If one or more is considered a failure, however, his punishment may range from a mere month in the penitiance chambers to being demoted to an aspirant once more. In the most extreme cases, the sergeant is burned to death, with his geneseed unharvested. Such is the price of failure among the Angels of Adamantium.


Might I suggest that you drop this in its current form - far too complicated, far too many potential pitfalls that, given your previous, I really dont think you will be able to restrain yourself from jumping straight into.


The techmarines are often absent from the battlefield altogether. When they do ready their weapons, it is most likely to recover a sacred Predator or similar. The techmarines of the chapter are often kept busy repairing the armour brought in by the survivors, and forging weapons anew. The methods of the Angels of Adamantium are often considered fatalistic, and it is the tech-marines who keep them armed and armoured to earn glory once more.


So why are the Techmarines abandoning their charges??? They should be on the field, alongside their tanks, cutting down on the damage at the point of damage, rather than waitign for the smoking hulks to be recovered after even more damage has happened. Unless you'd also expect all the apothecaries to sit up in their ships while their brothers do all the groundside fighting...?






I actually don't think its that bad, although I suspect the wording may be poor in some areas. I have been known to be wrong before, however, so let me know if this needs improvement or just expansion :P




EDIT: Also, I cut this bit out from the main post when I put what I just wrote in. It just didn't fit.



Are mostly based around the unusual focus on speed. The Angels of Adamantium believe that they must strike as quickly as possible, causing as much devastation and fear as they can before withdrawing to regroup and strike again. In essence, it is a mixture of the strikes of the Raven Guard and the terror of the Night Lords - but lacking the stealth of either.


Each squad also has a demi-champion, that goes and claims glory for the entire squad. It is considered a great honour to be the demi-champion of the squad, however, that position also has a much higher rate of attrition than any other.

Disclaimer: This is not personal attack nor there is any malicious intent behind this post, but it's just an observation.


Uhm... DAT. Do you know what is your problem? - Your ideas are (often) too complex, to the point of being over complicated. All your IAs, which I've had the pleasure to read, are/were victory of the form over the content. You are simply trying too hard and I think, it will be good, to try something *relatively* simple, for a change.


Cheers, NightrawenII.

Ydalir said much the same thing. I'm honestly not sure how to fix... this... problem. I was actually attempting to do that this time, and, well...



Contradicts with the points below


Don't assume things; I never said anything about personal glory, and I tend to spell things out (as you have noted). However, I never said anything about greater glory either, so the assumption is understandable.


So despite their preference for close combat/assault, they're not actually trained to be very good at it (or at least thats the impression you give with your 2nd sentence). Third sentence flatly contradicts the search for personal glory. The rest of it really is unneccessarily complicated. Might I suggest a simplification? "The individual marines all strive to accrue honour through the eradication of their enemies in close combat, the better to ensure that they are truely dead, and the better to prove their own worth on the field of battle. Despite this, they are also well drilled and understand that sometimes the greater glory of the God-Emperor demands that they sacrifice their own chance for personal honour, in order to prevent loses amongst their brothers.


Hmmmmmmm. Not quite what I was going for, so I'll rewrite it more fittingly, but that is a good example of it being simpler. :mellow:


as above, this contradicts what you've said before.


I'll fix that.


Might I suggest that you drop this in its current form - far too complicated, far too many potential pitfalls that, given your previous, I really dont think you will be able to restrain yourself from jumping straight into.


Mmmmm, jumping into pitfalls, you should try it sometime :yes: On a mor serious note, done, I'll probably rewrite a better version later though.


So why are the Techmarines abandoning their charges??? They should be on the field, alongside their tanks, cutting down on the damage at the point of damage, rather than waitign for the smoking hulks to be recovered after even more damage has happened. Unless you'd also expect all the apothecaries to sit up in their ships while their brothers do all the groundside fighting...?

That's a difference of opinion. I think it stems from me failing to convey that the Techmarines are working almost non-stop, they really don't have time to go on the field of battle because they are constantly repairing vehicles and power armour.


They could the first couple of battles after a long Warp-jump, but that would be getting into too much detail, hence my leaving it out.




EDIT: Better?


Harkening to their beliefs, the arrogance of the Angels when taking to battle is astounding. Their extreme training methods and focus on attaining superiourity has led the Angels to be constantly driven to prove their overwhelming worthiness through total destruction of the enemy, which can only be confirmed by seeing your enemy die by your hand at close range. This in turn has led to their changes in their organisation so that every brother may show that it is the Angels of Adamantium that are truly superiour.


The Angels of Adamantium have come to rely extremely heavily on speed and support tactics. Each marine is trained not to lead as an absolute master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers by removing the threats they are armed to handle, and extreme inter-squad coordination. Through these teachings, the Angels are as a storm of fire and death, each marine playing their critical role in annihilating those that oppose the Emperor and the Imperium. It is often said that while a Blood Angel or a Space Wolf might be better when requiring a melee specialist, the Angels of Adamantium are among the best in shock and close combat tactics. Time after time invasions have come to the Eastern Fringe only to be ended as quickly as they came when a company of Angels have let loose their wrath, leaving only corpses and ashes.


The techmarines are often absent from the battlefield altogether. When they do ready their weapons, it is most likely to recover a sacred Predator or similar. The techmarines of the chapter are often kept extremely busy repairing the armour brought in by the survivors, and forging weapons anew. It is often to the point that the techmarines have no time for anything other than repair - the methods of the Angels of Adamantium are often considered fatalistic, and it is the tech-marines who keep them armed and armoured to earn glory once more.

Edited by Dark Apostle Thirst
Disclaimer: This is not personal attack nor there is any malicious intent behind this post, but it's just an observation.


Uhm... DAT. Do you know what is your problem? - Your ideas are (often) too complex, to the point of being over complicated. All your IAs, which I've had the pleasure to read, are/were victory of the form over the content. You are simply trying too hard and I think, it will be good, to try something *relatively* simple, for a change.


Cheers, NightrawenII.

Ydalir said much the same thing. I'm honestly not sure how to fix... this... problem. I was actually attempting to do that this time, and, well...

Well, this is something you learn in school... Hmm, I would suggest to try and write *normal* codex chapter as the exercise, nothing unsual nor spectacular. But it's up to you.


Contradicts with the points below


Don't assume things; I never said anything about personal glory, and I tend to spell things out (as you have noted). However, I never said anything about greater glory either, so the assumption is understandable.

Well, from the description the AoA are arrogant jerks obsessed with superiority, thus the care or helping each other doesn't look like is their thing. Which leads us to:


Each marine is trained not to lead as an absolute master of assault, but instead how best to protect their brothers by removing the threats they are armed to handle, and extreme inter-squad coordination.

, I would drop the "protect". Say something like, "each marines knows his responsibility on the field of battle and strives to prove his worth far and beyond his duty." - They are obsessed with superiority, they should strive. "Did I kill that ork with one swing, well I bet I could kill two orks with one swing." and the like.



Cheers, NightrawenII.

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