ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 5, 2011 Share Posted October 5, 2011 BLOOD GUARDIANS Blood Angels Succssesor chapter Founding: 22nd Homeworld: Epsonri. A deadly feral world where the people fight not only each other, but also a fight against the plant and wildlife for survival everyday. The deserts in the southern regions will devour a man as if being eaten by a Tyranid and the desert winds will shred a man’s skin right off his arm like a Eldar shuriken pistol. The jungles in the eastern regions are as deadly or worse than the deserts. The plant’s themselves will go out of there way to kill you just for being there. Every time you take a step, you better pray that you are not stepping into quicksand or a hole that one of the creatures had dug to make an entrance to its home. In the western regions, it’s a perpetual rain and the oceans are home to some of the deadliest beasties underneath its cool waters. In the northern regions, snow is always on the ground, with beasts of deadly skill and look, killing anything in its path. If caught in one of the snow storms that appear out of nowhere, you better pray you have thick warm clothing, for if you do not, you will turn into a human icicle and slowly die from lack of heat and if you manage to survive the storm, the artic hounds, with eyes as cool as Death’s touch, will pounce on you and tear you into pieces and only leave your bones behind after they finish with you. The people are near as deadly as the terrain and wildlife on Epsonri. The people live as large tribes, some nomadic, some permanent settlements to live in, some in high walled cities to rebuke large scale sieges. Some of the tribes have allied themselves to one another, some for military purposes, others for trading and some even by love between the tribe’s daughters and sons. the way Epsonri affects the Blood Guardians in a good and maybe a bad way. the good way is that they hone their fighting skills on the deadly beasts on Epsonri, and also helps make the battle-brothers within each company become more unified. also, they are a very honorable chapter for each time they rescuse either a tribe or a trading caravan, they give the leader of the tribe or whoever is in charge and replica of the great broadsword Blood Oath as a since of honor and respect to those who help the Blood Guardians with what ever they need. The way that Epsonri effects the way the Blood Guardians act and their behavior is mainly based off of which tribe they are pulled from. the Nervian tirbe, who live near the raging seas, are a perfect tribe to pull for the Guardians Assualt squads due to the fact that they have generated a sense of balance that they have mastered from the years of working on the rocking ships as they fish for food. the Gregorja tribe has veteran hunters that have hunted many of the deadly beasts on the plains of Epsonri, which is where most of 1st Company is pulled from. History: Once Epsonri was cleansed of the taint from the heretic Word Bears and the xenos scum Orks, the Blood Guardians set about making Epsonri their personal chapter world. once the cities that had been damaged had been repaired, the Blood Guardians then constructed, out of Epsonri's red rock, their fortress monestary and the walls that surrond it. they also installed a new air and space defense system that would pack alot more punch than the ground to air and ground to space weapons would. they also raised up a Imperial Guard regiment on Epsonri, which was their form of the PDF on worlds like Pavonis. they also set up outposts on Epsonri's three moons: Epsonri II, Ragnorus and Epsonri III. Epsorni II and III were relay stations which helped give instructions to the defense batteries in space and inform them of the enemy strenght, number and weakness's. after getting Epsonri up and running again, the Blood Guardians were called upon to help put down a rebellion near Epsonri on the planet Gorovora, once a Imperial world, now turned rebel by the taint of Chaos. once they arrived at Gorovora on their Battle Barge, the Bloody Gauntlet, the were shocked to see the pressence of a Word Bearer Strike crusier and at once ordered that First, Ninth and Fourth Companies be deployed to help suppport the Imperial Guard regiment that was still loyal to the Imperium. once landed, they saw that the Word Bearers had destroyed much of the cities and the last major city, Dajrovia the capital, was under siege and First Company, under the command of Judge Shadow, decicded to laugh a attack named "Between the Hammer and the Anvil". the plan consisted of First Company to draw the forces of the Word Bearers away from the city, and once they were away, that Fourth and Ninth Companies would surge behind the heretics and thus crush them between the hammer and the anvil. Currently, the Blood Guardians are engaged in two conflicts: the first being that the Iron Warriors Legion has exited from the Eye of Terror and harashing the Imperial planets near the Eye. The other is that a Ork WAAAGGHH!!! has been reported near Heljorn and the Planetary Governer has requested the Blood Guardians assistance. Third Company, nicknamed "Deaths Company", has been sent to deal with the Iron Warrior invasion with support from First Company, Ninth Company and Seventh Company. Second Company has been sent to deal with WAAGGHH!!!! Grogsplitta with support drawn from Fourth, Sixth and Fifth Companies. Combat Doctrine: the Blood Guardians favor close combat and hand to hand over ranged fighting. Also, each company is drawn from one of the ten tribes on Epsonri, thus making each company a unified unique company, each one with their own fighting styles. the main reason why the Blood Guardians forgo ranged weaponry for close combat weaponry is beacse the tribes on Epsonri use only close combat weapons and feel as if the fighting is the best when stuck in with the enemy, blades drawn, blood splattering their armor and faces and the thrill of killing their enemies up close instead of hiding behind artillery and bombardments. The ones who have survived a encountet with the Blood Guardians say that when they fight in close combat, its like watching a dance of death being preformed before they die. Chapter Orginization: the companies are lead by Judges instead of captains. also, almost every tactical sergeant will have a chainsword, but will also have a short power sword. assault sergeants will have either a chainsword or power weapon to wield in combat. also, the Judges wear jet black armor and carry sword, halberds or any other power weapon and also have wrist mounted bolters. each company is represented by one of the deadly creatures on Epsonri. the reason why each company is lead by a Judge instead of a normal Captian is that in the tribes on Epsonri they are lead by Judges, who are the overall leaders within the tribe, thus it is the same for the companies, as they are made entirely from one tribe and they are lead the same way as the tribes are, but they are power armor warriors who kill for the Emperor. the reason why they carry short swords is beacuse they are more efficent than combat knives and that is the secondary weapon of every tribesmen within the tribe. Also, they carry the short swords for the reason that, during the heat of battle, its a good possibility during close combat to loose ones main weapon, thus giving the marine the extra sword as a back up. Also, the tribes on Epsonri carry such swords as well in case during combat their weapon is broken, they have another weapon to resume the fight. They wage war like the Space Wolves, minus the use of the Thunderwolf calavary. Beliefs: the Blood Guardians believe that in order to remember their fallen comrades, they will bring their bodies back to the Strike Crusier they came on also, they believe that if they carry the weapon of a fallen comrade or foe, that it will give them better weapon skills and that it is the best way to remember who they have fought and fought with. some of the Guardians will take the armor of their fallen comrades if they serve in the same squad or company and incorpparte it into their own armor. the reason why the drink their fallen comrades blood besides they believe in doing so, they gain their fallen comrades strength, but also to strike fear into their enemies, showing them they are a unified chapter. in doing so, though, it causes other chapters to be wary of them, but the Blood Guardians understand why others are wary of them. the way the Guardians choose the inductees is by subjecting them to the Blood trials, which make each indutee complete a task, chosen by the Chapter Master, in each of Epsonri's four regions and to complete trials, they must preform the Blood Trial, which consist of them slicing their own wrists and pouring their blood into a large cyro vat which contains all the blood of every Guardian that is or was in the Chapter. Also, they take wargear from fallen comrades that has been damaged beyond repair and if it faced a champion of Chaos or a leader of a Chaos Warband, Eldar strike force, Ork WAAGGH! or any other enemy leader, it is then placed into the Hall of the Sacrificed as a full suit of power armor, with the weapons they carried. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 6, 2011 Share Posted October 6, 2011 Blood Guardians, take three!! L-O-L. ;) Anyway, I will keep my comments fairly generic. The homeworld is... well *wow-deadly*, but nothing else. The purpose of this section is to estabilish a certain theme(s) or set your Chapter on the path of certain culture. *In this way, the Baal is relatively bad example, the Fenris is far better.* Another thing is that the Index Astartes presents the Chapter in explanatory style of article. In other words, you have to have a reason why is your Chapter doing this and that. *Most of the things you have there are fine, but they are coming out of nowhere.* The last thng, it's good to choose a theme and then work towards it. *In your case, the melee Chapter, could be explained by the cultural tradition.* :) Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 7, 2011 Author Share Posted October 7, 2011 kk, thanks for that C&C NightrawenII Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zynk Kaladin Posted October 9, 2011 Share Posted October 9, 2011 ChaptermasterDemon7 said: Homeworld: "Damn, nature, you scary!" Your homeworld is definitely fitting for a space marine chapter. For your next edit you should focus on what effects this deadly world has on The Blood Guardians. I see you the tribes have high walls and military alliances against those foul beasts, but how did does this relate to your chapter's combat doctrine of close combat vs ranged fighting? Details like this are practical and logical from the standpoint of the tribesmen, but it's nice to focus on how your people think and what emotions they feel most, which effects how The Blood Guardians think and act. Are they honorable people? Are they angry? Are they skeptical of others? Quote Combat Doctrine: the Blood Guardians favor close combat and hand to hand over ranged fighting. they know they have been cursed by The Black Rage. but they know that if they embrace it, they can overcome the enemy in a matter of minutes. most troops carry short swords while the more senior officers carry a arrange of swords or spears to fight the enemy off and a single bolt pistol. they also have a more brothers in the Blood Company (equivalent to the Blood Angels Death Company). Why do they carry short swords? Is it a tradition from the tribes? Is it more effective because of their tactics? Remember, the best question to ask yourself is "why?". InquisitorHayn has a good point about the Blood Company. You'll need to explain how your more rational marines keep the Blood Company in check. Also, from what I remember, Death Company marines are supposed to die in the most suicidal of situations in battle as soon as possible. Becaus of this you need to note why you have a larger Blood Company. Do your marines go crazy faster and why? Does this have a relation do your blood drinking ritual? Quote Chapter Orginization: the companies are lead by Judges instead of captains. also, almost every tactical sergeant will have a chainsword, but will also have a short power sword. assault sergeants will have either a chainsword or power weapon to wield in combat. also, the Judges wear jet black armor and carry sword, halberds or any other power weapon and also have wrist mounted bolters. These judges sound pretty awesome! But once again, why? What purpose do they function over a normal captain? Why do your assault sergeants carry just chainswords or power swords? Why no power fists, etc? Are the tribesmen proficient swordsmen and when your chapter plucked new recruits did the sword follow? I love me them swords, too :) Quote Beliefs: the Blood Guardians believe that in order to remember their fallen comrades, they will bring their bodies back to the Strike Crusier they came on and the Apothecaries will drain the blood that is still in the corpse and it will be given to the living battle brothers and will be consumed and they also believe if they drink the blood of their fallen comrades, it will give them added strenght. also, they believe that if they carry the weapon of a fallen comrade or foe, that it will give them better weapon skills and that it is the best way to remember who they have fought and fought with. some of the Guardians will take the armor of their fallen comrades if they serve in the same squad or company and incorpparte it into their own armor. ;) What made them believe in this blood sucking ritual and weapon/armor taking? I can see the honor in taking their fallen comrade's weapons and armor, but blood drinking needs to be explained a bit further. Also, how does this effect other chapter's outlook on The Blood Guardians? "What is this, blood?! Oh, it is? The Night Angels prefer wine, thank you." Great ideas so far, brother. But remember, "why?". EDIT: this is the abridged version of my post. I ran out of time, but tonight I shall rain down questions and ideas from the heavens themselves. EDIT2: More "?" marks added Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InquisitorHayn Posted October 10, 2011 Share Posted October 10, 2011 Just for the sake of saving ourselves some repetition, I'll save most of what I have until Zynk's quizzical downpour ends. But I do have a burning desire to point out one thing. Quote they know they have been cursed by The Black Rage. but they know that if they embrace it, they can overcome the enemy in a matter of minutes You tread a very dangerous road here, friend. In terms of the game, yes, it does make Blood Angels (and successors) incredibly powerful. But in the 40k universe, it also makes them absolutely insane. Like raving-lunatic-who's-not-even-sure-whose-organs-he's-redistributing insane. And they can't shut it off. The only ones who actually succumb, albeit unwillingly, to the Black Rage (correct me if I'm wrong, sons of Sanguinius) are the Death Company. And they're pretty much just babbling nutjobs looking for a quick way off the mortal coil. Point is, your Chapter wouldn't be able to function or organize or even find a black spot on an obsidian floor if they were all overcome by the Rage....unless you're trying to tell me they've learned to control which case my Inquisitorial trigger finger is growing itchy. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 11, 2011 Author Share Posted October 11, 2011 edits have been made and are ready for another round of C&C Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InquisitorHayn Posted October 12, 2011 Share Posted October 12, 2011 As a disclaimer, I remind you that this is your IA and you may do whatever you wish with it. Now that I've said that, a question needs asking. Do you intend for this Chapter to be fluff-compliant and fit in with the rest of the established 40k universe? If the answer is yes, I believe you should utilize the Liber, Lexicanum, and any other 40k resource you can to research the fluff that currently exists. ChaptermasterDemon7 said: Even though they embrace the Black Rage, they have learned to control it... Once you do, you will find that the above statement is completely infeasible with regard to established literature. Only one Marine in the 10,000+ years of extant [fluff] history has ever conquered the curse of the Blood Angels. And he's one of their greatest heroes. I would say that a little reading is in order if you plan to continue on your current path. That said, you may choose to ignore established fluff entirely and do your own thing. While that is perfectly fine, I would suggest putting that in the intro to your article. It should divert most of the editorial targeting devices that will undoubtedly find you faster than the Flash delivers pizza. Either way, good luck with your article! I look forward to reading it at further stages of completion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 12, 2011 Author Share Posted October 12, 2011 thanks Inquisitor and i have a question. what you reccommend that i should do? i know that the only one who has come back from the Black Rage is the Lord of Death of the Blood angels. so what should i do? CMD7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InquisitorHayn Posted October 13, 2011 Share Posted October 13, 2011 ChaptermasterDemon7 said: thanks Inquisitor and i have a question. what you reccommend that i should do? i know that the only one who has come back from the Black Rage is the Lord of Death of the Blood angels. so what should i do? The best thing you could possibly do here is follow Zynk's advice. Ask yourself, "Why?" Why do you need a Company full of Marines with the Black Rage? Does the fact that they're even more vicious make a difference to the Chapter's character? What's the driving force that makes them tick? If they're just super-killers, they're no different from any other Chapter, Black Rage or no. You need to find an idea on which to center them. Some people choose an ancient culture. Some people choose animals or natural phenomena. Some people choose an idea like piety or ruthlessness or...vampirism. Anyways, there needs to be a central focus that you can tell a story about. Otherwise, this is just a really cool army list that you don't have the models for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 13, 2011 Share Posted October 13, 2011 And certain people are fooling around and stealing other people ideas*. Believe me, it works too. :devil: * Technically speaking, it's not theft, it's looking for inspiration. :cry: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 13, 2011 Author Share Posted October 13, 2011 edit added to Beliefs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 19, 2011 Author Share Posted October 19, 2011 added history but it is not done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 20, 2011 Share Posted October 20, 2011 Hi again... [NEW and will finsih rest tomorrow, sorry if it is just a wall of text, dont know how to do banners and other things to get peoples eyes] - Looky here. History(after cleansing the Orks and Word Bears from Epsonri with the Blood Angels and claiming it as their home world)... *snip* Ragnorus was then made a place for the Blood Guardians to get fresh recruits and was also a helped with the defense batteries. - Don't get me wrong, but this is largely pointless in the greater theatre of things. - Second, it somewhat contradicts the homeworld section. Combat Doctrine: they also have a more brothers in the Blood Company (equivalent to the Blood Angels Death Company) - Name-dropping, how is Blood Company different from Death Company? Even though they embrace the Black Rage, they have learned to control it and the Seventh Company has been Designated to watch over the Blood Company to keep them line in. - Death Company doesn't exist. Really. It's ad-hoc formation created before every battle from the fallen. Also, each company is drawn from one of the ten tribes on Epsonri, thus making each company a unified unique company, each one with their own fighting styles. - Why? Blood Angels are codex-adherent. the main reason why the Blood Guardians forgo ranged weaponry for close combat weaponry is beacse the tribes on Epsonri use only close combat weapons - Most Chapters recruit from the feral or pre-gunpowder worlds, yet for some strange reason, they do use bolters over blades. instead of hiding behind artillery and bombardments - Hiding behind artillery is Imperial Guard thing, not so for Space Marines. Chapter Orginization the reason why each company is lead by a Judge instead of a normal Captian - What makes the Judge different from *normal* Captain? Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 22, 2011 Author Share Posted October 22, 2011 thanks for the comments Night, but, im curious as to how you would answer these questions, if you dont mind sharing your thoughts on those, which might help me out with fixing them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightrawenII Posted October 23, 2011 Share Posted October 23, 2011 ChaptermasterDemon7 said: thanks for the comments Night, but, im curious as to how you would answer these questions, if you dont mind sharing your thoughts on those, which might help me out with fixing them Lol. Okey not so lol, more of smile. You have to understand that I'm in Liber for some time and I have my preferences when it comes to DIY Chapters. For these reasons, I would avoid some of *your* DIY methods in the first place. Theeereeforeee... NightrawenII said: History(after cleansing the Orks and Word Bears from Epsonri with the Blood Angels and claiming it as their home world)... *snip* Ragnorus was then made a place for the Blood Guardians to get fresh recruits and was also a helped with the defense batteries.- Don't get me wrong, but this is largely pointless in the greater theatre of things. - Second, it somewhat contradicts the homeworld section. *Clicks the delete-button.* You know, your Chapter was founded in 22nd Founding [When I'm thinking about this, it's a little bit odd. The RT/BR is (well-) known fact already, so it's dubious that the High Lords of Terra would approve a founding of a flawed Chapter. But that's besides the point.] this gives you something around 4,000 years of history... and detailing every action of your Chapter will makes this article quite looooong. Anyway, that's not the point of DIY. I have already said in other thread and I'm going to say it again[Feel free to disagree, you jojo's. :lol: ], "The point of DIY article is present the Chapter to the wider audience in understandable, believable and plausible way." While our["our" as in different people] understanding of what is plausible and believable may vary... It doesn't change the meaning of "represent the Chapter". The Chapter is not made by what they are doing or where they are doing their stuff, but rather why they are doing this stuff and what they think about it. Marine beating other guy with iron bar is not that interesting, while the reason why he's beating said guy and/or why he is using iron bar is. So I would avoid all the (pointless) talk about fighting/building, unless it's of importance to your Chapter, as entity. NightrawenII said: Combat Doctrine:they also have a more brothers in the Blood Company (equivalent to the Blood Angels Death Company) - Name-dropping, how is Blood Company different from Death Company? Chapter Orginization the reason why each company is lead by a Judge instead of a normal Captian - What makes the Judge different from *normal* Captain? You should know that for yourself. Really. When I say, "something is different", then I have evidence to back up my claim. Second, showing instead of making claims is a lot better. It just requires skill and know-how. NightrawenII said: Even though they embrace the Black Rage, they have learned to control it and the Seventh Company has been Designated to watch over the Blood Company to keep them line in.- Death Company doesn't exist. Really. It's ad-hoc formation created before every battle from the fallen. Death Company is oveseen by Chaplains, so there is nothing to discuss. NightrawenII said: Also, each company is drawn from one of the ten tribes on Epsonri, thus making each company a unified unique company, each one with their own fighting styles. - Why? Blood Angels are codex-adherent. Well, I like codex organisation and I do think that Codex works, so there is nothing for me to say. - And I don't need non-codex organisation to make my Chapter different, so meh. :) NightrawenII said: the main reason why the Blood Guardians forgo ranged weaponry for close combat weaponry is beacse the tribes on Epsonri use only close combat weapons - Most Chapters recruit from the feral or pre-gunpowder worlds, yet for some strange reason, they do use bolters over blades. The Space Marines are Futuristic Knights in Space, so they do have a thing for close combat. But forgo the ranged warfare entirely, because these primitives on backwater planet like to hit each other with sharp sticks? Nah. Cheers, NightrawenII. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted October 25, 2011 Author Share Posted October 25, 2011 ok, thanks for the advice Night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G3rman Posted October 25, 2011 Share Posted October 25, 2011 Quote QUOTE (NightrawenII @ Oct 20 2011, 07:41 PM) Also, each company is drawn from one of the ten tribes on Epsonri, thus making each company a unified unique company, each one with their own fighting styles. - Why? Blood Angels are codex-adherent. Well, I like codex organisation and I do think that Codex works, so there is nothing for me to say. - And I don't need non-codex organisation to make my Chapter different, so meh. Use the SW codex. Problem solved for everything. :angry: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted November 30, 2011 Author Share Posted November 30, 2011 ok, thank you G3rman, i might do that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted March 24, 2012 Author Share Posted March 24, 2012 I have edited some things. still working on BBC code thingys. ill get them mastered sooner on later ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted March 26, 2012 Author Share Posted March 26, 2012 more editing has been done. C&C welcome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChaptermasterDemon7 Posted July 25, 2012 Author Share Posted July 25, 2012 Thanks to everyone who posted and commented but I must inform you that this has died due to me not working on it. But, I have V4.0 posted and added, with headers and every two side bar articles. I will post the link in this post so you can go to it easily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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